Warring States Call

Chapter 287 Liu Bei Attacks Qin

Chapter 287 Liu Bei Attacks Qin
Mao Sui squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Bei. In his eyes, this guy was an extremely difficult opponent. Unfortunately, the terrain of Shu was rugged and Han Yi was not in danger at all.

Looking at Liu Bei who was eager to know the answer, Mao smiled and said, "I think the king's secret agent in Xianyang will naturally know what's going on."

Liu Bei saw that Mao Sui's words could not be drawn out, but he also got useful information, so he did not hesitate, and said solemnly: "This battle is related to the national fortune of our Shu Kingdom for several years. Send an order to mobilize all the troops! I personally supervise the battle!"


In September, Liu Bei personally led [-] Shu soldiers across the Han River!Threatening Pingyang Pass, looking at Liu Bei who is covetously, the Qin general who guards the city has seen the world, but he dare not fight Liu Bei head-on, he raised his sword and frowned and said: "Send orders to prevent death! Send people to Xianyang, tell the king that he Count the soldiers to help.

There are 3 troops in Hanzhong. Because Pingyang Pass is the gateway to Hanzhong, Qin Xiaogong directly deployed [-] troops here, and the other [-] troops were scattered to guard various places.

Liu Bei stared at Pingyang Pass, pulled out the sun and moon double-strand sword in his arms and said: "Soldiers, Hanzhong is the territory of our Shu Kingdom. He Qin took it by force, and the old King of Shu was beheaded by Wang Jian! Now I, Liu Bei, want to fight for me. The Kingdom of Shu took back Hanzhong and killed Wang Jian to avenge the King of Shu!"

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!" One or two of the soldiers in Shu had hatred for their country and family, and looking at General Qin, he couldn't help but kill them.

Liu Bei looked at the soldiers going down, this time he concentrated his forces, the purpose was to take Pingyang Pass in one go, to strengthen the army, now he has [-] soldiers and horses, there are countless elite soldiers and strong generals, and he still can't take this small Pingyang Pass.

The horn sounded gradually, and the [-] soldiers and horses stationed outside Pingyang Pass were chaotic. All the generals and soldiers were waiting for the final order.

Liu Bei, who came out in full force, left nothing behind, but all the soldiers who could fight were pressured up by Liu Bei. Li Xiaogong alone led [-] soldiers and horses to wait below. Guan Sheng, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Zhang Ren, Zhang Bao Wei Yan and Wei Yan all waited for the order.

Chao Cuo, Feng Tang, and Yi Ji are infallible in Chengdu, and Liu Bei has three reasons for holding Hanzhong. One is that Hanzhong is the gateway to Shu, and it is the only barrier in Hanzhong. It is impossible for him to let it go. I hate it, Liu Bei's seat is not easy to come by, and there are not a minority of people who oppose it. This can stabilize the morale of the army. The third chance is hard to come by, and he will kill him while he is sick.

Nearly 10 people crossed the Han River mightily,

Liu Bei's eyes were like torches, full of momentum, he gradually drew his sword, looked forward and said: "Li Xiaogong, I will give you [-] troops to attack Pingyang Pass!"

Li Xiaogong didn't refuse, took the sword from Liu Bei, and bowed his hands to accept the order: "If you get an order, you will not be entrusted by your majesty!"

Zhang Feiwu started preparing something in his hand and said, "Old Li, I want to be a pioneer!"

Li Xiaogong looked at Zhang Fei and said: "General Zhang Fei, please respect yourself, the important place in the barracks should be called General Ben!"

"You...forget it! General, let's start!" Zhang Fei felt annoyed, but he had no choice.

The generals saw that even Zhang Fei would not let him go, they naturally did not dare to make mistakes, and they all bowed their hands together: "I am willing to be dispatched by the general!"

Li Xiaogong rode his horse towards the formation, the court generals cupped their hands and said: "I was ordered by the king, you have offended me so much!"

