Warring States Call

Chapter 288 Dingping Yang Pass

Chapter 288 Dingping Yang Pass
Huang Zhong took the lead and rushed towards the city wall with great strides. With the help of the ladder, he swung Fengming Knife like a city wall.

"Ding, Huang Zhong's veteran attribute activates, the more he fights, the more courageous he is. Every round of battle, the force value increases by 3, and it can be activated 4 times. When fighting generals, the force value is increased by 5, and it can be activated 3 times."

"Ding, currently Huang Zhong's basic strength is 101, veteran Ying's attribute strength value is increased by 3, and the current strength value is 104!"

As soon as Huang Zhong's attributes erupted, he blew his beard and stared, jumped onto the city wall with a few vigorous steps, and slashed left and right, cutting Qin Bing open.

Liu Bei below, raised his hands to cover the sun in the sky, squinted his eyes and said with emotion: "This old general is as brave as he was back then! Such force is beyond the reach of the ancient evil!"

Li Cungong also looked at the current situation, which was very good. Qin Bing, who was on the guard, broke a hole directly under Huang Zhong's bravery. The opportunity was once in a thousand years, and he looked down: "Where is Zhang Qing!"

"The last general is here!" I saw a young general, riding a handsome horse, holding a spear in his hand, touching the bag in his mouth from time to time, it should be full of stones, with a white complexion, obeying Li Xiaogong's orders below!
Looking at Zhang Qing, Li Xiaogong waved the long sword in his hand and said: "I will give you [-] soldiers and horses, but you must tear open the Qin soldiers for me, cover the old general, and take this Pingyang Pass!"

"The last general takes orders!" Zhang Qing smiled, and rode down on a big horse to order troops.

Li Xiaogong stroked his sword and looked at Pingyang Pass, the art of war has a lot of truth and falsehood, what he wants is to use power to overwhelm others.

Huang Zhongfeng opened and closed his sabre, and within a few strokes it was difficult to meet an opponent. The Shu army behind him also killed one after another, and the northern city wall gradually gained a firm foothold because of Huang Zhong's reason.

Wei Yan, who was below, saw that Huang Zhongjie had stepped up first, and snorted coldly: "Brothers, we can't be underestimated by others, pick up the guy and follow me!"

Speaking of Wei Yan also killed him, Wei Yan's force value is not low. The soldiers behind him were encouraged by Wei Yan's bravery, and they followed closely behind with their shields on their backs. Four or five thousand Shu troops quickly climbed up. 5000 people poured into the city like a tide.

Before the drum was beaten, Wei Yan had already climbed the city wall first because of Huang Zhong's relationship.

General Qin looked at the Shu soldiers all over the mountains and fields, and snorted coldly: "Everyone listen, Pingyang Pass is the gateway to Hanzhong, if you lose your head, let me block it."

"Huang Zhong of the Kingdom of Shu is here, and he will be captured soon!"

In Huang Zhong's hand, the Fengming Saber swept across thousands of troops, like a harvester, treating human heads as straw, and chopped down seven or eight Qin soldiers in an instant, and the soldiers below were caught off guard.

Seeing that the defenders had no power to resist, Huang Zhong opened and closed his sword wide and wide, seeking stability in a hurry, and forcibly slashed a way, aiming at the enemy general.

Wei Yan also rushed up quickly, his tiger eyes staring at the chaotic battlefield, the sharp-eyed Wei Yan took a fancy to the leader of the Qin army at a glance, he avoided the seriousness and killed it lightly, and directly used the big knife as a sickle to mow the grass, sweeping out with each knife, At least seven or eight defenders were swept from the city wall to the ground.

After cutting five or six knives in a row, a large gap appeared on the city wall. The Shu army behind Wei Yan took the opportunity to climb up the city wall one after another, without any hesitation.

The Shu army chased and killed the Qin army on the top of the city with the momentum of fierce tigers descending the mountain. Seeing that they couldn't resist, the Qin generals retreated in panic. Looking at the Shu soldiers below, they were like waves, overwhelming them, and he couldn't stop them.

At this time, when Huang Zhong and Wei Yan were the first to ascend the city, Guan Sheng and Zhang Ren also ascended to the top of Pingyang Pass almost at the same time. Zhang Ren's defenders resisted strongly. Not to be outdone, he charged forward with a sword in hand, and climbed to the top of the city.

The Shu army rose up, but the Qin soldiers were also masters of a hundred battles. Unwilling to break the city, they took up weapons and rushed to kill.

Zhang Qing, who was below, led a group of people and directly smashed open the gate of Pingyang Pass.Under Zhang Qing's leadership, they entered the city. Some Shu soldiers even refused to leave.

Most of the Qin soldiers here are the original Shu soldiers, and only one-third of them are Qin soldiers. Now that the Pingyang Pass has been broken, there is no point in persevering on their own. Survival is the most important thing, so they quickly put down their weapons and surrendered.

General Qin on the city wall saw Huang Zhong and Wei Yan killed, and Pingyang Pass was over, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "My lord, I am sorry for you!"

Then he drew his sword and killed himself, blood splashing three feet on the city wall. When Huang Zhong and Wei Yan arrived, this person was already a corpse. Wei Yan snorted coldly, "Trouble! Wait until I take your head, and kill Qin Bing's vigor!"

Then Wei Yan chopped it down with a knife.

"Slow!" Huang Zhong shouted, Fengming knife blocked Wei Yan's knife in his hand, his strength was calm, and he did not lose the wind at all.

Wei Yan only felt the steel plate he had slashed, and his arms were numb from the shock. Seeing Huang Zhong holding the knife calmly and powerfully below, he asked in confusion, "Old General, what are you doing!"

Huang Zhong glanced at Wei Yan and said: "This man can be regarded as a man of integrity, let's leave his whole body!"

Wei Yan looked at Huang Zhong the same way, felt his numb arms again, and said helplessly: "In this case, let's sell the old general!"

A battle took only half a day. After the efforts of Huang Zhong and other generals, the dust settled. The city gates on all sides were not even opened, and none of Qin's more than 1 horses escaped, or they would die without a whole body!Or all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Liu Bei looked at Mao Sui and said, "Sir, I don't know how my Shu army compares to your Han soldiers."

In fact, Liu Bei did not expect that breaking the city was so easy, nor did he think that Qin soldiers were not as scary as legends, so he couldn't help sighing: "With such elite soldiers and strong generals, the world is ready."

Mao Sui looked at Liu Bei who was very frightened, and naturally he couldn't lose his face, pretending to be surprised and said: "The general under the king is so brave, I am not as good as South Korea!"

Liu Bei was also a little unsatisfied: "This Qin soldier is like a chicken and a dog in my eyes. If the king of Han wants to plot against Qin, can he give me a piece of the pie!"

Mao Sui was both contemptuous and surprised in his heart. Liu Bei, who was contemptuous, was overestimated. What surprised him was that Liu Bei was ambitious and had the ambition to compete in the world. He quickly smiled and said: "What the King of Shu said is that Qin is indeed like a chicken tile. Dog, but our national power in South Korea is limited, I am afraid that we cannot swallow this Qin country, I think the king has the ambition to swallow mountains and rivers, I am afraid that this Qin country is like a bag in the hands of the king!"

"Hahahahahaha! Well said!" Liu Bei laughed.

Looking at Liu Bei who was complacent, Mao Sui calmly said: "The land of Hanzhong should be gradually mapped out. Now that the king is ready to capture, I don't want to bother you, so I will go back and forth."

(End of this chapter)

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