Warring States Call

Chapter 625 Zhu Yuanzhang's Ambition

Chapter 625 Zhu Yuanzhang's Ambition
Huang Xie looked at Xiang Yan, but he didn't expect Xiang Yan to agree so quickly. Did this guy really not complain, or this guy had a bigger conspiracy? Thinking of this, Huang Xie became vigilant and stared at Xiang Yan Said: "Don't the general complain about the king?"

Xiang Yan smiled and said: "I, Xiang Yan, are loyal not to the king, but to the people of this Chu country. If there is a war in the country, they must be called back!"

"Hiss...!" Huang Xie gasped, for some reason, looking at Xiang Yan's back, he seemed so small.

"His grandma's! Is this Tang Mi a shrinking turtle? No matter how hard we fight, we can't get out. If we attack by force, we will suffer heavy losses." Tian Bu on the side held the cloud-shocking gun in his hand, and came cursingly, with a flash of light in his eyes. A trace of anxiety.

"We have suffered heavy losses in the past few days. Why hasn't the general sent troops yet?" Ying Bu on the side looked puzzled. patient.

"If my guess is correct, the general probably wants to wait for someone!" Ji Bu said seriously.

"Is it Xiang Yan or Xiang Yu!" Lu Bu, who had been clasping his arms around his chest, casually mentioned it.

Tang He, who had been silent all this time, saw his eyes light up. Why is this guy so smart today? It doesn't belong to his style at all.

Ji Bu also lost his voice at the moment, obviously he was also hesitating between the two.

In the dark night, Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the grass with his sword in his hand, and there was no one around. Zhu Yuanzhang just roasted the fire, ate the meat, and drank the fine wine in his arms.

"General...!" At this moment, two people suddenly appeared behind Zhu Yuanzhang. They looked serious and surrounded them tightly in black clothes. Only their eyes could be seen. Under the moonlight, It looks extraordinarily bright.

The corners of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth rose slightly, he looked back at the two soldiers, and said calmly: "How is it! What's the matter with Yang Jian!"

"Yang Jian agreed to us, but he also has his own conditions!" The two men in black spoke in a bad tone, obviously because of this matter, they have always had a headache.

"Oh...! What are his conditions!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

"As long as all the cities he captured belong to him, and they use troops against Ju, we must not intervene." The soldier was obviously angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at the fire in front of him for a long time. After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang got up slowly and poured the fine wine in his hand into the fire. He saw that the fire was burning more intensely. Let him play a game first, although this Yang Jian has the ambition of an emperor, but he does not have the reality of an emperor, sooner or later he will beg us!"

"My lord is wise!" Another person exclaimed, for the sake of the king and hegemony, this loss is nothing to them.

"How did Li Shanchang prepare?" Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly.

"Food and grass from all over the country will definitely reach the master's hands within three days. At that time, there will be no food in the north, and the northern line will be lost...Fuchai...!" Then the soldier gave Zhu Yuanzhang an affirmative look after speaking halfway.

Zhu Yuanzhang stretched out his waist, and then said: "All parties must take care of themselves, send people to Chang'an, and make complete preparations, and we must be justified...!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at the front with his eyes shining, looking north and south, Zhu Yuanzhang broke his fingers and calculated the time. The person he was waiting for would arrive soon.

This night, the general situation of the world seemed to be at the mercy of Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Pass down my general order! Attack Shouchun at night today, and lay down the first city for my king's dominance!" Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly, this city is what he wants, and he is determined to win it. If the first plan fails, Zhu Yuanzhang Maybe you have to rely on the territory you have won to form a country of your own. Of course, this is a bad strategy, and there is no rush.

"Woo... woo... woo...!"



In the past few days, Tang Mie almost slept on the city wall in order to resist Zhu Yuanzhang and the others. He resisted Zhu Yuanzhang's six attacks in a row, and almost failed to defend once.

Zhu Yuanzhang also adopted the method of disturbing the enemy. He divided the soldiers into three and fought for three days in a row.

Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and snorted coldly, "Kill me, and kill those who retreat!"


"Boom... Boom... Boom!"

Every time the gate hit, it trembled, and gradually the entire city gate became loose.

"The general is not good, and the north gate is about to be insufficient!"

"The troops at the east gate are insufficient, please send troops to rescue quickly, general!"

"General Ximen Li died in battle, what should we do next, General!"

One piece of news came to Tang Mie's ears. Even Tang Mie couldn't take it anymore. After thinking for a long time, Tang Mie looked at the city and knew that he might not be able to hold on this time. Gather at the south gate, follow me south to meet General Xiong Yang, and fight against the enemy soldiers together!"


"Open the city gate...drive...go ahead"

"Kill... kill..."

Holding the air in his hands, Tian Bu looked at Tang Mie who was rushing towards the south gate, and said with a smile, "Who is the general guarding the south gate?"

"General Qi, it seems to be General Lu Bu!"

"Uh...hahahahaha, this guy has won the lottery." Tian Bu smiled, picked up his big gun, and was about to leave the soldier beside him, wondering: "General, why don't we take the credit? "

"What are you grabbing! What's there to grab for these small fish and shrimps? Let's go!" Tian Bu seemed to despise these achievements, and led his troops to withdraw to one side.

"This road doesn't work!"

I saw a tiger roaring in front of me, Tang Mi stared at the front with the long spear in his hand, and saw the leader holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, riding a bay red horse, shouting: "Whoever stands in my way will die... Brothers, charge me!" !"

Lu Bu glanced at the lifeless Tang Mie, urged Chitu, and said flatly: "Native chicken and dog, take your life!"

In an instant, the Fang Tian painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand shot out four thunderous astigmatisms, aiming at Tang Mie's throat...chest...abdomen...and killed on horseback.

Tang Mie saw that he was in a hurry, and was about to resist, but he saw that Lu Bu had already flashed to his side, leaving a disdainful smile.


As soon as the gust passed, Tang Mi spit out blood, clutched his throat and chest, and saw that there was a fatal wound in each of these two places, and he died in one blow.

Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand was still dripping with blood, he stared at the front and shouted loudly: "Kill!"


(End of this chapter)

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