Immediately, he ordered loudly: "The wall of Guanyang Pass is high and thick, and the Qin soldiers on the top of the city are also the masters of a hundred battles, but their strength is weak. We need more soldiers and more generals. We should attack from all sides. It is the spirit to kill Qin!
"Who please fight!"

"The last general Wei Yan is willing to go!"

"My Yanren, Zhang Fei, please fight!"

"The last general, Huang Zhong, invites you to fight!"

"The last general, Zhang Ren, invites you to fight!"

Seeing four tiger generals marching out to fight, Li Cungong shouted: "Wei Yan, you lead [-] troops to attack the south gate! Attract Qin's troops." Li Xiaogong said and threw out the general order in his hand.

Holding the flower knife, Wei Yan looked at Liu Bei and said, "I will not disgrace my life!" As he spoke, he raised the knife and strode to kill the soldiers.

Liu Bei looked at Wei Yan with satisfaction, Liu Bei admired him from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time, Wei Yan was also a general who followed him all the time, loyal and unwavering.

Li Xiaogong turned his attention to Zhang Fei again: "Where is Zhang Fei? Wei Yan has already restrained most of Qin's troops, and the rest ordered you to lead 2 people to storm the west gate of Pingyang Pass!"

"I'll leave it to my old Zhang, I'm sure I'll live up to my fate," Zhang Fei said with a grinning grin, and striding forward to order troops with the Zhangba Snake Spear in hand.

After sweeping away the rest of the people, he snorted coldly:

"Guan Sheng, I order you to take 1 people to storm the east gate of Pingyang Guan!"

"Zhang Ren, I order you to take 1 people to storm the north gate of Pingyang Pass!"

After dispatching all the generals, arrangements were made, only Huang Zhong stood alone, Huang Zhong was very dissatisfied and said: "General, what do you mean! Why do other people have missions, but I am doing nothing here! "

Li Cungong smiled and said: "General Huang, you are already sixty-three, and your body may be inconvenient. You should hold the battle here!"

"Hmph! Ignorant boy! Although the old man is old, it is not a problem to hit you ten times. Get my weapon quickly and see how I can decapitate the guard!" Huang Zhong was furious, and raised his phoenix. The tail knife kills towards Pingyang Pass.

Li Xiaogong stroked his goatee, and muttered to himself: "The aggressive method has succeeded!"

Li Xiaogong cupped his hands again to Liu Bei and said, "My lord, I will lead 3 horses to fight against the formation."

Liu Bei nodded: "Go, I'll wait for your good news here!"

In an instant, there was a lot of smoke and dust from Pingyang Pass, and the sound of killing shook the world.Each of the four generals commanded tens of thousands of horses, and surrounded Pingyang Pass.


Li Xiaogong said in military uniform, wearing fine iron battle armor, rode his horse and raised his sword, and loudly ordered the drummers to beat the drums and give orders.

Hearing the sound of the drums of the Chinese army shaking the sky and the earth, the people and horses on all sides shouted at the same time, carrying the ladder and charging forward with the shield on their shoulders.

General Qin on the city wall saw Wei Yan leading an army of [-] people to kill him, and panicked in his heart, he hurriedly said: "Defend!!

"Boys, come with me!"

Among the rebellious army, Huang Zhong carried a four-foot-high ladder on one shoulder and Fengming knife in his hand. He was the first to rush across the moat and launched a strong attack on Pingyang Pass.

Wei Yan in the rear was shocked and said: "Old general, be careful! Send an order to shoot arrows to cover the old general!"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoh, whoa!"

Seeing the menacing future of Shu, the Qin general on the top of the city shouted: "Shoot the arrow, let the arrow go!"

Arrows shot down, rolling stones shot randomly, Huang Zhong swung his knife with one hand, dialed the eagle feathers, the dance was impenetrable, the tiger stared at it, and soon approached the bottom of the city wall, snorting coldly: "Who else dares to underestimate me, Huang Zhong?" loyal!"

With a bang, the ladder was put on the city wall.

"Boys, here comes the opportunity for revenge, kill!" Huang Zhong shouted, the big knife in his hand was as fast as the wind
(End of this chapter)

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