Chapter 473
half a month later.

Han Xin pressed the sword in his arms, and a group of people stopped at the base of Zhucheng City. The soldiers lined up neatly behind them. The soldiers were brightly armored and sharp.

"Is Zhucheng settled down?" Han Xin looked serious, staring forward with half-discovered tiger eyes, looking forward to the appearance of Han Yi's figure.

"Don't worry, general! The city is already settled! The king should be here soon!" Meng Zhan from behind stared nervously at the front.

"In Licheng! Can there be any news!" Han Xin looked at Meng Zhan behind and asked.

Meng Zhan also looked anxious, and said: "The gates of Licheng have been sealed off for the past few days! The news can't get out at all! We have lost contact with the old general Lai!"

When Han Xin heard this, he frowned and looked a little dignified. The generals and civil servants behind him were also secretly worried. Such a situation was too dangerous, and they were all vaguely worried.

On the road, Han Yi rode Xiaobai, and under the protection of everyone, he approached slowly. The tiger looked forward, and the first thing he saw was Han Xin, leading an army of tens of thousands, and Han Yi walked away .

The bald Yue Xi touched his bald head, looked at Han Xin who was leading the army ahead, and said with a smile, "Who is this!"

Evil came to take a look, Han Yi had just been promoted to a military general, he was rough and unrestrained, and said with a smile: "This person is Han Xin, one of the five generals in our country!"

"Oh! Is this the general who burned Qin's soldiers in the Battle of Wangye and defeated Bai Qi?" Yuexi had also heard Han Xin's name before, and his eyes were full of excitement, obviously he admired Han Xin .

Han Yi smiled, but he felt a little jealous in his heart. There is a sentence that says...

Han Yi stroked his mustache and saw the army behind him, so he stopped guessing and rushed forward. At the same time, Han Yi was also preparing to eliminate the local military power of the generals from all sides, so as to avoid the situation where the generals support themselves.

"Chen! Han Xin has seen the king!"

"I wait...have seen the king!"

Han Yi smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"My lord! It's windy outside! Let's go inside and discuss it in detail!" Han Xin immediately made a gesture of invitation.

Han Yi looked at Han Xin below, and said half aloud: "Let's go!"

As soon as Han Yi left, Han Xin followed behind, but Mengyan disappeared beside Han Xin at this moment. Looking at Meng Zhan, who bowed his head and said nothing, he patted him and pulled him over.

Meng Zhan glanced at the visitor, and then mumbled, "What are you doing!"

Meng Yan glanced at Meng Zhan: "Keep your voice down! Come with me!"


"Why are you asking so many questions! Come with me!" Meng Zhan greeted Meng Zhan and walked aside.

Half a minute later!Meng Yan led Meng Zhan to the tavern on the side, ordered food and put it on the table, picked up the wine below and said: "You and my brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's take advantage of the opportunity today, let's have a good drink!"

Meng Zhan took a look at Meng Yan, picked up the wine gourd below, and said, "Brother's revenge has not been avenged! You and I, brothers, let's respect our brother first with this glass of wine!"

Meng Zhan picked up the fine wine on the table and dropped it to the ground. Seeing the situation, he immediately picked up the fine wine below and said with a smile: "You're right, you're right!"

Meng Zhan took back his cup, looked at Meng Yan and said, "Tell me what you want to do with me! No wind, no waves!"

Meng Yan also smiled, and said: "Actually, it's nothing! The main thing is to ask why the king came to Quchi, is it a long-planned plan!"

Meng Zhan glanced at Meng Yan, and said calmly: "Ask what should be asked, and don't ask what should not be asked! As for the appointment of the king to go to Quchi, what you and I need to do is to perform our duties!"

"I said you brat... you actually taught me a lesson... didn't you!" Meng Yan became dumbfounded when he heard that Meng Zhan's voice was wrong, and put aside the topic.

"Go, go, go! You kid! You are so narrow-minded about everything! Sooner or later, you will play to your death!" Meng Zhan's eyes were full of ridicule.

"No! You have to pay for this meal!" Meng Yan took a jug of fine wine and drank it down.

"Didn't you say you invited me! Why are you talking about me!" Meng Zhan looked astonished!The change before and after this is too big.

Meng Zhan looked at Meng Yan, smiled wryly and said: "I've been eating military rations, I didn't bring any money! Don't cheat me, kid!"

"I don't care about you anymore! Let's go!" With a masked smile, he began to shake off the rascal, picked up the wine gourd, turned over and ran out.

"Damn it! Stop, kid!" Meng Zhan was shocked, and when he turned his head, Meng Yan had disappeared, looking at the food on this table, Meng Zhan couldn't laugh or cry, and could only wait for someone to rescue him.

On the other side, Han Yi was playing with the brush in his hand in a bored way, and said for a while, "I'm going to Quchi tomorrow! I don't know what you think!"

"The king built it with his ministers! We can't go to Quchi, and there is still a distance from the city. If there is a strong attack, it will not be completed in three days. If something happens to the king, I'm afraid we will be beyond our reach!" Han Xin worried. road.

Even if Han Xin's soldiers are like gods, it is very difficult to take down a city in such a short period of time, so Han Yi's going to Quchi is extremely disapproving.

Han Yi smiled and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"Your Majesty has a plan! Maybe we can break this situation!" Jia Xu, who had been standing below and didn't show much, came out and looked at Han Yi with a smile, but it made Han Yi feel so cold.

"Just say anything!" Han Yi said.

"The place leading to Quchi is not just Licheng. Just now, I took a look at it. If something happens, the king can go to Jiaoli City. It's just a small city with less than a thousand soldiers! After the king has gone, Once you find that something is wrong, head to this small town immediately, and before that, everyone needs to work together!" Jia Xu said with a smile.

"Your Majesty also has a plan! It can make Mr. Jia's plan more secure!" Zhuge Liang smiled, holding a feather fan in his hand, swinging it from side to side.

Han Yi held his chin, looked at Zhuge Liang below, and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Your Majesty, you can order General Han Xin to attack Licheng head-on, once to distract the Majesty's attention, and my colleagues will give you a kit to give to the Majesty! In times of crisis, you can help the Majesty out of danger!"

"Ding, Zhuge Liang's clever plan attribute is activated. This skill can increase Zhuge Liang's intelligence by 1 point, Zhuge Liang's base intelligence is 100, Kong Ming's feather fan intelligence is increased by 102, and Zhuge Liang's current base intelligence is [-]!"

"Damn it! Zhuge Liang's feather fan can also increase intelligence, the system, you must be joking!" Han Yi said boldly.

"Ding, this feather fan is unique to Zhuge Liang! Made with eagle feathers and eagle beads, it can be used to understand astronomy and geography! It is Zhuge Liang's exclusive product!"

(End of this chapter)

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