Warring States Call

Chapter 621 Enchantress vs. Qu Yuan

Chapter 621 Enchantress vs. Qu Yuan
"My lord is overjoyed! The King of Wu actually agreed to us and cooperate with us! Your Majesty..." I saw Cheng Pu swaying with a weapon in his hometown. How dare you believe it? After all, they are deadly enemies with Wu Guo. It is still difficult for them to make peace, but now it seems that they have really underestimated Sun Quan's strength.

Sun Jian didn't seem to be surprised, holding his own sword in his hand, kept wiping the sword in his hand, and turned his back to Cheng Pu, showing no emotion about this matter, as if it was a natural thing, the sword was taken away by Sun Jian It was polished so brightly that one could vaguely see Sun Jian's facial features.

Sun Jian's resolute cheeks were as sharp as knives, and his two tiger eyes were like two sharp swords. Looking at the extraordinary power, Sun Jian took a deep breath: "Pass down my general order, and order Sun Jian to take [-] orders for the front vanguard. Jiang Qin...Zhou Tai...Gan Ning and the other three, attack the city!"

"Specially ordered Fu Youde to be the grain and grass transportation officer, and sent the grain and grass to ensure that the rear was safe and sound. Zhou Yu led 1 troops to the Wuyue border to prevent Wu Guo from breaking his promise. Gu personally led an army of [-] troops. Afterwards, Han Dang led [-] troops to guard Langya. !" Sun Jian arranged the overall situation, and then he was silent.

"No!" Cheng Pu glanced at the deep-faced Sun Jian, and stepped back in response.

Sun Jian looked at the sword in his hand and muttered to himself: "Quan'er is sorry for your father this time. If you win this battle, Gu will definitely save you!"

The Wu and Yue countries are about to move, but Xiong Yi doesn't know it, and comes to his harem, admiring the beauty in his arms. These three people have their own merits.

First there is a woman, wearing a feminine thin dress, her spring color can be vaguely seen, her face is like white jade, her lips are as pale as peach blossoms, her eyebrows and eyes are like spring water duckweed, wave after wave of affection towards Xiong Yi, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised , What a stunner.

Lying in Xiong Yi's arms is another young and beautiful woman, holding a fruit in Qianqian's jade fingers like Xiong Yi's mouth, wearing a bright red color, with a turbulent figure, although her face is not as good-looking as Zhang Lushui, but she is so proud His figure is also unique, and this person is Jin Shanggong.

There is another person who dances lightly below, a pair of white clothes showing her coquettish attitude, the clothes on her body are half-covered, making people want to stop, the charm of this woman is rare in the world.

"Your Majesty is coming... Your Majesty is coming...!"

The three women surrounded Xiong Yi, teasing Xiong Yi from time to time, Xiong Yi, who was extremely domineering outside, was completely defeated in front of these three women.

"Emergency report from the front line... I saw a small soldier running away quickly and was about to go in, but was stopped by two guards behind him, staring at him angrily, and scolded: "The king is resting inside, the idlers Can't wait to get inside! "

"There is an urgent military situation ahead, don't delay, get out of the way quickly...! The soldiers seem anxious, and they have to prioritize everything they do. We can't wait for this matter.

"No, no, no, we have to wait for the king to come out!"

"Why are you making such a fuss here!" Qu Yuan, who was wearing an official uniform and holding a bamboo slip in his hand, came forward quickly, with puzzled eyes flashing in his eyes, watching the two arguing, he didn't know what they were talking about.

When the soldiers saw Qu Yuan, they hurriedly said: "There is an emergency ahead. The spies in Wu and Yue have heard the news. The two countries have begun to mobilize troops and horses. I don't know what they want to do!"

"What...!" Qu Yuan was also startled, his expression changed instantly, and he said after a while: "What are you doing standing here, why don't you get out of the way!"

"But... without the king's order, we...!" The two soldiers were obviously in a dilemma, after all, it was Xiong Yi's order, and it was hard for them to disobey.

"Bastard, you have to prioritize everything you do, get out of the way!" Qu Yuan's face changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward, but the two soldiers still refused to give way, standing in front, not retreating half a step.

"Presumptuous...!" Qu Yuan was furious, threw the bamboo slips into the soldier's hand, picked up the letter in his hand, pulled out the soldier's sword, and angrily said: "If you don't get out of the way, don't blame the old man for being ruthless under the sword! "

"This this…………!"

"Get out of the way...!" Qu Yuan, who was over [-] years old, roared. The two soldiers were startled, obviously shocked by Qu Yuan, and one or two of them started to back away, their eyes showing terrified expressions.

"Follow me!" Qu Yuan didn't turn off Sanqi 21, threw away the sword in his hand, and was about to go in. The soldiers behind didn't dare to stop him, they could only watch.

"Your Majesty... Your servant Qu Yuan...!" Qu Yuan had just entered when he saw Xiong Yi naked, about to have sex with a man and a woman.

"Presumptuous, who let you in, get out..." Xiong Yi couldn't help being furious when he saw that someone was disturbing his good business.

"The king is in a hurry at the border!"

"go out……!"


"go out!"

"Even if the hall is stained with blood today, I still want to say that the state of Chu is in danger, and troops from Wuyue and Yue have already begun to gather troops. Your Majesty, please prepare quickly." Qu Yuan looked nervous, looking at the lewd bear Yi, Qu Yuan was extremely worried.

"Get out... go... go!" Xiong Yi had already reached the brink of explosion, his eyes were turning red, his neck was rough, he was staring at Qu Yuan, the murderous intent in his eyes only increased.

"The king told you to go out, what are you still doing here, get out quickly, don't disturb the king's rest..."

"Yes, yes! You old man, do you seriously think that you can fool the king with these lies?"

"Your Majesty is a famous emperor in the world, how could you be deceived by a treacherous minister with just a few words... isn't it, Your Majesty!"

"You bastards! It's you three witches who have bewitched the king. Today, this old man will take care of our country and the people!" Qu Yuan can't control anything now. For the sake of the country and Xiong Yi, even if he wants to die, he must not stay. These three women continue to bewitch Xiong Yi.

Qu Yuan put down the bamboo slips in his hand, looked around to see what could be used as a weapon, finally pulled out his hairpin, and rushed forward quickly.

"Help, my lord...help!"

"Bastard, Qu Yuan, you are a traitor! Where are the imperial guards!" Xiong Yihu roared


Rows of soldiers rushed in. When they saw Qu Yuan with disheveled hair, they thought it was an assassin. Dozens of soldiers rushed up quickly and blocked the surrounding area of ​​Qu Yuan, making them unable to take half a step forward.

"Chen Huang Xie came late to rescue me, and I hope the king will forgive me!"

"Take Qu Yuan for Gu, and he will commit the crime of assassinating Gu Wang, and he will be executed immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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