Warring States Call

Chapter 623 Four Generals

Chapter 623
Qu Yuan stroked his beard, and said for a while: "Time...fate! Since your majesty spared the old minister, the old minister should be very grateful!"

Huang Xie looked at Qu Yuan, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid it's a temporary anger, and it won't be long before it will disappear. You can wait at home for a few days, and the king will definitely let you come back when the time comes!"

Whether Qu Yuan can come back or not, Huang Xie knows best, but in order to appease Qu Yuan, he has to do so.

"It doesn't matter! With the general here, we can keep our country safe. The old man's strategy for governing the country has fallen into the palace. If the general is lucky enough to get it, he can use it as a building. Let the king follow this. Within ten years, our country will definitely return to the way it used to be." His elegant demeanor!" Qu Yuan smiled, got out of the prison car, picked up a crutch from below, and walked out of the city step by step. To put it bluntly, he was just an old man.

Huang Xie looked into the palace, not knowing what to do for a while, he no longer had the look of the past, only helpless.

Qu Yuan...Xiang Yan, these two powerful people, were abandoned by Xiong Yi, which also identified the decline of Chu State. Even in times of crisis in the future, it would be impossible to bring them back.

Wu Guo
Zhu Yuanzhang, who was ready to go, led the [-] army in his hand, drove straight all the way, and arrived at the border of Chu State within three days.

And behind Zhu Yuanzhang is General Sibu, who is the leader of a dignified and majestic man, holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, glaring at him, with a golden crown on his head, wearing a battle robe of hundreds of flowers, and wearing Tangyi armor, which is a lion barbarian treasure. Belt, riding a red BMW on his crotch, Nai Ming is a red rabbit, needless to say, this is the general Lu Bu, standing forward like a fierce tiger, with raging flames shining all around.

With black and vertical hair, slanted and straight eyebrows, slender and sharp black eyes, thin and lightly pursed lips, angular silhouette, and a slender, tall but not rough figure, he is quite a straight man. Holding a wolf knife in his hand, staring forward with both eyes, like an eagle in the dark night, cold and lonely but aggressive, exuding a strength that looks down on the world alone, this person is really Ji Bu, even if he is against Shangyingbu is not at a disadvantage.

The third person, wrapped in a turban with the word Sesame Rowan, and two gold rings from the Taiyuan Mansion House on the back of his head, had an unusually rough face, and he could see the word "prison" engraved on his cheek, but his aura did not diminish at all, and his aura was completely intact. Tian Cheng, like a wolf ready to go, holds a cloud-shocking gun in his hand, wears a parrot green silk battle robe on his upper body, a crow green ribbon with two strands of civil and martial arts around his waist, and a pair of eagle claw skins on his feet. Sew dry yellow boots.Born with a round face and big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, a raccoon beard around his cheeks, and a body length of eight feet and a waist width of ten girths.

The last person is Tian Bu, the veritable King of Qi in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He is good at using a big spear in his hand.Sitting down, the celestial lion, wearing a pixiu armor, is eight feet long, has a leopard head with ring eyes, a swallow jaw and a tiger beard, and its voice is like thunder. It is different from ordinary people, just like a lion.

The four of them stood there, like the Four King Kongs, with an unusually terrifying aura. Lu Bu folded his arms around his chest, holding his Fang Tian painting halberd, came to Zhu Yuanzhang, looked at him and said, "Why is it so late?" Do not attack!"

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at the anxious Lu Bu and said with a smile: "Don't worry, general. Now that we are rushing, the soldiers must be exhausted. It is better to let them rest for a while!"

"Hmph!" Lu Bu snorted dissatisfiedly, and said half aloud, "Don't forget the conditions you promised me!"

"Don't worry, general! I will never forget it again. When we pacify the south, I will definitely ask the king to send troops to attack Han Yi. At that time, the general will be the vanguard!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and laughed.

As we all know, Lu Bu had no choice but to seek refuge in Wu. He was dissatisfied when he was defeated by Han Yi. Now that he has been dormant for nearly ten years, how can he wait.

"General Lu Bu, don't worry, attack Han Yi in the future, or I will help the general!" Ying Bu walked up with a smile, still carrying the cloud-shocking gun in his hand on his shoulder.

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his hand, and said halfway: "Shouchun is ahead, as long as we take them down, we can cut off the connection between Chu State and Xiang State, and then we can concentrate on dealing with Chu State."

"Why does the general care so much about this little country of Xiang? Let me see, our country can easily take down the country of Xiang with just a few flips, so why bother!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head, and said for a while: "This Yu is also a generation of heroes. He was able to fight from the six lands of Jingchu to the current situation. Do you think he is a small person?"

"In my opinion, don't discuss this now. Take Shouchun first, let's talk about it!" Ji Bu, who had been silent all this time, stood up. This guy is not Tian Bu's opponent in terms of force, and he is even worse than them. Quite a few, and the only thing he is outstanding is that he can grasp the key points of things, like a poisonous snake in the dark night, it can kill the enemy with one strike.

"Okay, the time is almost up. General Lu Bu, you lead 3 horses to attack from the front. General Tian Bu, you lead 2 horses to attack from the right side. General Yingbu 2 horses to attack from the left side. , Tang He...Ji Bu, you two generals, each lead [-] archers...not one will be left behind," Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly.

"My lord! There are only 3 horses here, do you need such a large army to suppress the border!" Tang He was puzzled.

Zhu Yuanzhang touched his beard and said with a smile: "If you want to beat him, you can hurt him. I also want to fight Xiang Yan, a famous general in the world, and see how much he weighs!"


"Woo... woo... woo... Boom...Boom!"

"The general is bad, [-] enemy soldiers were found outside the city"

"The general is bad, there are [-] enemy soldiers at the north gate!"

"The general is bad, [-] enemy soldiers have been found at the south gate!"

There is a man fighting on the city wall, holding a sword in his hand, and his facial features are as sharp as carvings.The appearance is serious, but the inadvertent light in the eyes makes people dare not look down upon.A head of black and thick hair, a pair of slender red phoenix eyes under a pair of sword eyebrows, wearing armor, holding a sword, seven feet long, with serious eyes, looking at the map, I saw how many plains around, there is no danger to defend, This person is Tang Mie from the Battle of Chuisha
"Approximately how many soldiers and horses the enemy has!" Tang Mie's eyes showed a trace of worry, obviously this kind of thing was not what he wanted.

"The enemy has about 7 horses!" The soldier said seriously.

"Give me an order to seal the city gates. Generals without this general are not allowed to open the city gates. Guard me strictly!"

(End of this chapter)

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