Warring States Call

Chapter 379: Dragon and Tiger Fight

Chapter 379 Dragon and Tiger Fight ([-])
Han Jian was recovering, and saw Su Dingfang put the big knife on his neck, looked at Su Dingfang and waved his hands, and he seemed cheerful: "That's all! You won!"

Su Dingfang took back his treasured sword, looked at Han Jian below, cupped his fists and said, "I've offended you!"

"Winning is winning! There is nothing to say!" Han Jian patted the dust on her body, walked off the ring quickly, and sighed in her heart: "Shame! It's so fucking shameful!"

Han Jian's actions have won the favor of everyone, and he does things quickly and neatly.

"The winner is Su Dingfang!" Han Qinhu said immediately, Han Jian can be regarded as a partial general, no matter how you say it, he can be regarded as a military general who has soldiers under his command and can obey orders before going to the account. He also has a chance to make great achievements in the future.

"Next game! Du Hui vs. Gao Chong" Han Qinhu shouted. Han Yi, who was feeling a little excited, suddenly felt excited, and his general was finally about to come out.

Du Hui came striding forward, his teeth were silver chisels, his eyes were protruding golden, his fists were like copper bowls, his beard was curly, and he held a big axe in his hand.It weighs 120 catties and is nine feet long. It is considered the tallest among all the people here. It is also tall and mighty. Its hands are like tiger palms, and the veins on the top are like earthworms, scattered around its arms. The arms are as long as apes. It looks like a fierce general .

On the other side is Gao Chong, whom Han Yi has been thinking about day and night. He is nine feet long with a long spear in his hand. His face is like a red jade, with star eyebrows and sword eyes. What's a pity is that he wears a mask, so he can't see his whole face. Wearing white armor and a white robe, facing Du Hui, who is nine feet tall, he is completely fearless.

Du Hui looked at Gao Chong and snorted coldly: "The ones who come here leave quickly! Otherwise, I won't know if I will live or die under this giant axe!"

"Arrogance!" Gao Chong couldn't help laughing when he heard it, feeling that this guy was joking himself.

"Die!" Du Hui looked down at Gao Chong's head with the mountain-opening ax in his hand.

"Ding, Du Hui activates with the attribute of good strength, uses strength to attack the enemy, increases the strength value by 3, can be activated up to 3 times, increases the strength value of the Mountain Axe by 1, the base strength is 101, and the current strength is 105!"

Gao Chong sneered, and with a light sweep of the spear in his hand, like a spirit snake spitting out a letter, he knocked back the weapon in Du Hui's hand. He always felt that the weapon in his hand was bounced back easily as if it had been hit by an iron stone.

Du Hui took a few steps back, looked at the calm Gao Chong, and became vigilant in his heart.

This guy's strength was unfathomable, for a while Du Hui didn't dare to act rashly, Gao Chong glanced at Du Hui who was like a frightened bird, and waved his hand.

Provocation, naked provocation!How could Du Hui bear it, he couldn't bear it anymore, he chopped off Gao Chong's head with the mountain ax in his hand.

Gao Chong snorted coldly, looked at Du Hui, snorted coldly, the long spear that was standing next to him was raised, and swung at Du Hui with the axe.

"Ding, the attribute of the highly favored gun is activated, and the force value is instantly increased by 7"

"Ding, the second attribute of the highly favored gun is activated. When facing heavy weapons, the force value will be increased by 3, and every time the enemy's force value is activated, the high-favored force value will be increased by 2!"

"Ding, the current high pet's basic force is 105, the force value of the chiseled golden tiger head gun increases by 1, and the force value instantly increases by 7. When Du Hui uses the mountain axe, the force value increases by 3. Du Hui's good power attribute is activated once, and the high pet force value increases. 2! The current strength is 118!"

There was a gap of 13 points in force value. Gao Pang was like a dragonfly on the water. He chiseled the golden tiger's head gun and pointed it at the mountain axe. Du Hui always felt that the weapon in his hand seemed to be disobedient and was bounced back. I saw the chiseled golden tiger spear in his hand piercing his heart.

Du Hui was shocked, but there was nothing he could do. Gao Chong's strength was too strong, and his explosive power was also leveraged.

Jia Fu and Li Cunxiao, who were watching the competition between Gao Chong and Du Hui, frowned. According to their feeling, Gao Chong's strength was not inferior to them.

Han Yi looked at the dignified Jia Fu and said with a smile, "You guys are sure to beat him!"

Li Cunxiao on the side looked confident, looked at Han Yi and said, "Within a hundred moves, there is no winner or loser. After a hundred moves, he will definitely lose!"

After a hundred moves, I'm afraid Li Cunxiao and Gao Chong's force values ​​and attributes are fully activated. Judging from that situation, they are about the same. Then they looked at Jia Fu and said, "What about you!"

Jia Fu said for a long time, "I can't take him down in a hundred moves!"

"What about after a hundred tricks?" Han Yi broke the casserole and asked, with a harmless expression on his face.

Jia Fu was about to cry, didn't Han Yi hear it? He wanted to save some face, but Han Yi slapped his face and said helplessly, "It's hard to tell the winner after a hundred tricks!"

Han Yi looked at the embarrassed Jia Fu, and couldn't help smiling. This guy wanted to save face, but Meng Zhan, who was below, was shocked and said, "Is this guy that strong?"

Han Yi looked at Meng Yi, he hadn't seen him for half a year, this little guy has grown a lot, his skin has darkened a lot, and his body looks strong, it seems that Li Cunxiao has been training him a lot.

"The system will check Meng Zhan's attributes for me!" Han Yi began to look forward to it, hoping that this little guy could give himself a miracle.

“叮,蒙战:武力91(+3)统帅82 (+1)智力71 政治65”

"The force and command have improved significantly! In just half a year, there have been so many improvements. It seems that this little guy is not easy!" Han Yi sighed in his heart.

Meng Yuan died in the hands of Wang Yanzhang and Bai Qi. These two little guys fought hard. Meng Zhan worshiped Li Cunxiao as his teacher, learned martial arts and prepared to fight Wang Yanzhang, and Meng Yan learned the way of using soldiers from Han Yi. Both of them really wanted to Waiting for that day to come.

"Get up!" The chiseled golden tiger head gun in Gao Chong's hand swept several spears at you, and Du Hui always felt that the mountain ax in his hand was out of his control.

Immediately Gao Chong grabbed Du Hui's big belt with one hand, snorted coldly, and lifted it up, loosening his left hand, Du Hui's tall body lost gravity, and slapped heavily on the ground.

Han Yi smiled, this guy's strength is not bad, but it's a pity that he met Gao Chong, the god of death.

Gao Chong looked at Du Hui, who was like mud below, and saw that Du recalled getting up, but his whole body was sore and his mouth was numb, obviously suffering from great pain.

Han Qinhu looked at Du Hui who was fighting with force, and shouted: "Gao Chong wins!"

Only then did Gao Chong smile, and at the same time looked in the direction of Yuwen Chengdu, Jia Fu and others. According to his feeling, these people are very human!To put it bluntly, they all crawled out of the dead.

In the end, they fought several times piecemeal and eliminated three people, leaving only ten people in front of them, namely Gao Chong, Wei Ji, Du Hui, Su Dingfang, Han Jian, Shi Bao, Yao Qi, Deng Ai, and Zhong Hui and Chen Tai had already come to take part in the martial arts exam.

There were ten people in total. Han Yi looked overjoyed, and soon after Wen Ju came out, ten people went to the Purple Light Hall to meet Han Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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