Warring States Call

Chapter 274 Great Qin vs 3 Jin

Chapter 274 Great Qin vs Sanjin
"Ding, currently affected by the attribute of Wang Jian's blood oath, Wang Yanzhang's force value is increased by 3, Xia Luqi's force value is increased by 2, Luo Shixin's force value is increased by 1, and Ruan Weng Zhong's force value is increased by 2"

"Ding, the current four villains are present, the force value is increased by 9, the current surrounding Wang Yanzhang's basic force value is 105, the force value is increased by 9, and the force value is affected by the blood oath and the force value is increased by 3, the current force value is 117,"

"Ding, Shaluqi's force value is increased by 9, the base force value is 104, the force value is affected by the blood oath and the force value is increased by 2, and the current force value is 115"

"Ding, Ruan Wengzhong's force value is increased by 9, the base force value is 105, and the force value is affected by the blood oath by 2, and the current force value is 116"

"Ding, Luo Shixin's force value is increased by 9, the base force value is 107, the force value is affected by the blood oath and the force value is increased by 1, and the current force value is 117"

Han Yi's head hurts after watching a series of explosions. These guys are scary enough, and they have not developed any skills. I'm afraid the force value has exploded.

"Ding, the negative attributes of the four evil attributes are activated, and the normal skills of Wang Yanzhang and the four cannot be activated!"

"What the hell!" Han Yi was a little confused for a while, this skill can also hurt himself.

"Ding, ordinary skills simply add force value, without any conditions, such as Wang Yanzhang's fighting! One-sided force increase cannot be activated, but special skills like veterans can be activated!"

"Hahahahahaha! I thought how strong this skill is! It turns out that the negative impact is so strong! This is equivalent to adding 4 points to the force value of Wang Yanzhang," Han Yi laughed heartily, this skill is also cruel enough, Don't let your own people go.

"Surrender!" Zhang Xiu didn't know what was going on, seeing that the fire was almost on fire, and Wei Jun would not be able to survive for a while, so Zhang Xiu rushed over!Prepare to kill Han Yi and the others.

"What to do! What to do!" Wei He panicked, at a loss, he pushed Wu Zetian away from his arms, and pulled back Dubu, not knowing what to do, which aroused Wu Zetian's disgust.

On the contrary, Zhao Yong and Han Yi were sitting calmly at this moment, while Ma Chao and Ma Yuan were holding the weapons in their hands tightly in case of emergency.

And Han Yi was relatively calm here. Guan Yu half closed his eyes, holding his Qinglong Yanyue Knife, stroking his long beard, and exhaled breath after breath.

Jia Fu didn't know what happened in the past few months. Since Meng Yuan died in Zhan, Jia Fu has become taciturn, extremely ruthless, except for Han Yi who can listen to what he says, and usually teaches Meng Yan and Meng Zhan to practice martial arts when he has nothing to do.

Yan Qing was guarding the big tent with a Hunyuan stick in his hand, watching Zhang Xiu approaching the surprise attack, he snorted coldly: "Native chicken and dog! Take your life!"

"Die!" Zhang Xiu snorted coldly, the spear in his hand was as fast as lightning, and turned into three spear shadows in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Xiu is not an easy person either!First of all, Zhang Xiu was a disciple of Tong Yuan, a gun prodigy during the Three Kingdoms period. Later, Zhang Xiu was also known as the King of Spears in the North, which is not for nothing.

And Yan Qing is not a good opponent, she danced the Hunyuan stick in her hand, and went straight to kill. The two of them seemed to be jealous when they met each other, and they did not give in to each other.

Hu Che'er on the side was afraid that Zhang Xiu might make a mistake, so he hurriedly followed, ready to join hands to kill Yan Qing. Hua Xiong was originally a quick-witted person, but he was impatient, so he raised his knife and killed him in fear of any accident.

It is enough to deal with Zhang Xiu alone, and now adding two more, this is not a good thing.

Seeing the two men coming to kill, he saw an iron gun blocking their attack. Veteran Ding Yanping held a pair of guns in each hand, namely the green-dot four-point gun and the six-point four-point gun.

With a sound of "Dang", Ding Yanping's two spears spread their wings like a roc, and firmly protected Yan Qing under his body, while Hua Xiong and Hu Che'er's arms trembled, and their palms felt numb.

Both of them came back to their senses, looked at Ding Yanping covetously, their mouths ached, but it was hard to say, so they could only grit their teeth and check, for fear that Ding Yanping would see any flaws.

Han camp
"Report to the general! The State of Qin raided the camp of the State of Wei, and the king was trapped in the camp of Wei State, unable to break through."

"Don't panic!" Guo Jia looked at Xiao Bing calmly, and said troubled times in his heart.

Now that Han Yi is in Weiying, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. Guo Jia's expression gradually became serious, and he said: "The soldiers are divided into three groups! Han Xin, you lead 5 people to the camp to stop Bai Qi!"

Han Xin touched the bamboo slips in his hand, and said calmly: "It's a bit troublesome! I need three people!"

"Speak!" Guo Jia didn't dare to delay at the moment.

"Yang Zaixing, Huo Qubing, Huang Feihu!" Han Xin said calmly.

"No problem! I'll leave it to you!" Guo Jia was not sloppy, and directly threw out the three of them.

Han Xin didn't procrastinate, and led people out directly.Guo Jia looked at the rest of the people and said solemnly: "Gao Shun, Wen Yang, Han Qian, Li Cunxiao, the four of you go to fetch the King! Remember to ensure that the King is safe!"

"Decree!" The four of them strode out and left the handsome tent.

"Then what about the other way!" The people below became curious.

Guo Jia snorted coldly: "Zhao Yun, Cao Hong, you two go to guard the granary, you must not lose anything!"


"The affairs of the army are dominated by General Gongsun Yan. Yue Fei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, you all deploy in the camp and follow the orders of General Gongsun Yan!" After Guo Jia assigned all the tasks in one breath, he went Step aside.

Gongsun Yan looked at his subordinates and said seriously: "General Han Xin can buy enough time for us, we will have enough time to ambush the Qin soldiers, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and you each lead 3000 people to raid the Qin soldiers left and right, Yue Fei, you lead 1 people are facing the situation head-on, but if any Qin soldiers come to kill them, none of them will be left behind."


"Xia Houyuan, you are good at raid tactics! Anyone who wants to sneak attack the granary, you have to make sure that you are safe!"


"The rest of the people perform their duties!"


Wang Jian stared at the huge army of people, and said with a sneer, "Qi Liji, I will give you 7 horses, so be sure to stop Li Mu's army for me."


"Remember, it can only be blocked! It cannot be attacked!" Wang Jian said earnestly, for fear that he would go into battle without authorization.

Looking at the others, Wang Jian could only see that his eyes were on his son Wang Ben. He was really helpless. Ever since Sima died by mistake, Qin's commander-in-chief was not enough.

Looking at his son, he said, "Wang Ben, lead Meng Ben and the three of them to fight Han Xin. I will give you [-]. You can only defend but not attack!"

"Decree!" Wang Ben said happily, thinking happily that he could finally lead an army.

"General Wang, you have to remember what I just said, otherwise you will know!" Wang Jian's words were serious with a hint of warning.

That is to say, you are leading an army now, don't do things impulsively, if you leave your post without authorization, you know my methods.

This doesn't sound like what the father and son said, but it's just Wang Jian's warning to Wang Ben.

(End of this chapter)

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