Warring States Call

Chapter 614 Yangshan Pass

Chapter 614 Yangshan Pass

In this battle Liu Bang came in person, in order to reassure the army, Wei Rui and Gao Xianzhi had to rely on Wei Rui and Gao Xianzhi for the main defense.

Chen Ping on the side held the map he had drawn overnight and spread it out in the tent, and Liu Fei on the side rubbed his sore shoulder: "I said Chen Ping, is what you said true, I took a look here , sparsely populated, where did the [-] soldiers come from!"

"But let's not talk about it, the land here is really vast. As long as we develop it well, we will definitely be able to make the country rich and the people strong!" Liu Ying, who had been silent all this time, stood up.

Chen Ping said with a smile: "You two don't know, the place we are now is still in the south, and even the state of Chu in the north belongs to the south."

"Oh! Then the northern countries you mentioned are really that powerful?" Wang Zhen was not convinced.

Chen Ping also smiled, looked at the map for a while and said: "The purpose of our trip is to take Guilin and Xiangjun, and then the king is sending people to guard Hengpu Pass... Yangshan Pass... Huangxi Pass, as long as we have these three Pass, the king can guard the land of thousands of miles behind, and it is not a problem to become king on his own!"

"Oh! Why can't you go north!" Liu Bang asked curiously.

Chen Ping was also embarrassed and said: "The northern countries are not their opponents with the current strength of the king. We still need to take it step by step!"

"Chen Ping, are you underestimating me?" Liu Bang tilted his legs, with a trace of ruffian in the corner of his mouth.

"Don't dare, it's just that the big country among them is powerful. Your Majesty only needs to welcome the people in the original area, and it will definitely develop this place greatly." Sweat gradually broke out on Chen Ping's head, this Liu Bang is really hard to serve.

"Huh! Let's talk!" Liu Banglou looked at the beautiful woman in the arms of the boy. Liu Bang, who had been in the palace all the time, did not dare to cheat. Now that Lu Zhi is gone, he still doesn't want to do whatever he wants.

Chen Ping wiped the sweat off his brow, and calmed down: "The cities in these three places are generals of the Chu State, namely Lian Junxiang, Li Mi and Xiong Zhan."

"Oh...!" Liu Bang hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It's the first time I've heard such a strange name. What's the name?"

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate him. This guy is a veteran of the three dynasties. His ability should not be underestimated. Moreover, the three places are interconnected. If one level is lost, the other two levels will definitely be rescued. Therefore, we must not attack the city easily, otherwise they will know If you come here, you must have the first opportunity, and it will be difficult for the king to attack the city!" Chen Ping said dryly for a moment.

"According to the spies' report, these three barriers are extremely strong. I also went to see them myself. It's not easy to win!" Wei Rui said with a serious face.

Gao Xianzhi looked at the map, and said half aloud: "It's better to attack at night than to build the city, and let's talk about taking this city!"

"No..." Chen Ping hurriedly stopped.

"You just want to do what you want, this is not good, that is not good, what do you want to do, boy..." Gao Xianzhi has a bad temper, and Chen Ping refuted his plan, how could he bear it.

"General Gao, there's no such intention in going down again..." Chen Ping said awkwardly.

"I think you did it on purpose...!" Gao Xianzhi said, and wanted to hit Chen Ping.

Liu Bang on the side hurriedly said: "Xianzhi stop!"

"Your Majesty...!" Gao Xianzhi was so angry that he stared at Chen Ping with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

Liu Bang patted Gao Xianzhi on the shoulder, looked at Chen Ping and said, "Talk about your opinion, if it's not some kind of trick, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you today!"

Chen Ping swallowed his saliva, looked at the crowd and felt helpless, according to his guess, he still didn't accept them, or they kept rejecting him!

"Say it!" Gao Xianzhi said unhappily, with his hands on his hips, as if he wanted to swallow Chen Ping alive.

Chen Ping smiled wryly and said: "Even Yin Xiang relies on the old to sell the old, Xiong Kuang is the young and energetic nobleman of the Chu State, and Li Mi is the surrendered general. There must be discord between these three people. But 5000 people, the king only needs to divide his troops to take it!"

"You mean, the two places pretend to attack, hold them back, and another soldier will press them up!" Wei Rui's face was bright, and Chen Ping's plan moved him.

"General Wei is indeed a good planner, let's admire him!" Chen Ping now also understands that he should not show his edge too much, otherwise he will be the one who dies, so it's better to be quiet now.

"Cut...!" Gao Xianzhi glanced at Wei Rui and Chen Ping with disdain.

Liu Bang also roughly listened to their ideas, and it was time to show his own role, and quickly said: "Since Wei Rui is the one who came up with this plan, then you will receive [-] yuan to take Yangshan Pass for me Liu Wuzhou, Liu Bang Ying and you both order [-] soldiers to harass! When Wei Rui takes Yangshan Pass, Gao Xianzhi...Wang Zhen'e, you two go to take the other two passes!"


Liu Bang arranged the general situation, glanced at Chen Ping, and began to think about how to subdue this talent, and Liu Bang seemed to subdue the talent in three ways, official position...gold, silver, treasure...and beauties.


This level is not too big or small, surrounded by mountains, and this level is like a city that fell from the sky, there is a feeling that one man is in charge of the gate, and the location of the other two levels is also abnormal. The three places intersect to form a triangle, echoing each other, as long as the beacon tower is ignited, the other two places will inevitably come to support. These three city designers are also geniuses, and they can come up with such a design.

Wei Rui stroked his beard and said with emotion: "If such a city can really exist, it wouldn't be a problem to dominate one side!"

"General, do we want to attack!" Zhou Bo tentatively asked.

Wei Rui looked forward and said half aloud: "Send me the general's order, send troops!"

"Woo... woo... woo..."



"It's not good, general, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses outside the city!" A deputy general hurried into the city, only to see Mr. Lian Yinxiang eating barbecue, seeing the deputy general rushing over, he couldn't help being furious Angrily said: "Bastard, the south is a land of endless sea and wasteland, where only a few people live, and where do tens of thousands of soldiers come from!"

"General, there are really tens of thousands of soldiers and horses outside, what should we do?" The soldier was visibly flustered. It was obvious that after decades of comfort, he was no longer as brave as he was when he was young.

Even Yin Xiang was startled, looked at the lieutenant general, and knew that what this guy said was true, he didn't even have time to eat meat, so he picked up his sword and boarded the city.

(End of this chapter)

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