Warring States Call

Chapter 459 Zhao Gao

Chapter 459 Zhao Gao
Qian Long looked at Shang Yang below, he had been an official for many years, he naturally knew the way of being an official, and then said: "I am willing to hand it over! But if the King Hangu Pass is not taken back, I am afraid it will not be conducive to our sending troops to Shu Kingdom!"

Yingzheng naturally knew the importance of Hangu Pass, but now Hangu Pass is in the hands of Wei State. With Qin State's current national strength, I am afraid that it is really not Wei State's opponent.

Therefore, now Yingzheng focuses on stability, and does not compete with Wei Guo for Hangu Pass first, but first solves internal troubles, and then sends troops to take Hangu Pass back.

Looking at the many civil servants and military generals below, Ying Zheng immediately said: "Let's retreat!"

"Retreat!" The eunuch next to him shouted, so all the ministers walked down slowly.

Shang Yang also walked towards the side complacently, only to see Zhang Yi who was on the side looking helpless at the senior brother who seemed nothing had happened, and slowly approached to the side, pretending to chat with Lu Buwei, as if he didn't see Shang Yang.

Shang Yang also smiled wryly. Looking around, everyone seemed to be avoiding the plague and did not want to have any communication with Shang Yang. Shang Yang looked at the rising sun, smiled wryly, and walked forward.

"Da... da... da!" Qian Long, leaning on crutches, gradually came up from behind.

"Young people, don't be too impulsive in doing things! You must know that the heights are extremely cold!" Qian Long held the crutch in his hand and limped forward, passing by Shang Yang, and said unhurriedly.

Like a reminder or a warning, Shang Yanghu stared ahead, and then reacted, looking at Qianlong walking ahead, gradually aroused his anger, looked at Qianlong in front, and snorted coldly: "I know that I can do it." If you don't do it, you're stupid! Are you right? Prime Minister Qianlong!"

Qian Long's expression was loose, and then he became serious. His left leg that was just about to step out began to retract. He turned around slowly, looked at Shang Yang in front of him, and said coldly: "What! Is Dr. Shang turning a corner and scolding the old man?" ?”

"I didn't say anything just now! As long as you know this matter in your heart, you say...don't you!" Shang Yang strolled close to Qian Long, not afraid of this old guy at all. Courtier, Qianlong is now a political victim.

"Okay...okay...It really is the Yangtze River waves pushing forward! But young people nowadays climb too high, be careful not to fall!" Qian Long's words seemed to be a warning, but also a threat.

"Hahahahaha!" Shang Yang didn't care at all, looked at the sky and laughed, we are like this sky, some old people quit, just for a better tomorrow!Ha ha ha ha! "

Unrestrained, Shang Yang strode down, not caring about Qian Long behind him.

Qian Long behind stared at Shang Yang in front, couldn't help being furious, blowing his beard and staring at Shang Yang below, gnashing his teeth: "Shang Yang..."

The first confrontation between Qian Long and Shang Yang was naturally watched by many people. Zhang Yi couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, hoping that Qian Long would not take the blame for Shang Yang's affairs.

Lu Buwei and Gan Mao looked forward and said to Shang Yang, stroked their mustaches, and said with a smile: "Young people are awesome!"

Shang Yang strolled, and was about to leave the palace gate. At this time, a young eunuch rushed over, looking at Shang Yang in front of him in a panic, and put off his sleeves, signaling Shang Yang to feel it!
Seeing that the eunuch was about to change himself, Shang Yang walked towards him, looked at the eunuch, puzzled and asked, "What's the matter?"

Shang Yang saw that the little guy's official uniform looked like a close minister next to Ying Zheng, and couldn't help thinking of something, so he rushed over quickly.

"My lord! Your Majesty is inviting you in the palace, please follow me!" The little eunuch waved his hand at Shang Yang, and then led the way forward.

Shang Yang immediately smiled and walked forward. No one noticed Shang Yang's movements, but one person noticed and stroked his beard as if thinking about something.

In the apse, a man was holding King Qin's sword in his hand, wiping it from time to time, his tiger eyes were staring ahead, as if waiting for something.

"Report to Your Majesty! Master Shang will bring you here!" The little eunuch at the side led Shang Yang to come.

"Sir! Shang Yang pays homage to the king!" Shang Yang knelt down on the ground when he saw Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng then said flatly: "Don't talk too much after you've done the polite words! I'm looking for you to talk about things with you, so come and give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Shang Yang immediately reacted, stood up and said calmly.

"Based on Gu's current situation! I don't know how to solve it!" Ying Zheng slowly put down the sword in his hand, looked at Shang Yang aside and said seriously.

"Build with ministers! Cut down the two kings, take in confidants, recruit talents, first settle inside, and fight outside!" Shang Yang said immediately.

"These orphans naturally know! But you said to fight the outside world according to the inside, so why do you still recognize the orphans and send troops!" Ying Zheng asked rhetorically.

"Letting the king attack the Kingdom of Shu is to weaken the strength of Yingsi. The king can let him be the vanguard! Siege the city and pull out the village, consume the vitality in Yingsi's hands, and at the same time send his confidantes to guard the important city. You can put down a king!" Shang Yang said a lot in a hurry, but Ying Zheng thought it through.

"Nei Shiteng is the only talent that Gu can use now. I don't know who you can recommend!" Ying Zheng asked.

"Does Your Majesty know Wang Kejun, Hou Junji, and Xia Luqi!" Shang Yang picked up the teapot below, took a sip and smiled.

"Of course this guy knows it! The three of them have their own strengths," Ying Zheng also felt that Shang Yang's words were reasonable, and couldn't help but feel moved.

"These three kings can be taken as confidantes. They are all new generals, just right for the king! But the most important thing is Ruan Wengzhong!" Shang Yang said his key point.

"Please tell me!" Ying Zheng suddenly felt that Shang Yang knew more about Qin's talent deployment than he did, so he couldn't help but have a whim.

"Ruan Wengzhong's military strength is not inferior to the famous Korean general Guan Yu, and his brothers are all brave. They are all from poor families. As long as the king promises them a lot of money, they will definitely be able to fill in a general," Shang Yang said with a smile.

"Then what's next!" Ying Zheng said puzzled.

"Fulfill the last wish of the late king! First, stabilize the country and eliminate Shu, and we will have food! It can solve the problem of food shortage in Qin, and then defeat Yiqu, and we will have horses. This is a great way to deal with flat land. If we have both, we can go east, and then we will definitely be able to compete with South Korea!" Shang Yang said enthusiastically.

Ying Zheng immediately put away the sword in his hand, looked at the little eunuch beside him, and called out, "Zhao Gao!"

"The servant is here!" I saw the little eunuch who had just brought Shang Yang over, running quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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