Warring States Call

Chapter 284 The Death of Qin Xiaogong

Chapter 284 The Death of Qin Xiaogong (Part [-])
Mi Bazi looked at his son and put his eyes on the table, only to see that there was a king character written on it, and his face was still so calm: "Are you worrying about the matter with Ying Zheng again?" !"

"No! It's just that every time I look at Ying Zheng, I feel very uncomfortable. This guy makes me feel very dangerous!" Ying Ji's eyes were full of apprehension, and his handsome face looked gloomy.

Mi Bazi smiled and said: "You child, your grandfather (Qin Xiaogong) told you repeatedly that you should not fight inside, but why do you just refuse to listen and keep trying to fight for power with your younger brother.

"The most is the ruthless emperor's family. Your grandfather's throne was given by his elder brother. Otherwise, how could there be prosperity today? You know! Qin was a small country in the past. If it wasn't for your grandfather's efforts to turn the tide, how could there be any prosperity?" We are prosperous today!" Mi Bazi looked at his child earnestly.

Yingji also calmed down his anger, and said helplessly, "Grandpa may be hunting these days, I want some of my uncles to go with me!"

"Wei Ran and those guys have some real talents. I don't worry if you go to be with your uncles! That's it! Think about it for yourself!" Mi Bazi looked at his face calmly. child.

"Yes! My child remembers the mother's teaching!" Ying Jixian respectfully obeyed.

Qingpingle, ancient roads open, in August, the wind and rain turn around, the vegetation gradually fades, and the birds are difficult, in September, the cool wind blows, and the birds and beasts come out, grab good food, and the east will be safe.

When the autumn wind came, Qin Xiaogong went hunting with great fanfare, followed by countless people, the purpose was to gain a reputation, Ying Zheng looked at the people who were going away, Qin Xiaogong went out hunting, and threw everything to himself, Now everything is handed over to Ying Zheng to take care of.

Qin Xiaogong, who was gradually leaving the city, put on thin clothes, and he was prone to get sick when he was old. The lowly people were watching, so naturally he had to entertain him well.

Yingji and Yingdangsheng rode fast horses and walked in the front to open the road for Qin Xiao. Looking at the endless plain, many wild animals began to run around, fearing that they would become food for the future.

Yingji looked at Yingdang and said, "Why don't you try it out with me to see if you shoot more or I shoot more!"

Ying Lang stared at Ying Ji and said, "That's exactly what I mean! Let's go!"

The two of them each picked out bows and arrows and horses, followed by a few followers, and went into the woods.

Qin Xiaogong also refused to accept his old age, looked at the two and laughed and said: "Come here and bring a bow and arrow to Gu, and let Gu compare with their young people!"

"Your Majesty, don't do it! These young masters are messing around, and your Majesty doesn't have to be as knowledgeable as them! It's better to wait here with peace of mind!" Lu Buwei from behind said hastily.

Qian Long was getting old and couldn't stand the bumps, so he didn't follow him anymore. Before he came, he made a special statement that he must not let Qin Xiaogong hunt, and with Qin Xiaogong's temperament, he would definitely not be in a hurry!

Sure enough, he didn't come out of Qianlong's house, and Qin Xiaogong started hunting again.

Qin Xiaogong looked at Lu Buwei and said, "It's okay, it's okay! I'll just shoot an arrow! Just one arrow!"

"One arrow!" Lu Buwei looked at Qin Xiaogong dubiously.

"One arrow! Just one arrow!" Qin Xiaogong said with a smile.

"Okay! Now prepare the horse for the king! The others follow the king!" Lu Buwei was still a little worried, and called a few clever soldiers to follow to protect Qin Xiaogong.

Jing Ke looked at Qin Xiaogong who was getting further and further away, and said cheerfully, "Are the poisonous arrows ready?"

"Don't worry, general, this time I used Wolf Poison Arrows, I guarantee that it will kill you if you touch it!" The soldier beside him said somberly.

"Okay, let's do it!" Jing Ke sneered, ready to kill him.

"Wait a minute!" This is Gao Jianli who came in a hurry, looked at Jing Ke who was about to strike, and said seriously: "You are so reckless! You must be close to death! And it is easier to reveal your identity"

"Then tell me what to do!" Jing Ke gradually calmed down, looking at Gao Jianli, wondering what he was thinking.

Gao Jianli looked around, saw no one around, and snorted coldly: "You will replace all your weapons with those of other countries. If the assassination fails, you will be tortured to extract a confession. At that time, the responsibility will be pushed to Wei Guoyi. , it is hard for them to suspect that King Han is on him!"

"Just do what you want!" Jing Ke thought for a while, and felt that what Gao Jianli said made sense.

Jing Ke, who was about to leave, was held back by Gao Jianli again, and said coldly, "I have a plan! I can kill Qin Xiaogong without fail, to be sure, but the price may be a bit high!"

"Say it!" Jing Ke is now going all out.

Gao Jianli said calmly: "If you fail to assassinate Qin Xiaogong, you will definitely be caught and interrogated by Qin Xiaogong. We can set up an ambush in the middle of the two roads, and shoot directly if there is any mistake! Qin Xiaogong will definitely die!"

Jing Ke also smiled and said: "This can be regarded as two-handed preparation." This matter is left to you!I am giving you three people, once we miss, this Qin Xiaogong must be shot to death! "


Now Qin Xiaogong went farther and farther, fought more and more bravely, and the soldiers behind hurriedly followed up, for fear that Qin Xiaogong would make any mistakes. At this moment, Qin Xiaogong was chasing this fragrant deer.

The soldiers below hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, wait for us to be careful!"

But Qin Xiaogong still went his own way, and even shot three arrows without hitting the musk deer.

Seeing the musk deer that was getting farther and farther away, Qin Xiaogong was furious, bowed his bow and set an arrow at the musk deer, his face was expressionless, his cloudy eyes gradually became brighter, and he snorted coldly, "Meet!"


I don't know when Jing Ke and the others also released an arrow, which shot directly at Qin Xiaogong. At this moment, Qin Xiaogong's target was all staring at the musk deer, so naturally he didn't pay attention to Jing Ke's sudden arrow.

Changfeng broke his sleeve, and hit Qin Xiaogong's left arm. Qin Xiaogong, who was in pain, held his left arm, looked around and said: "Come and save me! Someone wants to assassinate Gu, come and escort me!"

Seeing that the arrow failed to pierce Qin Xiaogong's heart, Jing Ke was very dissatisfied. Looking at the soldiers rushing from all directions, Jing Ke snorted coldly: "Do it to ensure that Qin Xiaogong dies!"


Hundreds of soldiers blocked the rushing people. Jing Ke held the Wei sword in his hand and killed Qin Xiaogong. A few loyal soldiers took up weapons and fought hard in order to delay time, but they were all killed by Jing Ke. down.

Jing Ke looked at Qin Xiaogong and said: "Qin Dog! I am ordered by the King of Wei to kill you! To avenge the [-] heroic spirits of our Wei Kingdom!"

Qin Xiaogong was hit by an arrow, and he only felt severe pain in his lungs and sore eyes. Facing the strong Jing Ke, he was naturally no match, so he had to run for his life on horseback.

And Jing Ke was chasing after him, Gao Jianli, who had been lying in ambush in the grass, snorted coldly: "Shoot the arrow!"


(End of this chapter)

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