Warring States Call

Chapter 282 Conspiracy

Chapter 282 Conspiracy

Wei He stared at Pang Juan and said angrily, "If you tell me to leave, I'll leave! I left my words here today, there is no way I want my son to leave!"

The soldiers on the side stared at Pang Juan, who was out of temper, and whispered to each other.

"Look! The general drove away Young Master He, what a slap in the face! No wonder Young Master is not happy!"

"That's right! The general can't beat Wang Jian by himself, so he shifted the responsibility to the young master, this...!"

"Yeah yeah………!"

The discussion became louder and louder, and everyone turned their questioning eyes on Pang Juan. Facing the whispers of the crowd, Pang Juan ignored them and stared at Wei He as if he wanted to see through Wei He.

For a long time, Pang Juan said calmly: "Since the young master wants to share weal and woe with the soldiers! Then the general will not stop him!" After speaking, Pang Juan walked away with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Wei He looked at Pang Juan with a rebellious face, cynical on the surface, but his eyes were fixed on Pang Juan, and he muttered in his heart, Oh no!Pang Juan seemed to be praising himself secretly, but he was actually reminding Prince Shen's people that he was going to be in trouble.

But you have to do a full set of acting, coldly snorted: "Forget your image, let's go drink" After speaking, he dragged Yan Qing to drink! "

"Yes!" The stalemate ended like this.

The news gradually spread to Han Yi's ears, and Han Yi's face was also not very good-looking. This time, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Jia Fu, Guan Yu, and Ma Chao gathered eight powerful generals, but they didn't kill Luo Shixin. This is not letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

What's more, this time Wang Jian retreated and Wei Guo had no food and grass. Wang Jian would not dare to leave the pass. When Wei Guo ran out of food, this Wang Jian would block them from the three kingdoms!Wang Jian won this battle.

Han Yi looked at the autumn sky, and the cool wind hit people. This war has been fought for too long. Whether it is Qin, Wei, Zhao, or himself, they can't afford it. There has never been a winner in the war.

Today's Han Yi can only hope that Jing Ke will act quickly and Liu Bei will send troops quickly. By then, the Qin State will be in danger, and his rear will also have one less powerful enemy.

In the noisy restaurant, two people wearing cloaks drank freely.

The two are different, one is dressed in white and has an ordinary face, but the murderous aura is faintly evoked, if the man hadn't deliberately suppressed it, it might have erupted by now.

The other person is also extraordinary, drinking wine calmly, but the calluses in his hands cannot deceive anyone. This is a callus that can only be cultivated by people who have held swords for many years. They are as calm as the wind, but both of them are very polite. Wine and song, life geometry.

The young man in white looked at the people next to him, and said, "Brother Jing, you and I know each other well, just talk about what you have to say! Why are you being coy with me?"

The person on the other side also smiled and said: "This matter is of great importance, and this place is full of people, let's talk about it later! I'm only here for Qin Niang!"

"That's right! Although this Qin Niang is not as pure as this Korean wine, it is stronger than this!" The man in white raised the teacup in his eyes and drank it carefully.

"Oh! I don't know if Brother Jianli likes this Korean wine or this Qin Niang!" the man said with a smile.

The young man in white smiled and shook his head, pointing at the person opposite and scolding with a smile: "You! You! Although this Qin wine is good, it is too strong, and drinking too much will hurt your body! It's better to drink this Korean wine for a long time!"

"In that case! Brother Jianli, please come with me!" As he spoke, the man led the people and walked towards the other side.

These two people are Jing Ke and Gao Jianli. Gao Jianli stared at Jing Ke and joked, "I said you traveled all the way to recruit me! Could it be as simple as drinking with me?"

Jing Ke looked at Gao Jianli with a "face" and said, "I'm telling you the truth!Finding a stupid brother for my brother is really something to ask for! "

"I know you have no good intentions, old boy! Tell me something! Let me give you the details!" Gao Jianli smiled and opened a jar of good wine, and put it in his mouth.

Jing Ke said calmly and solemnly: "Assassinate King Qin!"

Gao Jianli didn't seem to hear it, and continued to drink wine in his own way. Seeing that Gao Jianli's face was unresponsive, Jing Ke said seriously: "Did you hear it?"

Gao Jianli put down the wine in his hand, wiped his lips, and said calmly: "I just lament that such good wine will not be available in the future, and I just want to drink a few more sips."

"So! You agreed!" Jing Ke asked tentatively.

Gao Jianli smiled and said: "Why not, a man with a three-foot sword should be invincible!"

Jing Ke looked at Gao Jianli calmly and said, "You are still the same Gao Jianli, you value love and righteousness! Have fun!"

"Okay, let's talk about the plan!" Gao Jianli interrupted Jing Ke impatiently, wanting to know the plan.

Jing Ke smiled and said: "We have two places where we can attack. One is that Qin Xiaogong hunts in autumn every year. The defense there is relatively weak. We just need to lie in ambush and we can definitely kill him!"

"What about the other one"? "Gao Jianli took another sip, thinking carefully about Jing Ke's countermeasure.

"The other one is to sneak into the palace and assassinate Duke Qin Xiao while he was sleeping!" Jing Ke was sweating gradually as he spoke.

Gao Jianli said calmly: "Although the second method can be used, Xianyang's defense is not in vain. Just entering will not take the initiative, so we can only choose the first method!"

Jing Ke looked at Gao Jianli and said, "Your idea coincides with mine, but Qin Xiaogong's hunting time is different every year, so what should we do?"

"The location is definitely uncertain, but as long as we fight like the interior of the Qin Kingdom, isn't it all right?" Gao Jianli said calmly.

"Infiltrate into Qin State," Jing Ke said thoughtfully.

"Yeah! You forgot my specialty, hitting the pillar. When the time comes, I can take the opportunity to join Qin Xiaogong's portable music army, and with Jing Keru's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to break into Qin Bing's interior. When you need to take action, you need to tell the leader of the action, find two smart people, listen carefully, isn't everything going to happen?" After Gao Jianli finished speaking, he poured another sip of fine wine into his mouth.

Listening to Gao Jianli's words, Jing Ke's eyes flashed with strangeness and said: "That's it! Then listen to you, I will arrange for you to go in these few days"

"No need! When I first came here, I was already recruited by people from the state of Qin. I just need to wait for the change and wait for your good news!" Gao Jianli said and was about to leave.

Jing Ke looked at Gao Jianli and saluted slowly, and said, "I thank you for my brother!"

Gao Jianli waved his hand, signaling Jing Ke not to pay too much attention, and walked out of the tavern slowly. A person gradually walked out behind Jing Ke, looked at Gao Jianli questioningly and said, "Is this person trustworthy?"

Jing Ke said calmly: "This man will do what he says!"

(End of this chapter)

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