Chapter 617


As soon as Xiong Zhan died, the entire Huangxi Pass was leaderless, and everyone began to retreat slowly, and within a moment the pass was taken down.

Fan Kuai carried the big sword in his hand: "Everyone put down the weapons in their hands, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

As for the rest of Hengpu Pass, Li Mi was the only one left to resist stubbornly. Chen Ping's eyes were red. He and this Chen Ping had a deep hatred, so Chen Ping came here specially to kill Li Mi with his own hands.

Liu Bang looked at Chen Ping, who had a murderous look on his face, and couldn't help but smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you, a weak guy, would have the idea of ​​killing someone today. How much hatred do you have with this Li Mi!"

Chen Ping glanced at Liu Bang and then said: "After the king captures this Li Mi, please hand him over to deal with him, and I will be grateful!"

Liu Bang stroked his beard, looked at Chen Ping and laughed, "It's okay, if this guy is captured, I'll hand it over to you!"

"Thank you, my lord...!" Chen Ping looked forward with real fire in his eyes, hoping to win this level as soon as possible.

Li Mi, who closed the Hengpu Pass, pressed the sword in his hand, followed by his personal general Wang Bodang.

Looking at the crowd of soldiers in the city, Li Mi couldn't help but frown and said: "I, Li Mi, just want to develop well, occupy the three gates, and become a king. I didn't expect that the destiny is not with me. Could it be that I really can't be king?"

Holding the bow and arrow in his hand, Wang Bodang looked at Li Mi and said solemnly: "My lord, he now occupies two of the three passes. We are fighting alone like this, but it will not help the matter. We should retreat quickly and wait and see what happens!"

Li Mi smiled wryly, did Uncle Wang think he didn't want to?He was originally a surrendered general, and he was not favored by Xiong Yi. If he just withdrew like this, he might die without a place to bury him!
And the world is so big, where can he go? Ever since Han Yi's strong rise, he, Li Mi, has become a traitor. On the verge of being ostracized, he is not worthy of being martyred by Xiong. Besides, Li Mi has not fulfilled his ambitions, and he does not want to die like this.

Wang Bodang also saw Li Mi's frown, and said half aloud: "My lord, Qin State is employing people now, and with Qin State's character of vengeance, there will be a battle with Han Yi in the future. Why don't we go and take refuge in him!"

Li Mi stroked his beard, his eyes moved quickly, his heart moved, and he looked at the soldiers attacking the city. Li Mi said in a short voice: "Let's go! You and I leave this place of right and wrong in disguise. I have a hunch that there will be chaos in the south." , there are mixed fish and dragons here, we should leave this place of right and wrong!"

"The last general takes orders!"

In this way, the three major barriers that seemed indestructible to outsiders fell into Liu Bang's hands, and Liu Bang was identified as the second largest line of defense in the north. The battle between the Han Dynasty laid the foundation.

"Hengpu pass has been taken down, and the third pass has entered the hands of the king!"

"Where's the enemy guard?" Chen Ping was so excited that he began to imagine himself ravaging Li Mi.

"Where the guard seems to have abandoned the city and fled!"

"How is it possible! Did you read it wrong...!" Chen Ping said in disbelief.

"There is a small road ahead, they may follow this road and escape towards the south!"

"Bastard...!" Chen Ping's eyes were red, but he had no choice but to suppress his heart.

Liu Bang glanced at Chen Ping, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you are my brother, and your enemy will help you get well!"

Chen Ping now has rows of black lines on his head, just kidding!You threatened to kill him just a second ago, but now you start calling him brother and brother, isn't this nonsense?

"Your Majesty, we have captured more than 1 enemy horses, what should we do with them!" Liu Wuzhou put away the sword in his hand and walked quickly, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Liu Bang obviously lost the war because of this, he waved his hands and shouted: "Of course I killed him!"

Chen Ping didn't want to say anything at the moment, and he couldn't say anything. If he said too much, he would easily offend others. The best way now shut up.

"Your Majesty, don't...!" Wei Rui pressed the sword in his hand and stepped forward quickly, with a trace of nervousness flashing in his eyes.

Liu Bang glanced at Wei Rui, and said with a puzzled expression, "Why Wei Rui!"

"My lord! Although this place has been won, it is sparsely populated, and the combined land of the two counties is only 20. If these 1 people are used, the value is immeasurable!" Wei Rui said hastily.

"Your Majesty, what General Wei said is true, these people cannot be killed!" Zhou Bo came with a big knife in his hand, his eyes were a little anxious.

Liu Bang glanced at Zhou Bo and snorted coldly, "Why..."

"Your Majesty, you can use these people to build the city, which can also reduce our labor!" Zhou Bo directly proposed his own plan, so that Liu Bang's brain would not get hot, and he would really kill people.

Liu Bang glanced at the two of them, saying that Liu Bang also had a little effort and said: "Let's do it like this, let the two of them go to build the city!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" the two said in unison.

"Your Majesty will surely fight back when he wins three passes, so please be prepared!" After Chen Ping said this, he sat aside with his hands in his sleeves and remained silent.

Liu Bang glanced at Chen Ping and said for a while: "Someone has already been selected for this Sanguangu. First, the people from the original place will be moved here to develop this place. Let's talk about the rest in the future!"

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

"Wei Rui should take the lead in this battle. You lead 3 troops to guard Yangshan Pass, Wang Zhen'e, you lead 3 troops to guard Hengpu Pass, and Zhou Bo, you lead [-] troops to guard Huangxi Pass!" Liu Bang directly dispatched three soldiers. Wan Dajun has resisted the Chu State in the north.

"Lu Wan, tell the people in the original place, as long as the people who are willing to move here, the king will send soldiers to help, the land will be twice as much as before, and the tax will remain the same!" Liu Bang waved his hand and directly offered his own conditions.

"Deling...!" Lu Wan took the token and began to arrange. This place is vast and sparsely populated, and with the support of Liu Bang's policy, within half a year this place will definitely be full of vitality.

From then on, Liu Bang also began his life of fighting south and north. Today, Liu Bang has only 15 soldiers, and only more than 70 people under his command. country, is no longer a problem.

"Ding, Fan Kuai died in battle, Mr. Lian Yinxiang, Xiong Zhan rewarded 17 summoning points, and Mr. Lian Yixiang's force reached 95 before his death. Five people broke the list. Please host, get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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