Warring States Call

Chapter 283 Mi Bazi

Chapter 283 Mi Bazi

"Report! General Wang Jian and General Bai Qi have defeated the Three Jin Dynasties! Behead Wei General Wei Hu, Zhao Guo Zhao Yong, Wei Guo lost [-] troops!"

Qin Xiaogong, who was discussing the Three Jin Dynasties in the court hall, said with great joy: "Okay!" He was so excited that he even threw out the brush in his hand.

The minister below shouted loudly: "Cai!"

"Hahahahaha! Good! This Wang Jian is so beautiful that he is worthy of being the great general of our country of Qin." Qin Xiaogong completely forgot about Bai Qi's existence, looked around all around, and said: "Here to pass the order to make Wang Jian Marquis of Wu Cheng! Enjoy two hundred acres of land!"


The ministers below also looked at Qin Xiaogong with a smile, and praised their beautiful work this time.

"Report to Your Majesty! General Wang is going to guard Hangu Pass to the death. Food and grass are about to run out. Please send food quickly, Your Majesty!"

Qin Xiaogong also put away his smile for a while, and began to encounter difficulties. The food in Shu had just been harvested and had not been processed. Vegetables and meat were in short supply in the Warring States Period.

Grass and grass have almost become the shortcomings of every country. Looking down at the civil servants and military generals, Qin Xiaogong said: "I don't know what good strategy that Ai Qing has, so report it quickly!"

"Your Majesty, the soldiers in front of you are fighting outside. They must not be without food! They are the foundation of our Qin State, not to mention that this battle is related to the life and death of our Qin State. The food and grass are of great importance. In my opinion, not only must the food be distributed, but also the soldiers must be replenished." There is a shortage of food!" Lu Buwei immediately stood up, and in his opinion, food and grass should not be delayed for a moment.

Qin Xiaogong was also in trouble, and said helplessly: "Of course I know the importance of soldiers and food, but the food and grass in my country of Qin are indeed not enough, and each soldier of the 60 army is a big expense!"

"My lord! We really don't have enough food and grass, but we still have some to put together. Including the granary, we should be able to come up with 30 shi. We can transport this batch of food and grass first, and then we veterans will save money." It will take a few days, and as soon as the food and grass from Shu land arrives, the majesty will distribute it to us!" Qian Long was the elder of the three dynasties, so what he said was naturally the most fair and reasonable.

Some of the general knowledge below can naturally be taken out. Qin Xiaogong also felt that what Qian Long said was reasonable, but when he thought about vegetables and meat, he started to have trouble again. These things are very important and cannot be separated.

Soldiers cannot maintain enough physical strength without meat, and normal exercise cannot be guaranteed without vegetables. A penny can indeed crush a penny to death.

"Why is Your Majesty looking so sad again?" Shang Yang below said puzzled.

Qin Xiaogong smiled bitterly: "This vegetable can still be solved, but every household may not be able to harvest this meat."

Shang Yang chuckled, stroked his beard and said, "Your Majesty, you can send someone to exchange the freshly produced grain in Shu with Yiqu for cattle and sheep, so that the soldiers can eat meat!"

Qin Xiaogong touched his beard with satisfaction, and at the same time looked at the six young masters who were listening to him with sighs, and said helplessly: "The lonely one is indeed old, and even this method needs someone's advice. Young people!"

"The autumn hunting is coming soon, Your Majesty, why don't you shoot some cattle and deer and reward them to General Wang Jian, so that the soldiers will think that this is what the King and the soldiers have worked so hard to shoot, and they will definitely be grateful to the King! "Du Zhi laughed and said, cowering below.

Lu Buwei, Gan Mao, and others on the side all hated Du Zhi's style very much, but they didn't want to talk about it.

Zhang Yi and Shang Yang were originally Guiguzi's disciples, and their inclusive knowledge was not disgusting to them, but they, being talented and arrogant, disdain to join forces with Du Zhi.

Qin Xiaogong also felt that Du Zhi's words were polite, and said with a smile: "Okay! Okay! Okay! I will do as you want!"

"De Ling" Du Zhi stroked his mustache. For him, he was no better than Zhang Yi and Gan Mao in terms of writing, and his political achievements were not as good as Lu Buwei and Shang Yang, and he didn't have Gan Mao's old-fashioned and prudent status, so he could only flatter him!It's just icing on the cake, otherwise I won't be able to sit in my position as a counselor.

Zhang Yi focuses on military strategy and is eloquent, but Bai Qi's cooperation has always hit it off, but it's different now, Bai Qi has lost his military power, and his position is in jeopardy. Naturally, he can't buy it like this, let alone buying himself I can't buy it.

"Leave Ying Zheng to deal with the big and small things in the city! I'm old and lonely, and sooner or later this world will be yours, so practice and practice more!" Qin Xiaogong walked out with a smile, feeling joyful in his heart.

"Decree!" The six young masters said in unison, all of them harboring ulterior motives, Ying Zheng was still calm, and he suppressed any murderous and hostile aura that seemed to be there.

The two people next to him were Yingji and Yingdang. They looked at Yingzheng and said, "Congratulations, sixth brother, for getting another good job!"

"Don't dare, it's the two elder brothers who taught me well!" Ying Zheng still had a calm expression on his face, and he couldn't feel Ying Ji's cynicism at all.

Yingji snorted coldly, stroked his sleeves and left, Ying Dangyu patted Yingzheng's shoulder calmly and said, "Qin is at a critical moment now! Sixth brother, please take care of me! If you have anything to say to me, I will definitely die !"

"Brother, don't worry, there will be no troubles with the sixth brother in Qin." Ying Zheng also patted and won, and he could see that the relationship between the two was not bad.

After finishing speaking, Ying Dang also left, leaving Ying Zheng alone. Looking at the resplendent palace, Ying Zheng also walked out slowly without nostalgia.

The servants waiting below saw Ying Zheng approaching and hurriedly set up the carriage. Ying Zheng looked at a general below and said, "Nei Shi Teng, come in!"

As he spoke, he saw a big man wearing black armor and holding a Qin sword approaching. He had a sharp face, was eight feet tall, a head taller than ordinary people, and calmly walked towards Ying Zheng's carriage.

"I don't know why the young master came to me!" Nei Shiteng looked at Ying Zheng calmly.

"Proceed with the order! Martial law in the whole city, and give me a good look at Ying Ji and Mi Bazi! This Mi Bazi and his brothers and brothers are not fuel-efficient lamps!" Ying Zheng sighed.


The palace is like this, cold and ruthless!There is no trace of brotherhood, even if there is!It's all gone when you're in danger.

Yingji's mansion, at the moment, is full of delicacies in front of Yingji, but Yingji can't eat it. Instead, he frowns, dips his index finger in the wine, and writes a king character on the table.

"Why is my son so sad, he doesn't want to eat or drink like this!" Suddenly a beautiful woman came.

I saw her wearing a red dress, noble yet charming, three thousand blue silk combed meticulously, and a pair of phoenix eyes staring at Yingji as a lesson or a lesson.


At first glance, Yingji looked like Mi Bazi, and immediately lost his temper, and said helplessly, "Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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