Warring States Call

Chapter 624 Xiang Yan Takes Command

Chapter 624 Xiang Yan Takes Command
"My lord...it's not good! Shouchun is in danger!"

"What...!" Xiong Yi, who had just sat on the throne, stood up again, his face pale.

And this soldier said with difficulty: "We sent a report before the war, and your Majesty Kecheng received it!"

"Reporting the letter..." Xiong Yi sat back on his original seat, and his mind began to recall the situation that day.

"Qu Yuan..." At this moment, Xiong Yi recalled it, and there was a trace of guilt in his eyes, and he said for a while: "How many soldiers and horses can be mobilized in our country!"

Huang Xie came out, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes and said: "Counting the Imperial Guards and the guards that can be drawn from various places, it's not enough... [-]! [-] is more than enough!"

"Hiss..." Everyone took a deep breath for a while. You must know that in the original Chu State, it was not difficult to easily raise 30 soldiers and horses, but now it is too difficult to even get [-] soldiers and horses. A lot of work has been done.

Xiong Yi shook his head helplessly, and said half aloud: "Give me an order to order the doctor Wu Ju to lead [-] troops to Shouchun, and go to the battlefield to block Wu's attack!"

"Your Majesty's soldiers must not be divided into two lines, otherwise we will be caught off guard, and we will not have time to deal with Wu. With my construction, I will quickly transfer back the [-] troops that went south, and wait for a duel with Wu to die, and then return to the country to fight against them!" Huang Huang Xie worried.

Xiong Yi stood up and paced back and forth, his eyes full of sadness.

"Your Majesty, you will definitely suffer chaos!" Su Cong said worriedly, all the ministers were in disarray, how powerful and prestige their Chu State was in those years, but now it has become what it is now.

"Chuan Gu ordered Chen Ba to lead 8 horses back to the city first, and Jumbo led 2 horses to stay where they are. Once the enemy sends troops, they can only defend but not attack," Xiong Yi said with a look of embarrassment.

"Your Majesty Wu and Yue have always been at odds. Your Majesty can send someone to Yue to persuade Sun Jian. If he thinks that he is still my minister of Chu, he will definitely send troops to help." Huang Xie said quickly as if thinking of something.

"Your Majesty is in trouble! Sun Jian of the Yue Kingdom ordered his son Sun Ce to be the vanguard, attacking the city all the way, and has taken Songcheng in our country, and is approaching Echeng. The eastern front is urgent. Please send troops quickly, otherwise Echeng is in danger! "A soldier from the main hall ran up panting, his body was covered in blood, obviously they had experienced a great battle.

"Where are Xiong Yue and Xiong Yang!" Neng Yi changed his expression.

"General Xiong Yue died in battle. General Xiong Yang persevered so hard that he could hardly hold on anymore. Didn't Your Majesty see the battle report sent by the scouts before the battle?"

The two soldiers began to question Xiong Yi. Obviously, because of Xiong Yi's momentary anger, the soldiers of the entire Chu State suffered heavy losses. The good situation was gone at this moment.

At this moment, Xiong Yi's temples are gradually turning white, this time he is completely besieged on all sides, there is no room left!How can one person deal with three people?

At this moment, Xiong Yi only felt that he was not in his destiny. If he did not seek to usurp the throne, Sun Jian would not be able to rebel.

If it was in a peaceful age, Xiong Yi would definitely be an emperor without merit or fault, but here is the Warring States period, and his incompetence is doomed to failure.

"Maybe Your Majesty still has a way to solve the difficulties in this place!" Huang Xie thought for a while before standing up and saying.

At this moment, all civil and military officials in the court are staring at Huang Xie, to see if this guy can make a living for this dead game.

"Hurry up!" Xiong Yi seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw and strode forward, obviously this was his last chance.

"Your Majesty, we can hand over Shouchun to Xiang Yu and let him deal with Wu. Let's concentrate our forces and deal with Sun Jian, a traitor. This is the last way!" Huang Xie racked his brains and could only think of this foreign aid. Han Yi can be rescued, but the state of Chu has made trouble again and again, and Han Yi will be fine if he doesn't add fuel to the fire, so how can he help him?

When Xiong Yi heard Xiang Yu's name, his eyes were full of anger. This guy kept making orders. If he hadn't given him a place, he could have what he is today, but now he has to ask him by himself. This is absolutely impossible, but today's In such a situation, if you don't ask Xiang Yu, what can you do?

Huang Xie looked at the troubled Xiong Yi and said, "Your Majesty, you only need to ask Xiang Yan to write a letter of divorce, and I will leave for Xiang Guo, and ask Xiang Yu to send troops to help!"

"This this!…………"

quite a while………………

Xiong Yi said helplessly: "Let Xiang Yan write a letter, let Xiang Yu send troops to help, make Xiang Yan the general who will fight against the rebellion, and let Gu take the country of Yue!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Huang Xie finally dealt with Xiong Yi after a lot of talking, but now the Chu State is already in pieces, Huang Xie also has his own little calculations, it is true that he is loyal to Xiong Yi, but he He still doesn't want to die, he still wants to make contributions, his name will last forever, and die for Xiong Yi, he asks himself that he still can't do it.

Chu House in Yingcheng
The courtyard is surrounded by an ancient tree. This ancient tree is more than four feet high. The branches are as vigorous as a crouching dragon. The leaves are slightly withered and yellow.

Xiang Yan took a broom and cleaned here himself. There are memories of Xiang Yan here. His children and grandchildren play here every day, and he brings his son here to practice literature and martial arts. Unknowingly, ten people have come here. It's spring and autumn, the original scene is no longer there, and what is left is empty.

Xiang Yan simply dropped the broom in her hand, pulled out the sword on the stone table, and danced dozens of sword flowers in an instant, it can be said that she is getting stronger and stronger. "

"Good... good... good... the old general is really strong and healthy!" Huang Xie clapped his hands and applauded, walking forward, looking at Xiang Yan with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"The original Lord Huang came here, and I ask the general to forgive me for being negligent!" Xiang Yan offered his hand and made a gesture of invitation by the way.

"I'm dissatisfied with the general. I came here this time to ask for something. I think the general already knows about it, so I'll tell you why I'm here!" Huang Xie said awkwardly.

"Of course, the old man knows that the Wu and Yue countries are in trouble, and there is a foreign race below, can the king have any countermeasures?" Xiang Yan cared, and was also very concerned about the affairs of the Chu country.

"I am dissatisfied with the general. This time I need a letter of divorce from the general. Your Majesty is willing to give up Shouchun to Xiang Guo. As long as the old general writes a letter of divorce from the old general, King Xiang can block the country of Wu!" Huang Xie said with a serious face.

"But... Mr. Fang Xin..." Xiang Yan knew that this was a win-win solution. It not only stabilized the state of Wu, but also expanded Xiang Yu's territory. This is a way to get the best of both worlds.

"The other thing is that the king ordered the general to be the great general to suppress Sun Jian, who is a traitor. I don't know what the general will do!" Huang Xie waved his hand, and tiger talismans... sabers appeared in Xiang Yan's eyes one by one.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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