Chapter 472
"The last general takes the order" Zhong Hui didn't stammer like Deng Ai, so he went up to take the general order.

Han Xin also smiled reassuringly, but Mengyan was unwilling. Now he is confident that he can lead the army alone, but Han Xin did not choose himself, which made him very upset.

Seeing that everything was well arranged, Han Xin looked at the remaining people and said calmly: "In a few days, the king will lead troops and horses to overwhelm the border and cross Licheng, which is Quchi! So we have to spend the next few days, Control the entire city! It is used to protect the king's safety!"

"General, please give me your orders!" Everyone said in unison.

"Come to General Huer!" Han Xin directly clicked on the old general below.

Lai Huer, who was still a little disappointed just now, suddenly smiled, stroked his beard, and walked forward quickly, saying: "The end is here!"

"Come on, old general! You quickly lead a few smart boys to find a place to stay in the city, use it to pick up the king, and at the same time secretly control the troops behind their city gates! Tell me their troops to garrison !" Han Xin pressed the sword with his hand, and frowned.

Seeing that her task was so heavy, Lai Hu'er felt pressured, and said half-assedly, "I need to borrow someone from the general!"

"It's okay to say it, general!" Han Xin also respects this old general very much. He has participated in several important domestic battles. In terms of strength, he may not be as good as the top, but he is more than the bottom, but he is the mainstay. This allowed Han Xin to be sure of winning.

"I want to use General Wenpin!" Lai Huer narrowed his eyes, pointed to Wenpin in the last row, and asked him by name.

Han Xin looked at Wenpin in the last row. With the special forces of Huang Feihu, Gao Shun and others, Wenpin is of no use here. It is better to let him go with Lai Huer.

"Since the old general is here, what did you say! General Wenpin! You can go through this with the old general!" Han Xin smiled and greeted Wenpin behind him.

"The last general takes orders!" Wenpin nodded, and Shiyi himself agreed.

"The big thing has been decided! Everyone, start packing up tonight! Set off early tomorrow morning!" Han Xin waved his hand and walked quickly.

Gao Chong sees that there is nothing wrong with him!I was not in a hurry, but the sense of loss in my heart was spontaneous. I walked out of the tent, looked at the sky full of stars, raised the gun in my hand, and walked towards my big tent.

"General Gao... General Gao!"

He only heard a black shadow walking behind Gao Chong, hurried over, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Huang Feihu.

Gao Chong had a certain impression of this guy, he was a fierce man with superb martial arts skills, and the hero also felt sympathetic to each other. Gao Chong also had a certain affection for Huang Feihu, and then smiled and said: "It's midnight! What advice does General Huang have! Yes You don't want to learn martial arts with Zai Xia!"

"Oh! It's rare that General Gao has such a good mood. It's fine at first. Since General Gao wants to fight! Then I have to accompany you!" Huang Feihu smiled, obviously waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"How do you compare!" Gao Chong rolled up his sleeves, and the haze in his heart just now was swept away.

"It's too dangerous to use weapons. It's crackling at night, and the soldiers have to rest. Let's compare our fists and kicks!" After Huang Feihu finished speaking, he stepped on his horse and put his left hand on his waist. The right hand becomes a palm knife.

Seeing Huang Feihu's interest, Gao Chong flicked his wrist and said, "Here we come! Be careful!"

Gao Chong made a move of lion and rabbit, and grabbed Huang Feihu's right hand. Seeing this, Huang Feihu stopped his steady horse gait, turned sideways, raised his right leg, and swept towards Gao Chong's lower abdomen.

Gao Chong saw Huang Feihu's whip and legs sweeping towards him, his eyes widened, and his arms moved closer together to merge into one place.


As soon as the two fought, the clothes on their arms shook, splashing ash all over, Gao Chong was knocked back three steps by Huang Feihu's huge force, Huang Feihu only felt that he had kicked an iron plate.

The first time they fought, both of them admired each other's skills. Gao Chong watched himself take three steps back, wanting to regain his position, and laughed loudly: "Be careful."

The long fist in Gao Chong's hand made him look like a fierce tiger, domineering and fierce. Seeing Gao Chong's attack, Huang Feihu thought that he could not lose his momentum. The iron fist in his hand cut through the long wind, like a majestic lion, violent and fierce ferocious!

Two long fists clashed, and there was only a slap. This was a contest of flesh and skin.

Both Gao Chong and Huang Feihu felt that there was a huge force on the opposite side, and the two forces were opposite. They were both knocked back a few steps. Only then did he stabilize his body shape.

Huang Feihu sighed in his heart, if Gao Chong had come back to kill him just now, he might really be unable to take over.

Gao Chong laughed and said, "I've accepted it!"

"General Gao really deserves to be the number one in martial arts, and he is willing to bow down!" Huang Feihu seemed natural, losing is losing, there is nothing to quibble about.

"General Huang is not weak, I'm afraid General Huang hasn't used his full strength just now!" Gao Chong said with a smile.

Huang Feihu waved his hand, approached Gao Chong and said, "Just now, General Gao was frowning! But he was worried about the affairs in the tent!"

"The general is right! The task of defending the city has not been assigned again! I am afraid I will follow General Han Xin to Zhucheng!" Gao Chong sighed.

It is rare to see such an opportunity to lead an army alone, but Han Xin did not choose himself, but let someone who is not as good as him go, which made Gao Chong feel uncertain.

Huang Feihu smiled and said: "General Gao, don't talk about it! If you lose your horse, you will never know what is going on! Maybe going to Zhucheng is also an opportunity for us."

"Oh! General, what do you say!" Gao Chong said with a puzzled face.

"Quchi is full of dangers, which is a good opportunity for you and me to show our talents! Your Majesty will definitely bring a few people with high martial arts skills to protect his safety. You are the leader of this martial arts competition, so your Majesty will definitely take you with you! Then it will be time for you to show off your skills, brother!" Huang Feihu said with a smile.

"Hahahahaha!" Gao Chong was overjoyed, and then looked at Huang Feihu and said, "Thank you, General Huang, for reminding me, I will see you soon!"

"Brothers don't know this truth! I'm afraid you don't want to go!" Huang Feihu said with a smile.

Gao Chong glanced at Huang Feihu and said, "Am I such a cowardly person?"

"Hahahaha! I think so too! At that time, you and I will join forces, and we will surely make great achievements!" Huang Feihu smiled, and now he is planning to join forces with Gao Chong, which he has planned for a long time.

It is impossible for him not to know the danger of Quchi, so he must be sure enough to go there, otherwise he will die.

"Okay!" Gao Chong said impassionedly.

(End of this chapter)

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