Chapter 279
With the order of "withdrawal", the tens of thousands of Qin soldiers who were still struggling with Pang Juan withdrew accordingly.

This dealt a major blow to Wei Guo. At this moment, Pang Juan didn't know about the food and grass fire. When Wang Jian came to kill him, all his eyes were on Qin Bing.

Wei He and Hui Shi have been taking care of the rear, and there is no way for him to intervene, otherwise Hui Shi would not talk to himself every day: "You all know war, but war also needs money."

Pang Juan was very annoying, but there was nothing he could do. Looking at the Qin soldiers retreating all over the mountains, Pang Juan looked at the lieutenant next to him and said, "Send the order to check the casualties!"


"General Qi is not good! Our granary was burned! There is not much food left in the large area!"

"What!" Pang Juan's face suddenly turned into a pig's liver, and the faces of the soldiers behind him were also not very good-looking. Is this completely cutting off his own way of life?Seeing that the Qin State is about to be taken down, and there is no food and grass suddenly, how can this battle be fought.

After thinking about it for a while, Pang Juan became angry and said, "Quickly go and collect the big data, and call all the generals together to report the casualties of our army!"


The sky gradually turned white like a fat fish, and slowly lit up, the Wei camp was full of wailing, the candles in the Wei tent gradually burned out, and the tent was filled with murderous aura.

Pang Juan, Le Yang, Guo Chongtao, Ding Yanping, Hui Shi, Yan Qing, Yan Zhenqing, and Yan Gaoqing were all worried.

Yan Zhenqing stared at the number on the battle report, it was shocking, but he could only finish reading it bluntly, and said solemnly: "Our army's food and grass burned 15 shi, and the remaining food and grass can only last for half a month. 800 soldiers died in battle! The casualties are countless, united with Wei and Zhao, and killed 8000 people from Qin State”


Pang Juan slapped the table with his palm, and the pen and ink on it splashed everywhere. Pang Juan snorted coldly: "You bastard! Even if our country of Wei came back from defeat, it would not be in such a situation as it is today!"

"But General...!" Hui Shi just wanted to defend himself, but Pang Juan stared at Hui Shi angrily and said, "You still have the face to say it! Hui Shi is to blame for what happened today!"

"General, please don't spout blood. This old man was also called by Young Master He to entertain Han and Zhao countries!" Although Hui Shi didn't take it for granted, he didn't want to be given such a big hat by Pang Juan for no reason.

Not to mention that Wei He is fine, but when he mentioned Wei He, Pang Juan became angry and said angrily, "Where is Young Master He now? Where is he?"

"Report to General! Young Master He didn't sleep all night because he was frightened last night, and now he is staying in his room!" Yan Qing is Wei He's personal bodyguard, and he knows Wei He's situation well.

But everyone who said this sentence was angry in their hearts. A large group of people were busy with their lives because of what happened last night. Well, Wei He threw this mess to them and went to sleep by himself.

"It's unreasonable!" Pang Juan blew his beard and stared, and almost put a knife on Wei He's neck, but considering that King Wei Hui had treated him well, he has treated him well these years.

In addition, Wei He may be a person who will be the basis of the general rule in the future, so he can't act recklessly, slowly suppressing the anger in his heart, and looking at the people on the side: "The situation is unfavorable now, and Qin can't be taken down. My country of Wei is unable to go east, so we can only discuss it with King Zhao and Han!"

"This...!" Everyone's hearts began to become cloudy and uncertain. The Three Jins were fighting against Qin in name, but in fact, it was a matter of affection for others to help, and it was very reasonable not to help!
Pang Juan picked up the brocade in front of him, picked up the writing brush on the table, looked at it for a long time, and said while writing: "Tell Young Master He, let him return to the country, I will write a letter myself, and give it to the king!

"General, aren't you outrageous?" Yan Qing looked at Pang Juan dissatisfied. Wei He was his lord after all, and his lord was driven back and forth, and he was not laughed at to death.

Pang Juan snorted coldly, threw the writing brush in his hand on the table, and said angrily, "Are you questioning me? I'm just worried about the young master. We have no food and grass now, and the young master is afraid and doesn't say anything here. With the figure of a son, how can you survive without food!"

Pang Juan never left food and grass, just emphasizing that Wei He was the first to bear the brunt of the lack of food and grass, and it would be easy to drive him back!I also didn't forget to ridicule Wei He for not being able to bear hardships.

Yan Qing was speechless, but not to be outdone, she said, "Whether to go or stay is up to the young master himself, and the general cannot decide."

At this moment, Yan Qing's face was ashen, and he refused to give an inch. If Wei He went back in such a dark manner, it would not only affect Wei He's succession to the throne, but more seriously, Wei He would lose the morale of the army and would be ridiculed by the people all over the world.

Pang Juan snorted coldly and said, "This matter is beyond your control!"


"Wait a minute, general!" Hui Shi saw that the two were about to quarrel, so he stepped forward to stop it, but Pang Juan was not so easy to talk, and looked at Yan Qing and said, "Where is the left and right! This man wants you to risk your life, come on!" Take it for me! Major [-] boards!"

"This...! General calm down!" Hui Shi said quickly.

Yan Qing stared at Pang Juan, and snorted coldly: "Isn't it just a meal, why should I, Yan Qing, be afraid, I'll take it today!"

After speaking, Yan Qing took off his battle armor and threw it on the table, and walked outside the big tent. For a while, even Pang Juan lost his temper. Yan Qing had no other way to do this. It's wrong.

Pang Juan's face was still ugly, and now he was helpless. Hui Shi pulled Pang Juan up and said, "General, I know that you are in the barracks, so you speak happily. I won't beat around the bush today!"

"Say what you have to say, and let the fart go!" Pang Juan looked impatient, and waved his hand casually to make everyone retreat.

Hui Shi saw that all the people had retreated, and there were only the two of them in the big tent, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty sent Young Master He here to boost morale, and besides, if you drive Young Master He back and forth like this, you will not only slap His Majesty in the face, but also offend you." Young Master He, you must know that the current Young Master He will be the King of Wei in the future!"

Pang Juan looked at the wailing barracks and snorted coldly: "I, Pang Juan, want to treat my soldiers! My generals are in charge, and the generals are outside, and the military orders are not obeyed. All this is up to Young Master He himself, and I will ask someone to send him back. If he wants to, he can stay, and we won’t stop him if he doesn’t want to!” After speaking, Pang Juan left.

Hui Shi stared at Pang Juan who was leaving in a hurry, smiled and stroked his beard, and sighed: "This old guy has obviously let go of his mouth, but he likes to talk hard, but it's up to Wei He to decide what the outcome will be!"

(End of this chapter)

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