Warring States Call

Chapter 460 Yan Ying

Chapter 460 Yan Ying
Zhao Gao was wearing a black and red official uniform, and his complexion was fair and tender, but the wisdom in his eyes could never be erased. Now Zhao Gao looked like a fool, standing respectfully beside Ying Zheng, listening to the two of them. talk.

"Call the order! Feng Yingsi is the vanguard, and leads the soldiers and horses in his hands to drive straight into Shuchuan. Wang Jian is the general, and sends troops to Shu. I want Shu to be wiped out!" Ying Zheng snorted coldly.


As Zhao Gao said that, he retreated, leaving only Shang Yang and Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng looked at Shang Yang below and said calmly: "Mr. Shang, do you think there are undercurrents surging in the world today, who can be called a hero!"

"Uh...!" Shang Yang thought for a while, then looked at Ying Zheng with a smile and said, "I don't know if Your Majesty wants to hear the truth or lies!"

"True and false! False and true! I need to face it! It's always better to be realistic, so tell me!" Ying Zheng snorted coldly.

"There are only five people who can become heroes in the world today!" Shang Yang said with a smile.

"Which five people!"

"King Han Wu of South Korea, Han Yi! King Zhao Wuling of Zhao State Zhao Yong, King Wei Wen of Wei State Wei He, Duke Huan of Qi Jiang Xiaobai," Shang Yang said seriously.

"Oh! Sir, why is the parity price for these four people so high!" Ying Zheng was puzzled.

"The reason why my Qin country can't go east is because these three people have the foresight, so my Qin country will suffer a lot of vitality, and after Jiang Xiaobai inherited the throne, Qi's national power is getting stronger and stronger! Gradually, it will be the second Qin country! So he is also called a high-ranking hero!" Shang Yang drank a cup, and said a lot of things in a muddle with the strength of the wine.

"Then! Who is the last person!" Ying Zheng asked back.

"The last person is Xiang Yu. When I look at the world again, this person is the champion of the three armies! And he has the appearance of an overlord. Combined with his record against Lu, this person is not simple!" Shang Yang said with a smile.

Ying Zheng frowned. What annoyed him wasn't that Shang Yang spoke too directly, but what annoyed him was that the world was not peaceful...

Ying Zheng stood up, looked forward, and said helplessly, "Let's see who is in charge of the ups and downs in this world!"


Han Yi rubbed his swollen head with a tiger's gaze, and frowned. Cai Wenji held the clothes in his hand and helped Han Yi put them on. Is there anything important?"

Seeing people, he immediately said: "Yan Ying, the envoy of Qi State, is visiting our country!"

"Oh! Go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing! This guy is not kind!" Han Yi muttered to himself.

Half a meeting later, after the whole tedious etiquette was over, Han Yi asked, "What's the matter with Yan Ying?"

"Report to Your Majesty! I heard from the groom who followed Yan Ying on this trip that the purpose of Yan Ying's trip is to let the King go to Quchi for the five-nation alliance!" Li Ru walked up slowly.

"Your Majesty, don't! Qi's trip must have been planned for a long time, and you must not go before your Majesty!" Cao Cao hurriedly said below.

To be honest, since Han Yi called this guy back to his side, this guy hasn't come out much, and now he came out to wake up Han Yi!
"Reconsider!" Wei Zheng also stood up, obviously agreeing with Cao Cao's approach.

Han Yi looked at Li Ru, who was at the side, and said immediately, "Why Yan Ying came here is unclear for the time being, so please don't make wild guesses. Let someone tell you about Yan Ying!"

Seeing Han Yi like this, everyone will not refute. They just hope that Yan Ying will not come to cause trouble...

"Pass down Yan Ying!"

At this moment, there was a man standing outside the gate, striding towards him, he was less than five feet tall, with a thin body, as if he had no strength to restrain a chicken, his skin looked a little darker, and he looked a little fatter. Yi really can't compare him with people in history.

"Yan Ying of the Qi State has met the King of Han!" Yan Ying looked very polite and courteous, and first saluted Han Yi three times.

Han Yi looked at Yan Ying, then smiled and said, "In the past, King Qi and I were destined, but today I don't know what happened to the envoy of Qi!"

"It's nothing, but the king of Han wants too many cities. Wang Ziban asked my king for help, and my king came to ask me to invite King Han to Quchi!" Yan Ying said flatly.

"You guys really have a big tone!" Cao Cao put his hands in his pockets, looked at Yan Ying in front, and said indifferently: "The contract between our country and Lu State was signed by my king himself. Is our country provocative?"

Yan Ying seemed to be Cao Cao who was one foot taller than him, and said immediately: "My lord, don't misunderstand, the State of Lu has already regarded our country as the suzerain state, and my king's trip is only to ease the conflict between your country and the State of Lu!"

"Joke! Even if our country wants to reconcile, it needs the emperor of Zhou to reconcile. I don't know if Duke Huan of your country has put the emperor in his eyes and overstepped his power!" Cao Cao looked at Yan Ying sarcastically, as if the two had a deep hatred generally.

Yan Ying, who was on the side, smiled and said: "Of course I don't dare, but we all know what the situation of the emperor Zhou is now! Why bother to talk about the matter as the emperor, if this is the case, then we have to ask the emperor Go to Quchi to uphold justice!"

"The Son of Heaven is the foundation of the world! How can we take credit so easily? We can't afford anything to go wrong! Please be careful with your envoys!" Han Yi said solemnly at the moment.

Zhou Tianzi is something in his pocket, naturally it is impossible to take it out easily, otherwise it will be a pity if he loses it at that time.

Seeing Han Yi's words, Yan Ying opened his mouth and said, "I, Qi State, invited Duke Song of Zhongshan State and King Xiang of Xiang State in Quchi, and they all agreed to go and see. If King Han really doesn't want to go, neither will my king." I will insist, the city is not important, if the King of Han wants it, we will give it up to the State of Lu! King Han doesn’t have to worry! If there is nothing else to do, we will leave!”

"Wait a minute!" Wei Zheng snorted coldly, walked out, looked at Yan Ying, and said with a smile, "Where is Mr. Yan's main palace in our country? Come and leave whenever you want?"

"It's being abrupt again! I don't know what King Han said!" Yan Ying shifted his gaze to Han Yi vaguely.

Han Yi was still as calm as ever, and said with a half-smile: "I have long heard that Lord Yan of Qi State has a three-inch tongue, and seeing it today, it is really extraordinary!"

"King Han praised it in seconds!" Yan Ying's face was calm, but he was overjoyed, looking at Han Yi thoughtfully.

"Thank you for your trouble! Please tell King Qi that Gu will definitely go!" Han Yi said calmly.

"Your Majesty...!" Wei Zheng and the others were shocked when they saw it.

Han Yi quickly waved his hands to signal them not to get excited. Yan Ying below was overjoyed, looked at Han Yi and said, "Thank you, King Han, and I will wait for King Han to drive you when the time comes! Farewell!"

(End of this chapter)

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