Warring States Call

Chapter 615 Exaggerated Fan Kuai

Chapter 615 Exaggerated Fan Kuai

Wei Rui straddled the sword in his hand, and stared at the top with tiger eyes. At the same time, there were shouts of killing in the other two levels. Although the third brother could support each other, he had no other way to protect himself.

"Zhou Bo, Fan Kui, you two organize a team and climb up the city wall. You must not give them a chance to breathe!" Wei Rui stroked his beard and sent his two pioneers.

"The last general has an order!" The two took the order flag, raised a treasured sword, and went forward to kill.

"Where is Lu Wan!" Wei Rui said quickly, looking ahead.

"The last general is here!" Lu Wan was wearing rattan armor at the moment, holding a shield in her hand, and staring forward with misty eyes, obviously fearful.

Wei Rui didn't force him, but stared upwards, and said half aloud: "Lead the archers to suppress their archers first!"

When Lu Wan heard that the task she was performing was not dangerous, she couldn't help holding her head high and shouting: "Leave it to me!"

Speaking of Lu Wan's winning the command flag, she walked forward. Wei Rui looked at Lu Wan's leaving back and shook his head helplessly. This guy is greedy for money and likes to gamble. I'm afraid I won't be able to sit where I am today.

Lu Wan turned her eyes to the front, swaggered again, and commanded: "Quickly shoot the arrows to suppress them!"

As soon as Mr. Lian Yin Xiang came to the stage, he saw tens of thousands of people, and he was shocked and cursed: "Damn it, where did this soldier come from!"

"General! There is no room for loss at Yangshan Pass, let's think about how to stop them!" The deputy general forcibly suppressed the anxiety in his eyes, and tightly held the weapon in his hand.

"Quickly set up the beacon tower and let Xiong Zhan and the others come to support, we can't afford to delay here!" Elder Lian Yin Xiang quickly sensed it, his eyes were irritated.


"Xuuuuuuuuuuuupuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whou!"

"Fire the arrows!" Elder Lian Yi Xiang said with a startled expression, looking at the archers below, his expression became panicked.

"General! We have less than [-] archers in our hands. Your Majesty has transferred all our thousands of archers away in order to conquer the Yue Kingdom!"

"Let the thunder stone roll the wood, the city must not be lost!" Elder Lian Yixiang held the spear in his hand and said seriously.


Fan Kuai resisted a big knife, held a shield in the other hand, his eyes were piercing, and said half aloud: "Kill...!"

"Boom!" A stone the size of a man's head fell towards Fan Kuai's head.

Fan Kuai raised the shield in his hand to protect his main body, only to hear the sound of "Pa!", Fan Kui's whole body was shocked, his body was slightly stunned, and he was almost smashed to the ground, but fortunately he held on, Fan Kui Holding the shield in his hand, he stared at the top of the tiger, and said half aloud: "Come on, break open the city gate, whoever dares to retreat, must blame Lao Tzu for being ruthless!"



"One, two, three... Boom... One, two, three... Boom!" With each blow, the entire city gate shook!
Elder Lian Yinxiang above held the weapon in his hand and stared at the front in embarrassment. He stood up with the weapon in his hand for a while, stared down with piercing eyes, and said for a while: "Give me the order, and all thunder Stones and logs are gathered at the gate of the city, let me smash them to death!"



The entire city was full of screams and death, and Fan Kui almost fell here. His tiger eyes stared at the top, and he began to curse: "Damn it, Zhou Bo, what is that bastard doing behind, why don't you let him stand up?" Ladder, climb up!"

Saying that it was too late, now it was too late, Zhou Bo himself carried the ladder on the city wall, staring at the top, and shouted: "Brothers, come up to me, the first to climb the city wall will be rewarded with ten boxes!"


Encouraged by Zhou Bo, the soldiers below became excited one by one, and climbed up one by one. Of course, it is good to be able to climb up, but whether they can come back alive is a problem!

One by one, the soldiers quickly climbed up the city wall, and gradually a gap was opened on the city wall.

Fan Kuai Wang Shang stood his ground, flicked his shoulders, bit the back of the knife with a big mouth, and climbed up the ladder to kill.

Zhou Bo was also not to be outdone, and followed up with a weapon in his hand. Wei Rui stroked his beard, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked up: "It's over...!"

With the bravery of Fan Kuai and Zhou Bo, these few people are not enough to watch. Within half an hour, the city will definitely be taken.

Sure enough, Wei Rui's place was gone, and the guards on the city wall retreated steadily.

Fan Kui dragged the big knife in his hand to the ground, staring at the front with his tiger eyes, and said coldly, "Where is the general?"

At this moment, even Elder Yin Xiang noticed Fan Kuai's figure, and snorted coldly: "Where did you come from, you should die!"

Fan Kui stared at the front, with a smile on his rough expression, his tiger eyes stared at the front, and the knife in his hand slashed towards Mr. Lian Yin Xiang, the speed in his hand was not slow.

Even Elder Yin Xiang snorted coldly, and hacked away with Fan Kui's throat. The big knife was like a tiger, and it went straight to Fan Kui's throat.

When Fan Kui saw it, his face was startled, and the big knife in his hand stood in front of him.


After one blow, Fan Kui felt the big knife in his hand go numb, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, but then he sneered, stretched his muscles and bones, stared at the front, and said half aloud: "Old man! It's pretty awesome, I'll meet you!"

"Ding, Fan Kui's attributes are activated first, and the force value of each first soldier will be increased by 5. The current base force value of Fan Kui is 99, and the force value of the dog-butchering knife is increased by 1. The current force value is 105!"

Fan Kuai's big knife went towards Mr. Lian Yinxiang, and the big knife in his hand was fierce. Within three rounds, Mr. Lian Yinxiang began to sweat profusely, began to pant, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"Go...!" Lian Yinxiang was startled, seeing that he couldn't beat Fan Kui, regardless of 21, he threw the sword directly at Fan Kui.

When Fan Kui saw it, he quickly dodged sideways, and looked back at Lian Yin Xiang, who wanted to escape, and couldn't help shouting: "Old dog, where do you want to go, look at my dog-killing knife skills!"

"Ding, Fan Kui's dog-killing attribute activates. Every time he says a word of dog, everyone's force value will increase by 3, and the maximum force value will go online 5 times. After Fan Kui barks twice, the force value will increase by 6, and the current force value is 111!"

"What...!" Elder Lian Yin Xiang turned around and saw that Fan Kui had thrown the big knife from his arms, and there was a rope at the end of the blade. Looking at the dog-butcher knife approaching, Lian Yin Xiang had nothing to do with it. In other ways, in the end the setting sun passed through his throat, and a generation of famous generals fell here.

(End of this chapter)

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