Warring States Call

Chapter 620 Political Struggle

Chapter 620 Political Struggle
"Oh...! What is this guy doing here?" Fu Chai asked with a puzzled expression.

"Your Majesty, the Yue Kingdom and our country have always been at odds. I'm afraid they're ulterior motives. We'd better take precautions," Wu Zixu reminded.

Fu Chai was not stupid either, he greeted the soldiers below: "Hurry up and announce him!"


At this moment, Sun Quan was wearing white clothes, holding a festival order in his hand, looked at Fu Chai and said, "Young Master Quan pays homage to Your Majesty!"

"You and the country of Yue have always been at odds with each other. I don't know what you are talking about this time. If you have nothing important to do, please go back. I have other things to deal with here, so I don't have time to talk to you!" King Wu Fuchai His words were full of arrogance, and he yawned from time to time.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others below knew what he was talking about as soon as they heard Wu Wang Fuchai's words. Now the government affairs are all handed over to Wu Zixu, and the military affairs are handed over to Zhu Yuanzhang. .

Sun Quan looked at Fuchai's words without changing his expression. He looked at King Wu with a smile and said, "I came here as a hostage to invite King Wu to challenge Chu. I don't know what King Chu thinks!"

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his head slightly, like a wolf Gu Zhixiang, staring at this Sun Quan, only to see that he is purple-haired and blue-eyed, different from ordinary people, looking at him calm and calm, full of confidence in doing things, he is definitely extraordinary at a glance.

Fu Chai pinched his beard with two fingers, and said with a sneer, "Do you think Yigu's 20 troops can't defeat Chu?"

"Yes...!" Sun Quan couldn't deny it. At the same time, Sun Quan raised his head and looked at Fu Chai with his green eyes: "Your Majesty can take over the Chu Kingdom by himself, but have you ever thought about Xiang Yu in the north, Sun Jian?" Even Han Yi, will they come up to share a piece of the pie?"

"Are you questioning Gu?" Fu Chai's eyes were shining at the moment. Obviously, Sun Quan's words made him look murderous. Although he was extravagant, he still had the domineering aura that should be a king.

"It's not to question the king, but the fact is that even if the king conquers Chu, he will suffer heavy losses, and it will be difficult to go north within a hundred years. Is this the result that the king wants?" Sun Quan stared at Fucha above.

Fu Chai also sat upright from the original position, and stood up, staring at Sun Quan with black pupils. For those who threatened him, Fu Chai didn't mind letting him disappear.

Sun Quan looked at Fu Chai, and said in a low voice, "King Wu! Although my country of Wu is not as powerful as yours, I can still get [-] soldiers and horses in my hand. Wouldn't it be great if our two families cooperate!"

The meaning of Sun Quan's words is very obvious. We can cooperate to deal with Chu State, and in turn, he can cooperate with Chu State to deal with you, Wu State. Whether it is turning an enemy into a friend or fighting each other, you have to decide for yourself. .

Sun Quan's appearance didn't seem like he was asking for an alliance, but a more realistic discussion. At this moment, although Sun Quan only had four people afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang felt an unprecedented danger. The whole south, Fangyan and the whole land were not worthy of Zhu Yuanzhang's liking. This Sun Quan, today's performance, is firmly imprinted in his heart.

Wu Wang Fuchai is stupid, but he is not stupid. Naturally, he can understand what Sun Quan means, and he wants to kill him in his heart, but killing a Sun Quan can appease the state of Wu. Plus.

"Hahahahaha! Sun Jiaerlang really lives up to his reputation, the tiger father has no dogs, he is amazing!" Fu Chai immediately laughed aloud.

All the veterans below breathed a sigh of relief, and even the most prosperous ones, seeing Fu Chai's appearance, all excitedly thought that this guy had returned to his former shrewdness.

"Cooperation is fine! But how can I trust you!" Fu Chai looked at Sun Quan and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, King Wu, my king has sent me as a hostage, and I hope the two practitioners will enjoy each other!" Sun Quan smiled, and said his own reason for coming, and said that since I came, I will not leave.

"Hahahahahaha! Good... good! Where is Gongsun Xiong!" Fu Chai laughed and walked back to the original throne.

"Boom..." There was a thunderstorm in the sky, and it gradually began to rain lightly. The rain was not small, and it faintly began to grow bigger and bigger.

"The last general is here!" I saw a burly general walking out from below. This person was Gongsun Xiong. Zhu Yuanzhang stared at this guy with a strange look in his eyes. However, if Sun Quan's hand is used to get rid of it, it would be the best of both worlds and kill two birds with one stone.

"Gongsun Xiong, Young Master Quan lives in our country, and everything is arranged according to the prince's standard, so you follow Young Master Quan!" Wu Wang Fu Chai played a good hand.

Put your confidant next to Sun Quan, tell him clearly, you just stay here honestly and peacefully, don't go anywhere, don't think about anything, the food and drink are served here alone, Don't make any fools out of it.

"The minister takes orders"

"Thank you king!"

Sun Quan bowed with a half-smile, and called an old fox in his heart.

"Young master must be exhausted all the way here. I have already prepared the banquet, and please go down to rest quickly. I will personally send someone to tell the king of Yue that I have agreed to his request!" We are about to start dispatching troops.

"Thank you King Wu, let me say goodbye!"

Fu Chai looked at the back of Sun Quan who was gradually leaving, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. This feeling is not good, but Fu Chai can clearly feel that he is being led away by him. This feeling makes Fu Chai very unhappy, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"Zhu Yuanzhang is a general, leading Zhu Di, Tang He, Lu Bu, Ying Bu, Tian Bu, Ji Bu, and one hundred thousand troops to attack the city and pull out the villages all the way. There must be no mistakes!" The purpose of the direct descendants is nothing more than to contain Zhu Yuanzhang.

"The minister took the order" Zhu Yuanzhang also seemed to know Fu Chai's intention, and he didn't refute it.

"Let Feng Lu Bu... Ying Bu... Tian Bu... Ji Bu be four generals, and attack the city for our country!" Fu Chai directly gave a title, which was regarded as encouragement to the four.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." the four said in unison, without much joy in their eyes, but more of looking at Zhu Yuanzhang in unison.

"Sun Wu, you lead 5 people, and seven of your subordinates, Zang Ba, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Hou Cheng, will resist Xiang Yu!"

"The old minister takes orders!"

"Wu Zixu, Zhuan Zhu, Yaoli, Wu Yunzhao, Wu Jianzhang, Wu Tianxi, and Wu Deng, each of you will bring 1 horses, a total of [-]. With Wu Zixu as the general, go to the border of Yue and Wu. His country destroys his city"

(End of this chapter)

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