Warring States Call

Chapter 267, Huang Feihu VS3 Lux

Chapter 267, Huang Feihu VS Three Hercules

"Yes!" Yan Gaoqing didn't dare to delay, she hurried back and forth, afraid that Ruan Wengzhong and the others would break through if she was a step too late.

Han Yi frowned on the battlefield. After being reminded by the system, Han Yi roughly knew that there was a sneak attack from behind. This time, he left Huang Feihu as a strong general. I wonder if Qin Bing sent such a strong general like Luo Shixin over there. No, if any!That's it.

Thinking of this, Han Yi's scalp became numb, he looked down at the general, and reminded: "Zhao Yun! Yang Zaixing, you two go back and see if there is any situation in the rear!"

"My lord, why are you in a hurry! General Gongsun Yan is in charge! What else do you have to worry about?" Xia Houdun, who was standing behind Han Yi listening to the order, was puzzled.

"It's not good! Qin generals Meng Ben, Ren Huo, and Ren Bi will rob our camp in the future.

"This...!" Xia Houdun was speechless for a while, looking at Han Yi who was aside, his face was extremely embarrassed.

Han Yi looked at the embarrassment of this tall and thick man, and said helplessly, "Wang Jian must have come prepared for this battle. You two, Zhao Yun and Yang Zaixing, lead three thousand soldiers and go back quickly!"


"Break it!" Meng Ben took a sledgehammer and smashed the gate of the Han camp with one blow. Ren Bi and Wu Huo followed closely behind Meng Ben, killing anyone they saw, smashing Han Jun to pieces.

In history, Meng Ben was a native of Qin and a famous warrior in ancient times. He was as famous as Cheng Jing, Meng Ben, Wang Qingji, and Xia Yu. It is widely rumored among the people that he could not avoid dragons in water and tigers and wolves in land.

In the end, the king of Qin recruited the most powerful men in the world, Ren Bi, Wu Huo, and Meng, but because King Wu of Qin was smashed to death with a tripod, he was killed by the nine clans.So it is said that Meng Ben died because of martial arts.

He is a fierce general, but the two people on the side are extraordinary. Meng Ben holds double hammers, and this hammer is different. On the hammer are two tripod-shaped round hammers, weighing more than 50 kilograms. One hundred catties was like a toy in Meng Ben's hands, and he was playing with it in his hands.

Seeing someone is just a blow, and those who can block his blow will be half-disabled if they don't die.

General Qin, don't be rampant, Ning Yue came, Ning Yue held a ghost-headed sword, and went straight to Meng Ben, Meng Ben sneered: "You can't control yourself, let me die!"

"Ding, Meng Ben's force attribute is activated. When the weapon you use is heavier than the enemy, for every ten catties it weighs, the force value will increase by 1. The current Ningyue weapon weighs ten catties, and Meng Ben's force value will increase by 9. The current force value 112, double tripod hammer force value plus 1, the current force value is 113"

Meng Ben hit Ning Yue with a hammer. At this moment, Ning Yue was slashed with a ghost-headed sword. When the original imposing sword came into contact with Meng Ben's hammer, Ning Yue only felt that something was wrong. To Meng Ben, and kept approaching him.

"Ding bell!" The big knife in Ning Yue's hand was shattered into fragments, while the double tripod hammer in Meng Ben's hand was still killing quickly.


Ning Yue is like a kite with a broken string. It draws a beautiful landscape in the sky and lands on the ground, spitting out blood. Is it still mixed with some flesh and blood? Ning Yue's heart has been shattered. There is no possibility of survival.

Meng Ben looked at Ning Yue disdainfully, and said sarcastically, "I thought there was a master here, but now it's nothing more than that!"

"Don't be careless! I heard that there are so many masters in the Han army, and even Wang Yanzhang was defeated by them. We can't be careless!" Ren Bi reminded from behind.

"Go, go! Don't think I don't know. When you fought with Wang Yanzhang, you didn't use all your strength at all. You just let him! Otherwise, Wang Yanzhang shouldn't be the number one general in the state of Qin." Meng Meng This face is disdainful.

"You... are unreasonable!" Ren Bi made fun of himself and didn't care about Meng Ben.

"Ning Yue!" Huang Feihu, who came in a hurry, looked at Ning Yue who was out of breath, and said in shock.

Ning Yue looked at Huang Feihu and said, "General... Be careful!" After speaking, Ning Yue's hand gradually lowered, his breathing gradually weakened, and his anger gradually disappeared.

Huang Feihu's face turned red, staring at the arrogant Meng Ben, picked up his golden chandeli pestle, and calmly said: "Leave the head!"

An aura gradually emanated from Huang Feihu's back!Huang Feihu stared fiercely at Meng Ben and said, "Death!"

"Ding, Huang Feihu's Dongyue attribute is activated. During the battle, the enemy's force value will be reduced by 3 points, and the personal force value will be increased by 3 points. It will suppress half of the attributes of the enemy's skills. At the same time, there is a 30.00% chance that the enemy's attributes will not be activated. "

"Ding, Huang Feihu's weapon, the Golden Rattler, weighs 48 catties. Meng Ben's force value is increased by 5, his basic force value is 103, and his current force value is 108. Meng Ben is affected by Huang Feihu's attributes, so his force value is reduced by three points, and his current force value is 105." , affected by Dongyue's attributes, the force value is reduced by 2 points, and the current force value is 103"

"Ding, add 3 to Huang Feihu's force value, the current force value is 108, add 1 to the weapon's force value, and the current force value is 109!"

"Die!" Huang Feihu smashed the golden clenched and lifted pestle at Meng Ben's head, which shocked Meng Ben and quickly parried.


With one blow, Meng Ben's tiger's mouth went numb, the double hammers in his hands almost fell to the ground, and the double tripod hammers in his hands almost lost their grip.

Seeing that Huang Feihu missed the blow, he struck again and killed Meng Ben. Meng Ben parried left and right, but was hit by Huang Feihu again with a hammer to the ground. Said: "What the hell are you looking at, why don't you come over and help!"

"Death!" Before Meng Ben could react, Huang Feihu had already killed him with one blow.

"Don't be arrogant in the future! Let Bi come!"

"Wuhuo is here!"

"Ding, the activation of the Three Warriors attribute is the unique skill of Meng Ben, Wu Huo, and Ren Bi. When the three are present, one person's strength value will be increased by 9. When all three are present, the strength value will be increased by 112 each. Now Meng Ben The force value is 113, Wu Huo's force value is 112! Ren Bi's force value is [-]!"

"Ding, Huang Feihu activates Dongyue's attributes, and the activation of the three wrestler attributes fails. The force values ​​​​of the three return to the original point, and fight against the three of them,"

"Ding, Huang Feihu seizes the formation attribute and activates it. When leading troops into the formation, the force value will be increased by 3. In single-handed battles, the force value will be increased by 5. The current force value is 114!"

"Die!" Huang Feihu swept away the thousands of troops with one move, and swung the weapons of the three of them away. The weapon in his hand was as fast as thunder, and it went straight to Meng Ben's throat.

"Get up!" Ren Bi used his whole body strength, the mace in his hand, to swing the weapon away from Huang Feihu's hand.

Wu Huo on the side directly killed Huang Feihu's chest, but was blocked by Huang Feihu. The three of them surrounded Huang Feihu like a revolving lantern, but they were suppressed by Huang Feihu, making it difficult to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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