Chapter 616
In the ancient way, the veteran's bravery has not diminished in the past. Although he is defeated, he is glorious. The place where the bones are buried in the battlefield is famous in history.

Holding the treasured sword in his hand, Fan Kui looked at the corpse below him, and shouted: "Lao Zhou, hurry up, this general Lao Tzu has solved it, and I will leave the rest to you. I will take his head as a reward!"

Zhou Bo watched Fan Kui raise the knife and take off the head, and said helplessly: "Okay, don't worry about it, leave the rest to me!

The flags of Chu State at Yangshanguan were slowly falling, and the flags with Liu characters were slowly erected one by one. Wei Rui was also relieved. Every time he fought a battle, he would always consider the worst plan. It didn't happen, otherwise the pressure on me would be huge.

Fan Kuai held the head in his hand, raised it with a smile and said, "Brother, look at my record!"

Wei Rui said with a look of disgust: "Take it away quickly, pass on the order, this battle is a big victory, let the soldiers change into Chu soldiers' clothes, and go with me to capture Huangxi Pass!"

Fan Kuai threw the bloody head aside and wiped the blood from his hands with the cloak behind him: "Why bother? You have already taken Yangshan Pass, so why bother?"

Wei Rui rubbed his temples helplessly, and looked at Fan Kui: "The fact that we can save a little bit of troops now is to leave one more hope for us to win the world in the future. Besides, I don't believe that you, Fan Kui, can give up this great opportunity!"

Fan Kuai wiped the blood off his hands, patted his own hands, picked up the wine gourd on his waist, his eyes were bright, and he smiled and said, "Of course it's impossible, let's talk..."

Wei Rui smiled, staring at the front with tiger eyes, and said for a while: "I will give you 2000 people, whether you can succeed or not is up to you!"

Fan Kui smiled, picked up his dog-butcher knife, glanced at Wei Rui, and said coldly, "Don't underestimate people!"

"Go! Changes will happen later!" Wei Rui urged Fan Kui.

And Fan Kui also rode impatiently on the war horse under his crotch, looked at the two thousand soldiers and horses that Wei Rui had prepared early, looked behind, and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me!"


Holding the bronze sword in her hand, Lu Wan looked at Fan Kui's back, wondering, "What is this guy doing!"

"It seems that General Wei Rui sent him some mission!" said the deputy general beside him.

Lu Wan rubbed her chin, her face was full of unwillingness, why did this guy catch up with all the good things, although Lu Zhi's sister is not as beautiful as Lu Zhi, but she is also a big beauty, just like a flower Putting cow dung on it, it was cheaper for Fan Kui, and now this guy has caught up with this good thing, how can this not upset Lu Wan.

Lu Wan stared at the front for a while, sighed, and said calmly: "Everyone take their places!
Huangxi Pass

Xiong Zhan held the saber in his hand, his eyes were red, and his tiger eyes were staring ahead, with a trace of irritability in his eyes. Although the soldiers and horses below were similar to them, if they really fought, they would not be their opponents. .

And the general outside the pass was Gao Xianzhi, who was at odds with Wei Rui. He had been shooting arrows around the perimeter, not daring to attack. He had been waiting for Wei Rui's news, and the soldiers behind him became impatient.

Gao Xianzhi stared at Xiong Zhan, who was guarding against him, with a cold look on his face: "What the hell is this Wei Rui doing? The speed is so slow, I can't stand it anymore! Send me an order to attack!"

"General, it's absolutely impossible. We have limited soldiers and horses. If we attack by force, we may not necessarily take down the city. We will suffer heavy losses!" Liu Wuzhou on the side worried.

Gao Xianzhi frowned. In fact, he was irritable after all. There was no other reason. Most of the soldiers and horses in their hands were infantry, and the cavalry didn't even dare to think about it. I think, and the place in the Indochina Peninsula can't produce horses, they prefer... war elephants.

Liu Bang is also actively organizing this considerable combat power. As long as this combat power is cultivated well, he will have the most basic ability to dominate the south.

Gao Xianzhi touched the scimitar he was holding, and said half aloud: "Give me an order to rest for three quarters, and after three quarters, send troops to take the pass!"

"This...!" Liu Wuzhou hesitated for a while, but looking at Gao Xianzhi's murderous eyes, he quickly said, "I obey!"

After the Huangxi pass, Fan Kui changed his usual attire and passed on this small bronze battle armor, which covered his main face, raised his head, looked up the city wall, and shouted: "I am Naiyang. Lieutenant General Shanguan, ordered by Old General Lian, is here to help you!"

"Elder Lian Yinxiang is so kind!" Xiong Zhan put a question mark in his heart, then looked down at Fan Kui, and said coldly, "What happened at Yangshan Pass!"

Fan Kuai couldn't help but frowned, this Xiong Zhan really couldn't fool him: "There are thousands of enemy soldiers ahead, they have already been repulsed by the old general, even the old general is relieved when he sees the beacon tower that you also lit here. No more, let me help you!"

"Bastard, this old Lian Yixiang dares to rely on his old man to sell his old man. I don't need his help here. You quickly go back, and you can handle it here!" Xiong Zhan was furious. It's just underestimating himself, how can Xiong Zhan bear it, and directly shut them down.

Fan Kui saw that this was not right, things were different from what he thought, and he did not follow his own ideas, but Fan Kui was also a businessman before, so he knew how to bargain when selling dog meat, so he quickly said: "Even the old general said, If the general doesn’t need it, I won’t be able to go back, I hope the little general will take pity on us and let us enter the city quickly!”

"Huh...!" Xiong Zhan snorted coldly, and said backhand: "Open the city gate...!"


Xiong Zhan didn't think too much about it. After all, where are the abilities of these three levels? Even if Elder Yi Xiang is at a loss, it is impossible to lose the level, so he opened the city gate directly.

Fan Kuai touched the treasured sword in his bosom, and muttered to himself: "His grandma's, the door is finally open, brothers, let's all say hello!"

"No...!" All of them whispered in low voices, not daring to make a big fuss, lest they startle the snake.

"Open the city gate...!"

Holding the sword in his hand, Xiong Zhan came over cursingly: "Damn it, didn't you understand what this general meant... you!"

"Kill...!" Fan Kui picked up the big knife in his hand, without giving Xiong Zhan time to react, he slashed down and directly took off his head, and the soldiers behind him grabbed the weapons in their hands and killed them one by one.

"call out…………"

As soon as the arrow was shot down, Gao Xianzhi held a big knife and cursed: "Damn it, it's finally started, attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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