Warring States Call

Chapter 619 Wu Country

Chapter 619 Wu Country
"My lord's current plan is to cooperate with the state of Wu. The two armies will unite and attack the state of Chu together! We are afraid that we will lose more than the gain if we send troops rashly!" Sun Quan was followed by a man, wearing a yellow coat, mustache, and ordinary complexion , but a pair of eyes gleamed with fox-like cunning.

"If Xiaokuan has anything to say, just say it directly!" Sun Jian glanced at Wei Xiaokuan, this guy was one of the few counselors in Sun Jian's hands.

Wei Xiaokuan strolled up, and said immediately: "Our country borders the state of Wu, and the two countries are constantly at war. If we send people there casually, I'm afraid we won't be able to convince the state of Wu!"

Sun Ce pressed the sword in his hand, looked at Wei Xiaokuan puzzled and said, "Then according to your idea, what should we do!"

"Proton! Your Majesty needs to send a proton to the Kingdom of Wu to gain the trust of the King of Wu. Moreover, if your Majesty wants to sit on the throne more securely, he must get the approval of the Emperor Zhou, so that the people's hearts can be at ease!" Wei Xiaokuan said hastily.

"Right now all countries are fighting everywhere, and the Emperor Zhou is just a decoration. Why do we still have his approval? I say that having soldiers is the last word!" Gan Ning was wearing a bearskin, with bandits in his eyes, and a leopard beard. There is a three-foot machete on the back, which looks extremely scary.

Wei Xiaokuan glanced at Gan Ning, then smiled and said nothing, since Sun Jian really had the right to make the decision.

Sun Jian stroked his beard. In fact, they all knew in their hearts that if they really want to develop with peace of mind, they must appease the people, so Han Yi's territory must be gone.

At the same time, Sun Jian also began to hesitate. The issue of protons was also brought up on the knife bar. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh. His two most outstanding sons, the eldest son Sun Ce was good at fighting and brave, and the second son was resourceful and strategizing. Whoever these two sent was extremely dangerous, and it was something Sun Jian didn't want to lose.

Sun Quan's green eyes stared at Sun Jian, knowing that Sun Jian was beginning to hesitate and make a decision between him and Sun Jian, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Father send me there!"

Sun Jian stared at Sun Quan with a pair of tiger eyes, Sun Jian was also surprised, whoever he sent represented a person's renunciation, and those who went could not touch Sun Jian's soldiers and horses, which meant that they had given up on the battle for the throne. Everyone looked at Sun Quan in puzzlement It turned out that they were still looking forward to Sun Jian's decision, which would give them a solid foundation in their hearts and a solid foundation for the future, but now that it's opened, the situation is a game of live chess, and it seems like a game of dead chess.

"Second brother, this matter is not a trivial matter!" Sun Jian stared at Sun Quan, not believing this guy, so he gave up so easily.

"This...!" Sun Jian said with hesitation, "Okay!"

"Father, I need four people to protect my safety, and please help me!" Sun Quan said.

"Who do you need!" Sun Jian was afraid that he felt guilty, and wanted to make up for Sun Quan.

"Ding Feng...Xu Sheng...Pan Zhang...Ling Tong four people!" Sun Quan directly ordered his direct descendants. Completely abandon the struggle for the throne.

Sun Ce looked at Sun Quan in surprise, looked at his younger brother for a while, and said calmly, "As soon as the war is over, I will personally go to Wu to pick you up!"

Sun Quan smiled, his smile was so kind, so calm, and he didn't wait for the slightest bit of persuasion.

Sun Jian waved his hand and said, "Let him go!"

"Decree!" Seeing the four young generals behind the Mo faction, they stood up without any hesitation in their eyes.

Sun Quan waved his sleeves and said, "Since this is the case, I can set off. Please rest assured, father. I will be able to convince King Wu!"

Wei Xiaokuan looked at the back of Sun Quan who was gradually leaving, touched his mustache, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He put it to death and survived. Staying in the country may not be a good thing at first sight. It caught Sun Ce's vigilance!

outside the city,

Sun Quan was sitting in a carriage, and four confidant generals rode the carriage and walked forward.

The reason why Sun Quan wanted these four people here was firstly to protect himself, and secondly because he was afraid that Sun Ce would send his men to die in the absence of Sun Quan.

Sun Quan pulled the curtains on the car, glanced at the scenery outside the window, and said half aloud: "This is the real beginning...!"

Wu Guosu
Fu Chai, the king of Wu, stared down, rubbing his hands unconsciously, and the generals and officials below stood neatly in rows.

The generals are headed by Zhu Yuanzhang, followed by Zhu Di, Yang He, Lu Bu, Ying Bu, Zang Ba, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, Zhuan Zhu, Yao Li, Sun Wu, Gongsun Xiong , Wu Yunzhao, Wu Jianzhang, Wu Tianxi, Wu Deng, Tian Bu, Ji Bu

The civil servants are headed by Wu Zixu, followed by Li Shanchang, Cai Jing, Zhu Yunqi, etc., but there are also a lot of talents.

Since Wu Guo fought a battle with Chu State two years ago and won several cities, there has been no change, or it has been recharging its energy all the time. In recent years, Zhu Yuanzhang has become even more powerful. Fu Chai indulged in all day long.

Zhu Yuanzhang is also actively buying people's hearts. Unknowingly, except for a few old bones in the court, Zhu Yuanzhang monopolizes all newcomers in his own hands.

"Report to Your Majesty! There is civil strife in Chu, the three passes in the south are lost, Guilin and Xiangjun are lost!"

"Oh!" Fu Chai, the king of Wu, showed that his eyes were dull, and his whole body was lacking in energy. Eyes, staring at the front, calmly said: "What are you talking about!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the civil strife in Chu has resulted in the loss of the three passes in the south, and the loss of Guilin and Xiangjun!"

"Great!" King Wu Fucha stood up excitedly, his drowsy expression was gone, only a pair of excited eyes remained.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also thinking about how to reshuffle the ministers in the court......

"Your Majesty must not lose his chance. As the saying goes, to take advantage of his illness to kill him, now is a good opportunity!" Wu Zixu hated Chu State deeply, and even had the famous saying of whipping corpses three hundred times.

"Your Majesty, please fight!" Zhu Yuanzhang is also impatient now, this time he can use the war as an excuse to cleanse the forces in the court, and it is not a problem to kill those who refuse to accept him directly.

King Wu Fucha also smiled, and shouted: "Okay! Zhu Yuanzhang stepped forward to listen to the order!"

"The humble minister is here!" Zhu Yuanzhang held the jade board forward, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"You lead [-] troops and send troops to attack Chu, and you also have to beware of those rats who cross the land." Wu Wang Fucha reminded as if he had thought of something.

"The minister takes orders!"

"Report to Your Majesty, Prince Quan of the Yue Kingdom is here to pay his respects!"

(End of this chapter)

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