Warring States Call

Chapter 378: Dragon and Tiger Fight

Chapter 378 Dragon and Tiger Fight ([-])
"Your Majesty is wise!" Dian Wei and Xu Chu raised their hands and said.

On the ring, Han Qinhu saw Wei Ji's single move to determine the outcome, and immediately said: "Wei Ji wins this battle! The next round...!"

Not long after, there were only the last 13 people, one of them had a bye, so he was automatically promoted, and the remaining 13 people were all people with illegal martial arts.

Han Qinhu smiled, it was finally coming to an end, but the finale was what people looked forward to the most.

"The first match! Su Dingfang vs. Han Jian!" Elai took out the bamboo slips in his hand and started the final competition.

Han Jian grinned, quickly took a ghost-head long knife from the gun rack, and ran up the ring in a few steps.

Compared to Han Jian, Su Dingfang was much more mature and stable. While choosing weapons, he also secretly observed Han Jian, trying to find out his flaws.

Han Yi looked at the two from below. Han Jian was wearing a scarlet cloth coat with wrist guards tied around his wrists. He was eight feet long, confident, and strong. Standing in front of him with a big knife in one hand, he looked provocatively at Su Dingfang who was still picking out weapons below.

Compared with Su Dingfang and Han Jian, there is a difference between clouds and mud. Su Dingfang is tall and handsome, eight feet long, and elegant in white clothes.
Such a fierce general, but was severely distorted by later generations, setting him as a villain, doing all kinds of evil, shooting and killing Luo Cheng.In fact, Su Dingfang was an outstanding military strategist in the Tang Dynasty. When he was young, he was famous in the village for his bravery and courage. After the death of Dou Jiande, he was acquired by Li Shimin. He was brave and good at fighting. After his death, he was also one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion.

For a long time, Su Dingfang seemed to be thinking about how to deal with Han Jian. He raised a big knife in one hand, and with one step, he chopped Mount Tai with an axe.

Han Jian was shocked, and turned sideways to hide. Not far away, Su Dingfang cut Han Jian's neck with a knife.

Han Jian was shocked, but he was experienced in many battles. He quickly rolled over, put himself on the ground, and rolled out of Su Dingfang's attack range. He looked extremely embarrassed, but at least he had a chance to fight back.

A raptor crossed the river and stood up, sweating profusely on his head, as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

Su Dingfang frowned when he saw that the blow was unsuccessful, but he was also relieved. For Su Dingfang, the lion was fighting the rabbit with all his strength, and Su Dingfang did not dare to be careless when facing Han Jian.

Han Yi looked at the truth from below, and called Han Shizhong who was on the side, and asked, "Is this Han Jian a child of my clan?"

"Your Majesty, that's right! It's a close branch!" Han Shizhong also secretly rejoiced for Han Jian, who was able to attract Han Yi's attention.

"Hmm! I didn't expect the children of my clan to be crouching tigers, hidden dragons! First Han Qian followed to conquer the world alone, and then there were talents like Han Jian who contributed! God bless our country!" Han Yi sighed.

Saying that, Han Jian couldn't bear the temper in his heart, and swung his knife to kill, sweeping away thousands of troops with a single blow, his momentum was fierce, and he wanted to cut Su Dingfang in half.

Su Dingfang's eyes, which originally contained purpose, quickly enlarged, and the sword stood upright in front of him, facing Han Jian's sword and blocking it.


Two swords clashed, and Han Jian's sword couldn't advance any further. Su Dingfang seized the opportunity, held down the big sword in his hand with his left hand, and grabbed Han Jian's treasured sword with his right hand. With a phoenix dancing for nine days, he turned around and slashed at Han Jianjian. The cold wind was bitter and murderous.

Han Jian's face became dull for a moment. He didn't expect Su Dingfang's trick to be so ghostly. In desperation, Han Jian gave up the sword and retreated. No matter how he looked at it, he was at a disadvantage.

Su Dingfang, who succeeded, sneered, turned around and threw Han Jian's broadsword downward. Now that Han Jian has no weapons, he is no match for him.

Han Qinhu looked at Han Jian who was at a disadvantage and muttered to himself: "This kid is careless!"

"No! It's not that he was careless, but this guy is not Su Dingfang's opponent at all," said Jia Fu below.

"What's the matter with you!" Han Qinhu was puzzled.

Jia Fu looked at Han Qinhu and felt that his question was really funny: "This martial arts is a grand event in the world, how could we miss it!"

"We! You mean...!" Immediately, Han Qinhu walked around, only to see Yu Wencheng, Li Cunxiao, Meng Zhan, Shi Jiantang, and other generals who did not come except those who were in positions. Most of the generals came ! "

"This...!" Han Qinhu was a little embarrassed, but at the same time Han Qinhu didn't understand, and asked Jia Fu: "This...can't be! The two are still evenly matched!"

"Didn't you find out! That Su Dingfang fought against Han Jian from the very beginning, and now that Han Jian has no weapons in his hands, how can he still be his opponent!" Yu Wencheng, who came to the side, smiled and said.

Han Qinhu looked at Li Cunxiao at the side again, and Li Cunxiao nodded in agreement, and looked at Meng Zhan behind him: "There are all powerful generals here, you have to study hard!"

"It's the master!" Meng Zhan was also excited.

Jia Fu glanced at Li Cunxiao: "At that time, I didn't know who didn't want to accept apprentices, but now I'm doing my best."

"Jia Fu, are your skin itchy? Let me relax!" Li Cunxiao looked at Jia Fu with a harmless expression, everyone was making fun of himself.

Seeing that Li Cunxiao was about to attack, Jia Fu snorted coldly, "I'm afraid of you! Come on!"

"That's enough, that's enough! You guys left without permission! Don't tell the king yet!" Han Shizhong on the side hurriedly reconciled.

Just kidding, these two people are the top fighters in the world. If they fight, it is thankful that this is not torn down.

The two didn't say anything when they arrived, both of them admired each other's force very much, but they just refused to admit defeat.

The Meng Zhan below was embarrassing.

On the ring, Su Dingfang looked at Han Jian: "You have no weapons anymore! Surrender!"

"Hahahaha! If I continue to lose in the face of setbacks, what face do I have in this world! Kill!" Han Jian strode forward and punched.

"Ding, Han Jian's scramble attribute activates, and seeing his own things being robbed is called a force value of 3. Special reminder, this skill is activated in conjunction with death will, and the force value will be increased by 3!"

"Ding, Han Jian's basic strength is 99, and his current strength is 102!"

As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong, and Han Jian is even more so, directly close to Su Dingfang's flesh, and does not give him a chance.

Su Ding's face was also serious, and Han Jian was fighting close to him, and he was in a hurry, and he seemed to be unable to hold on.

Han Jian smiled, and punched Su Dingfang in the chest. Su Dingfang's face turned cold, and the big knife in his hand clamped Han Jian's arm with one hand.

After resisting Han Jian's punch, Su Dingfang felt uncomfortable. With a cold snort, he kicked Han Jian's abdomen, directly pulling the distance between himself and Han Jian. Su Dingfang still understood the reason for beating a dog in the water. Opportunity, a knife rests on its neck, and controls it.

(End of this chapter)

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