Warring States Call

Chapter 280 Wei He's City Mansion

Chapter 280 Wei He's City Mansion

Wei He was lying on the bed, Wu Zetian was rubbing his temples beside him, and two maids were fanning Wei He, looking like he was enjoying himself.

But Wei He didn't know that Yan Qing was being beaten. A thick heavy board hit Yan Qing's buttocks, and every time he was hit, there would be a heavy sound. The sweat on Yan Qing's head was like raindrops, and the ground was wet.

Yan Qing's face was flushed, but she insisted on not saying a word, just for the sake of Wei He's future way out.

Now that the white fish was turning over, everyone could see Yan Qing being beaten, Yan Zhenqing looked at Yan Qing below, with a look of embarrassment on his face, he didn't know what to do.

Yan Gaoqing rushed over, looked at Yan Zhenqing, stared at Yan Zhenqing in a daze, and said, "What's wrong with you! You have a sad face!"

Yan Zhenqing sighed and said, "The general asked me to tell Wei He to send him back to China! What do you think I should do!"

Yan Gaoqing was helpless, patted Yan Zhenqing's shoulder, and said: "Do whatever you want, the worst thing is the worst!"

Yan Zhenqing looked at Yan Gaoqing's dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and said speechlessly: "I'd better figure out a way by myself!" Yan Zhenqing walked towards Wei He's place with the cloth in his hand.

Yan Gaoqing looked at Yan Zhenqing's back and gave a wry smile helplessly. It would be hard for anyone to take care of this matter. To offend Wei He and not to offend Pang Juan, it was a dilemma.

"My son, General Yan Zhenqing, please see me!" Wei He, who was really resting, said weakly, "What is he doing here! Go to the Three Treasure Hall for everything!"

Wu Zetian could also see Wei He's displeasure, but she couldn't say anything. After all, Wei He was the heir of a country, so it was natural for him to be a lowly maid.

Wei He looked at the servants below boredly, and said coldly: "Let's declare!"

"Promise!" Looking forward at the same time, he said: "My lord has an order, Xuanyan Zhenqing will see you!"

"Xuan! Yan Zhenqing sees you!"

Although the facilities in the barracks are relatively simple, Wei He still needs to save face, and the scene needs to be done well. Even Yan Zhenqing has to be arranged with the guard of honor in the palace.

Yan Zhenqing looked at the arrogant and rude Wei He, and secretly despised him. If Wei He hadn't had a good pregnancy, he would have died countless times with his personality. For an enemy like the military camp, the military aircraft must not be delayed for a moment. This Wei He is so procrastinating.

Walking over in a hurry, looking at the sensual Wei He, he said: "My lord, next here is the handwriting of General Pang Juan, please read it!"

"Oh! Why would General Pang Da want to write to me! If you have anything to do, just tell me to say no!" Wei He said with a smile.

Yan Zhenqing felt contempt in his heart. I can tell you what you can say. Yan Zhenqing lowered his head helplessly, and offered the cloth in his hand. Wei He looked at Yan Zhenqing and said, "There is no business for you! Go down!"

Yan Zhenqing felt relieved and looked at Wei He with surprises in his eyes. According to his thinking, Wei He would be furious when he saw Bubo, but he didn't want Wei He to let him go directly.

Looking at the back of Yan Zhenqing running away, Wei He didn't feel relieved, but a little serious, slowly opened the cloth, and waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

Except for Wu Zetian, the other lowly maidservants retreated. Wei He read the above text, his expression became more and more serious, and he even wanted to tear the cloth in his hand into pieces, but he still held back the anger in his heart and quietly Sitting on the bed.

The Empress Wu Zetian at the back naturally saw Wei He's change, and said in puzzlement, "My lord, what's wrong! You look so sad!"

Wu Zetian was shocked. Wei He had always been insane in his heart. He didn't pay attention to everyone, and was even contemptuous. He made Han Yi and Zhao Yong angry, but Wu Zetian, who was good at observing words and expressions, naturally knew Weihe is different.

Cautiously asked: "Young master, what's wrong with you!"

Wei He looked at Wu Zetian indifferently, and snorted coldly: "What's wrong! Of course it's Pang Juan who wants to drive me away! This Prince Shen really can't keep me!"

"My lord, what do you mean by that!" A strangeness flashed in Wu Zetian's eyes, eyes as crystal clear as jewels, looking at Wei He as if he suddenly understood something.

Wei He looked at the lonely big tent and said calmly: "You may not know that I have two brothers, Wei Li and Prince Shen!"

"Oh!" Wu Zetian's eyes seemed to reveal something. A lady like her naturally knew the distinction between a concubine and a concubine. The involvement in this was too great. If it was not done properly, it would be a dead word.

"Sir, you told me these words! Are you not afraid that I will buy you?" Wu Zetian was also surprised, and looked at Wei He with tentative eyes.

Wei He slowly put down the cloth in his hand, and said with a smile: "Do you know who are the people around me!"

Wu Zetian shook his head expressionlessly.

Wei He sneered and said: "Except for Yan Qing and Wei Hu, everyone around me is Prince Shen's people. Whether it's the maids around me or those damned low maids, they are not my people! Knowing that Han Yi and Zhao Yong Take five cities in exchange for you, why don't I do it?"

"This...!" Even Wu Zetian was lost in thought for a while, according to Wei He's city, he really couldn't figure it out.

"I don't even have a single trustworthy person around me. Except for Yan Qing and Wei Hu, I also need to confide my heart in the middle of the night! And you were randomly captured by Wei Hu, and you look so peerless. Hua, how can I not be tempted?"

Wei He's face couldn't be described as handsome, but it wasn't ordinary either. The cold temperament emanated from his body, as if he was a different person.

Han Yi and Zhao Yong's extraordinary attention made Wei He understand that Wu Zetian was not Prince Shen's person. Wucheng got the cheap Prince Shen, but he could definitely get a helper, and it was what he needed most at the moment. It is clear at a glance which is more important.

"My lord, let's talk to my servant, why are you worried about it!" Wu Zetian saw Wei He getting further and further away, and wanted to hear what Wei He was worried about.

Wei He didn't intend to hide it from Wu Zetian either, so he snorted coldly, "Seeing that the granary was on fire, Pang Juan came to trouble me! He wants to send me back to China!"

"My lord, please tell me about the relationship between Prince Shen and you!" Wu Zetian calmed down, this Wei He hid it so well that even she was almost deceived.

If Wei He heard this, he would definitely laugh out loud. Apart from bitterness, there is endless pain. A place where people live in a world of intrigue every day and need to be wary of other people even when they sleep, such a city is not enough. strange.

Wei He looked at Wu Zetian and said, "I'm different from Prince Shen. Prince Shen's mother's direct descendant, and he is the eldest son. If it wasn't for the battle of Ma Ling a few years ago, the root cause of the disease, I am afraid that the post of supervising the army will return. Can't reach me!"

(End of this chapter)

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