Chapter 273;
"I don't know." Bai Qi was not sure, but when he looked at the coalition army, he said in surprise: "Wait a minute! Is it on fire!"

"What!" Wang Jian was surprised, looked at the joint camp, and saw that the fire gradually began to spread, and the fire gradually became larger. Wang Jian said happily: "Hahahaha! Our chance has come! Pass the order! Wang Yanzhang! Xia Luqi! Luo Shixin , Ruan Wengzhong and four sent [-] troops, let me make a surprise attack"

"Wait a minute, is this a suspicious strategy by Han Yi and the others!" Bai Qi became more cautious now, as the saying goes, once bitten by a snake for ten years, he is afraid of well ropes.

Wang Jian touched his gray beard and said, "No matter how good a strategy is, it is powerless in the face of absolute power. We have 35 soldiers and horses, and we leave 30 to you to defend the city. I will lead [-] to kill !"

Bai Qi stroked his beard, and said with a calm face: "It's a pity that there is no Sima fault, or else I don't have to be like this!"

Regarding Sima Cuo's death, Bai Qi was still very sad. There was no way that Sima Cuo had cooperated with him for more than ten years. Even a stone has feelings, let alone a friend of ten years.

Wang Jian patted Bai Qi's shoulder and said, "I'm going! I'll leave the city to you!"

"Do not worry!"

There was a mass of Qin soldiers in the dark, and the generals below were the famous generals of the Qin Kingdom for hundreds of years. Wang Jian held the sword in his hand, looked at each of the energetic soldiers, and said: "Soldiers! Next is my life in the Qin Kingdom for a hundred years." How many years has it been at this critical moment! My country of Qin has never been suppressed outside the Hangu Pass, and the Three Jins have bullied others too much! Soldiers, can you bear it!"

"No! Correct Lao Qin! Don't let the blood flow!"

"The clay figurine still has a temper. Today, I, Wang Jian, swear here that I will not return to the army if I don't break the Three Jin Dynasty!" Wang Jian pulled out the sword in his arms, cut open his big rough hand, and poured the blood from it into the bowl.

"If you don't kill Sanjin, you will never return to the camp." The voices of tens of thousands of people resounded through the sky. Wang Jian picked up the bowl in his hand and said boldly, "There is no one who will not die in a war. Brothers, are you afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Okay! You are worthy of being a man from my country of Qin! Brothers who are dead, don't be afraid of being lonely! Old man, I have completed the great cause of the country of Qin, so I will go to you! Done!" Wang Jian didn't say much nonsense, and drank the wine in the bowl As soon as he did, he threw the bowl in his hand and fell to the ground to show his ambition.

"Papa papa" saw tens of 10 people drink up the wine in their hands and throw the bowls in their hands to the ground.

Wang Jian's heart was full of energy and blood, and he said boldly: "Let's go!"

"Ding, the attribute of Wang Jian's blood oath is activated. Every time blood is used as an alliance, the military value of soldiers can be increased by 1∽3 points, and the military value of soldiers can be increased by 1∽5 points!"


The ancient gate of Hangu Pass was gradually opened, and tens of thousands of people rushed out from the gate, with only one goal in mind, which was to tear San Jin to pieces.

Among the three Jins, Han Yi who was drinking was shocked. With the system's reminder, Han Yi woke up and looked at the sensual crowd, not knowing what to do.

"Report! Young Master, Qin soldiers attacked our granary, and our granary is on fire!"

"What!" Wei He, who was hugging Wu Zetian, suddenly turned pale. The news came so suddenly that he was at a loss.

Zhao Yong, however, seemed much calmer, and felt a little nervous. Now that he is not in the camp, they will protect him or not. Besides, the news of Qin soldiers attacking the camp is very troublesome.

The same is true for Han Yi. Although he can come and go freely in an army of [-], he can't afford to be chased and beaten by tens of thousands of people.

Weiying Pang Juan and Guo Chongtao looked at the battle situation and said: "Look at the momentum of the Qin soldiers, if they don't defeat us in one fell swoop, I'm afraid they won't let us go!"

Guo Chongtao was dressed in a scholar's attire today, with a crimson battle armor on his outside, delicate features and seven feet in length, he stroked his sword and said: "The Qin army is preparing to fight to the death. Now that the two kings Zhao and Han are here with us, we must guarantee your Safety!"

"Guarantee their safety, you didn't read the joke! Qin Bing's dark place, we simply have more than enough energy!" Le Yang worried at the back.

Pang Juan stroked his beard, and said ruthlessly: "It's not enough! Qin Guo attacked the camp, Li Mu and Gongsun Yan are not stupid enough to put their own king in danger!"

"I heard that a man named Han Xin came out in the past few days, who is as famous as us in the world!" Le Yang from behind said with a smile.

Pang Juan stroked his sword and said, "Okay, okay! There is still time for joking! Guo Chongtao, I will give you 5 people, so be sure to block Wang Jian."

"I'll do my best!" Guo Chongtao was also under a lot of pressure!Qin Bing is not a Chinese cabbage, 5 people can stop them for a while.

"Leyang, lead 1000 people to protect the three in the big tent! When necessary, you must ensure the lives of Han Yi and Zhao Yong!" Pang Juan said gloomyly, which was also his repeated ideological struggle.

"General, is this...! Le Yang obviously hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about it, he knew what was going on in his heart, and left quickly, afraid that he would be a step behind.

Pang Juan is also helpless, this Wei He is not a king no matter what, then Wei Hui Wang will at most be charged with a crime of ineffective care, but Han Yi and Zhao Yong are different, if they both die, someone will stir up the flames and say It was Wei Qinhe who conspired to annex the two countries, and he would not be able to tell whether he was justified at that time. This is mainly from the perspective of the overall situation.

Wang Jian looked at Wei Ying and snorted coldly: "Kill!"

Ruan Wengzhong, Luo Shixin, Xia Luqi, and Wang Yanzhang came to kill with strange weapons in their hands. Ruan Wengzhong killed with his own golden man, and the general Wei in front could hardly stop him.

Luo Shixin was even more brave, holding his iron overlord gun in one hand, grabbing a Wei pawn casually, smashing it around and no one approached him,

Wang Yanzhang even picked up the large iron spear in his hand, and he could pick, kill, chop, stab, stab, and smash it freely in his hands, but anyone who got close could not stop his shot, either it pierced the throat, or was smashed seven times. Meat and eight elements do not know whether they are dead or alive.

Shaluqi is not simple either, the long spear in his hand is mainly fast, the long spear shoots around like a poisonous snake, but anyone who gets close is either stabbed to death, or picked and killed by Shaluqi, extremely ferocious.

"Ding, the four fierce attributes are activated. Taotie, Wuwu, Qiongqi, and Chaos have four people. When there are two people on the battlefield, the force value increases by 3. When there are three people on the battlefield, the force value increases by 3. When there are three people on the battlefield, the force value increases by 6. When there are four people, the strength value will increase by 9,"

"Ding, attribute number two of the four villains! Gather Wang Yanzhang and Shaluqi's veteran and bully attributes, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points, and at the same time have a [-]% possibility to block one of the enemy's skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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