Warring States Call

Chapter 272 Six Sima

Chapter 272 Six Sima (Dead Horse)
Wu Zetian nestled in Wei He's arms in the luxurious and luxurious Wei tent. Wei He, Han Yi and Zhao Yong rushed over, smiled and said, "It's really my honor for you two kings to show you respect!"

"How dare you!" Han Yi remained calm on the surface, seeing that Pang Juan and Guo Chongtao were completely absent, only Le Yang and Ding Yanping were here to guard them.

Zhao Yong also swept around, muttering in his heart: "It seems that Pang Juan and the others are not stupid! But what the hell is Wei He playing...!"

In fact, King Wei Hui sent Wei He here just to gain a reputation. The military affairs are mainly handed over to Pang Juan and the others. For a banquet like today, Wei He also invited Pang Juan, but Pang Juan refused on the grounds of military affairs, and Guo Chongtao Wei He has never seen this person, so he can only let it go.

Han Yi looked at Le Yang and said, "The system will check his data for me!"

"Ding, first ask the host to listen to the explosion list first!"

Han Yi broke out in cold sweat, and it seemed that the system was suffering very much, so he walked helplessly to the banquet and said calmly, "Let's blow the system!"

"Ding, Wu Sansi: Force 91 Commander 85 Politics 70 Intelligence 79 Implanted identity Wu Zetian's younger brother, he will join Wu Zetian soon!"

"Ding, Wu Chengsi: Force 90 Commander 61 Politics 68 Intelligence 72 Implanted identity Wu Zetian's younger brother, he came to seek refuge not long ago!"

"Ding, Sima Yan: Armed Forces 76, Commander 80, Politics 94, Intellect 89 Implanted Identity, Sima Cuo's younger brother, became an official because of Sima Cuo's death"

"Ding, Sima Zhao: Armed Forces 73, Commander 86, Politics 90, Intelligence 94, implanted identity Sima Cuo's younger brother, he became an official because of Sima Cuo's death!"

"Ding, Sima Guang of the Song Dynasty: Martial power 55 commander 66 intelligence 92 politics 94, implanted identity Sima Cuo's brother, because of Sima Cuo's death, he became an official!"

"Ding, Sima Qian: Armed Forces 69, Commander 50, Politics 79, Intelligence 80, Special Skills Historian, He was upright when he wrote the history books, and his Intelligence was 20! Currently he is the uncle of the Sima Cuo family, and he is the historian of Qin State"

"Ding, Sima Rui has 81 military power, 89 commander, 76 politics, 85 intelligence, and [-] implanted identity. Sima Cuo's younger brother, he will become an official in response to Sima Cuo's death!"

"Ding, Sima Yi of the Three Kingdoms: Force 75 Commander 96 Intelligence 98 Politics 98, Heard of Sima Cuo's death, rushed back to Qin, ready to be an official, brother of Sima Cuo!"

"Damn it! Did I stab a hornet's nest! Sima! Sima! A bunch of dead horses, shit!" Han Yi was speechless. Six talents from the Qin Kingdom came here in one breath. Isn't this a joke with himself?
There is also Wu Zetian, but Wu Zetian's two people are fine, it is harmless, this Sima fault is a bit scary!Han Yi had a headache for a while, but there was nothing he could do.

Han Yi slowly opened his eyes, and looked around, except for Wu Zetian, Wei Hexu and Wei Snake, it was Zhao Yong's feeling of having nothing to do with himself, there was really nothing to dare, Han Yi could only look away.

In the dark night, Zhang Xiu looked at Wei Zu who was drinking around, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and he couldn't see any expression anymore.

Hua Xiong at the back looked at Zhang Xiu and said, "What will the general do next!"

"This Pang Juan is worthy of being a famous general in the world. On the surface, the Wei army is drinking and eating meat as if nothing happened, but there are 4 people around waiting for an opportunity. If the general surprises in from outside, he must be ambushed by Wang Jian!" Zhang Xiu coldly snorted.

"Start the general! What should we do! Most of the brothers are not familiar with them, and a few of them were almost exposed!" Hu Che'er worried.

Zhang Xiu stabbed the bonfire with his sword, and analyzed: "We have only one choice right now. I heard that Wei He has invited Han Yi and Zhao Yong. As long as we kill them, the Three Jin Dynasties will be in chaos!"

"Wei He's camp is heavily guarded, and it's not easy to approach!" Hua Xiong worried.

"Wei's grain and grass are nearby. We only need to light them to attract the attention of Wei soldiers. Then we will send General Wang Jian to attack. In this way, we will contain most of Wei's troops, and Pang Juan will also send the main force to the army. Put all your energy on the general, and we can launch a surprise attack at that time," Zhang Xiu said with a wolfish look in his eyes.

"It's not too late! Hua Xiong, you follow me and lead 1000 people to raid Wei Guo's granary. Hu Che'er, you go to create chaos, and you must remind the general to come!"


"Win the king and lose the bandits, we won! We honored our ancestors! We lost! Let's do it again in 18 years!" Zhang Xiu was full of pride, and the spear in his hand gave off a cold light.

Hui Shi took care of the granary, but because Hui Shi was called by Wei He to drink with Han Yi and the others, Wei Hu is now taking care of the granary, since Wei Hu offered Wu Zetian.

Since then, Wei He has no real power, but the name of promoting Wei Hu to the third level is still acceptable. This incident alone made Wei Hu happy and didn't sleep for several days. The granary is a fat job!Don't worry about being hungry every day, and there is still a lot of oil and water to scoop up!
Behind Hua Xiong was the soldiers of the Qin State, staring at Wei Hu with tiger eyes, and walked slowly over. When Wei Hu saw the person coming, he immediately felt better, thinking that he had a chance to make money, and pretended to say: "Come on!" Who is it! What are you doing!"

Just as Hua Xiong was about to make a move, Zhang Xiu stopped him and said, "General Qi, General Wei asked us to come here to get wine, and the little one came here specially...!"

"General Wei! It's that General Wei! There are so many generals surnamed Wei in this barracks, how do I know which one you are talking about! Don't you even understand the rules?" Wei Hu said coldly, and at the same time made a money sign.

Zhang Xiu said helplessly: "General, it's convenient for you! We all obey orders, so don't make things difficult for me, General!"

Wei Hule snorted and said, "Go away! Don't bother me! What's the matter for your general to come to me!"

"But you, General...!" Zhang Xiu pretended to be embarrassed
"Go away!"

"Kill!" Zhang Xiu snorted coldly, and Hua Xiong from behind raised his knife to kill him!Thousands of Qin soldiers behind him came from all directions and assassinated thousands of Wei soldiers without even a chance to react.

Zhang Xiu looked at Wei Hu with blood on his face and said, "Looking for death!"

"You... who the hell are you!" Wei Hu looked at Zhang Xiu in fear, his eyes full of disbelief.

Zhang Xiu was silent, and said with a smile, "I will have a good pregnancy in my next life!"

The long knife in Zhang Xiu's hand cut all the blood along Wei Hu's neck.
mouth, blood spurted out like a fountain, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Zhang Xiu stood up slowly, and said seriously: "Clean up and prepare to light the fire!"

Bai Qi and Wang Jian looked at the brightly lit Wei Ying on the city wall, and said fearfully, "Do you think this embroidery will work?"

Wang Jian looked at Wei Ying and said, "Zhang Xiu can be regarded as a fierce general in the South and North Wars, and this matter will not trouble him."


(End of this chapter)

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