Warring States Call

Chapter 268 Ambush

Chapter 268 Ambush
"Get up!" Huang Feihu slammed the golden talu pestle in Wuhuo's mace, and the golden talu pestle in his hand drew several afterimages, blocking the attacks of the three of them. There is still energy left to kill Meng Ben.

Meng Ben was also aggrieved. He actually met a fierce general like Huang Feihu in a battle. The four of them fought back and forth for no less than [-] rounds, and they were still inseparable. The three of them hit with all their strength, and for some reason they were crushed to death by Huang Feihu. dead.

Meng Ben and Wu Huo shot at the same time, Huang Feihu took his time, Jin Zuan Tilu pestle hit Wu Huo's mace, and killed Meng Ben's head in the direction, Meng Ben saw Wu Huo's mace hitting his own head , Reluctantly withdrew the double hammers to block back.

Wu Huo looked to the side and said angrily, "What are you doing! Hit there!"

Wu Huo had no choice but to say that he was suffering, so he could only laugh along with the game: "It's a mistake! It's a mistake!"

Gongsun Yan watched from behind, the surrounding soldiers were in a panic, some were resisting, some were afraid to fight, when he looked at Huang Feihu and Ren Bi, he said strangely: "Who are these three people!"

"Report to General Qi, General Qin attacked the camp, and General Ning Yue died in battle!"

"Bastard! General Ningyue is the general who defends the frontiers appointed by the king. These three must take the heads! Yan Liangwen is ugly! You two lead 1 troops each, block the Qin soldiers from the flanks, and divide them." Gongsun Yanchui Huzi stared, seeing the killing intent in the eyes of the three of them.

"Responsible" Yan Liang, Wen Chou led their troops and sent troops to raid the enemy camp.

"Cao Ren! I will give you 1 horses to block the Qin soldiers head-on. Be sure to block them for me!"


"Cao Hong! I'll give you [-] cavalry to go to the grain and grass. Anyone who comes close to the grain and grass will be shot and killed by me, no matter the enemy or me!"


The simple three orders, as if they were iron orders, were executed by the generals below.

Looking at the scattered soldiers around, Gongsun Yan said coldly: "If you are afraid, you will not go forward! Kill without pardon!"

"Qin soldiers leave and Yang Zaixing comes!" Yang Zaixing and Zhao Yun hurried over after receiving Han Yi's general order!When looking at Huang Feihu, he fought against three generals alone, in order to prevent Huang Feihu from being disadvantaged, Yang Zaixing picked up a guy and killed him.

The three of Ren Bi and Huang Feihu had their eyes on each other, and they didn't notice that Yang Zaixing brought people here at the moment, but Yang Zaixing let out a loud roar, and instead reminded the three of them that their army was about to be filled with dumplings by Han Jun, and they watched Yang Zaixing kill him .

Ren Bi was quick to gain wisdom and said: "It's not easy to entangle now, so send an order to retreat!"

"Here!" The golden tilu pestle in Huang Feihu's hand smashed at Wu Huo who was beside him. Wu Huo lost his mind and only heard "click!" :"withdraw!"

Two of the three agreed to retreat. Even if Meng Ben wanted to continue fighting, he was not Huang Feihu's opponent!Reluctantly said: "Withdraw"

The three of them were not Huang Feihu's opponents, and Wu Huo couldn't move his arm, so he could only retreat!

"I want to go and ask if I agree with the silver spear in my hand!" Yang Zaixing's long spear turned into silver, like a silver dragon, and stabbed at Ren Bi.

"Go away!" Meng Ben rushed out from behind, blocked Yang Zaixing's shot with a hammer, and said, "Hurry up!"

"Ding, Meng Ben's force attribute is activated. When the weapon you use is heavier than the enemy, the force value will be increased by 1 for every ten catties. The current Yang Zaixing Silver Spear is 32 catties, and Meng Ben's force value will be increased by 7. The current force value is 110 , the force value of the double tripod hammer is increased by 1, and the current force value is 111"

The double hammers in Meng Ben's hands were like two huge boulders, and they rushed towards Yang Zaixing overwhelmingly. Yang Zaixing said with a serious face, "Come here! I'm afraid of you!"

Ding, when Yang Zaixing's death will activate, the force value will be increased by three every time he activates, and the basic force is 103!The current strength is 106, and the strength value of the silver gun is increased by 1. The current strength value is 107"

"Ding dong!"

The two fought, and Yang Zaixing's spear was knocked back. Seeing a chance, Meng Ben bought an opening and escaped.

Yang Zaixing's arm was numb from Meng Benzhen's shock. Fortunately, his weapon was a precious gun bestowed by Han Yi, otherwise he would have to change it again. Yang Zaixing carefully looked at the weapon in his hand, only the silver gun was still gleaming. scars.

But at this moment, the three of them had already withdrawn, and Gongsun Yan also ordered the poor to not chase after him, to see what damage he had here. At this moment, Huang Feihu's neck turned red, but there was nothing he could do. To fight these three people, he had to use Do your best, otherwise whether you can win or not is a matter of two opinions.

Zhao Yun rushed over, looked at the panting Huang Feihu and said, "The general is fine!"

Huang Feihu got more and more heady and said, "It's a pity that Meng Ben was not killed!"

"This...!" Yang Zaixing was embarrassed for a moment. He couldn't hit Meng Ben with all his strength. Huang Feihu fought three people alone, and seriously injured one person. The one Huang Feihu said choked to death.

Bai Qi saw the disadvantages of Ren Bi and the others from above, and sighed: "It seems that they can't beat Han Yi's remaining generals!"

"General, are there really so many capable generals under Han Yi?"

Bai Qi looked at his broken arm and sighed: "There are so many capable people in my lifetime! I Bai Qi will definitely cut off their heads one by one, and pay homage to the soldiers of our Qin State!"

"But what will the general do next!"

Bai Qi looked at the battle situation and said: "Retreat is the way to advance! Send an order to change the flag, tell them all to retreat, and go to support General Wang Jian. At night, it will be up to Zhang Xiu and the others!"


"Get up!" Wang Yanzhang's big spear was erratic, and he threw out several spears at once, and he was unable to fight back. At this moment, his hair was scattered westward. The big knife in his hand had been beaten to pieces, and his body was also injured A few bloody holes were stabbed out, but his face remained unchanged, he clenched his teeth tightly, and he did not retreat a single step.

Wang Yanzhang looked moved: "He is a man, but unfortunately you and I are not friends! Let's go!"

And facing the west without changing his face, blood gradually appeared at the corner of his face, and he said with a solemn and solemn expression: "Dear man! Die! Why are you afraid, come!"

The roar of the tiger shakes Kyushu in the plain, and sweeps all directions.Xiyuan Bingyun will fight against Zhang Qi, as picturesque as clouds and ashes.

And Xiangxi couldn't help but kill Wang Yanzhang with the broken knife in his hand, not intending to take Wang Yanzhang's shot at all.

Wang Yanzhang was shocked, it was already the wind and the candle to the west, it was not worth it to trade his life with him, Wang Yanzhang quickly retracted his gun and blocked it, coldly snorted: "Looking for death!"

"General, retreat quickly! General Wang Jian is in danger!" Xia Luqi, who was behind, said seriously.

"What!" Wang Yanzhang was shocked. After all, Wang Jian was his father. Looking at the one who was fighting with him and facing west, Wang Yanzhang coldly snorted: "Let you go today! Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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