Chapter 626
Within the territory of the country
Xiang Yu sits on the throne, and below him there are two classes of civil and military, and Fan Zeng is the main subordinate of Wen and Hao Yuan...Xian Bo...Cao GUI.

On the general side, Xue Ju was the leader, followed by Long Qi, Zhong Limei, Shan Xiongxin, Jing Si, Fang Jie, Yu Ziqi, Heng Chu, He Ruobi, Xue Rengao, Xiang Han, Xiang Zhuang, etc...

It can be said that he is an elite soldier, Xiang Yu stroked the beard on his chin, these days he has been thinking about what Han Yi said, will the south really be in chaos?

"Report to Your Majesty, Huang Xie, the envoy of Chu State, has arrived!"

"Huang Xie!" For this person, Xiang Yu is still very impressed. This guy used to be a playboy, but for some reason, he suddenly seemed to be a different person a few years ago, and became Xiong Yi's right-hand man.

Xiang Yu's eyes wandered around, as if he was considering the reason for this guy's visit. Hao Yuan below naturally saw Xiang Yu's doubts, and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this guy must have come because of the Chu State's affairs!"

"The state of Chu has been surrounded by the Wu and Yue countries, and there is a barbarian behind. It can be said that there is an enemy on both sides. Now he has no choice but to help us." Fan Zeng closed his eyes slightly and began to analyze the situation.

Xiang Yu stroked the beard below, and said half aloud: If you have any opinions, please speak up! "

"Your Majesty suggests attacking." Cao GUI, who had been silent all this time, went up, his eyes sparkling, and he was full of confidence.

"Lord Cao, we don't know Huang Xie's intention to come, so it's probably inappropriate to speak rashly like this!" Fan Zeng pays attention to safety when making plans, and Cao GUI seems to be preemptive.

Cao GUI smiled and said, "Doesn't Prime Minister Fan know the reason for this guy's visit? He just wants the king to send troops to help the Chu country through this crisis! If the king doesn't take advantage of it, wouldn't it be a big loss? "

"Hahahaha" Fan Zeng burst out laughing, slowly opened his slightly closed eyes, looked at Cao GUI and said, "Master Cao is not predictable, I admire you!"

"Fan Xiang doesn't have to be like this, as a fellow minister, it should be like this!" Cao GUI also laughed.

Xiang Yu looked at the two of them from above, and he didn't quite understand what he said.

Fan Zeng was just testing Cao GUI just now to see if he was really willing to advise Xiang Yu, but now it seems that he is treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Cao GUI also clearly expressed his intentions, but he just wanted to keep his own place.

"Okay, okay, come and announce Huangxie!" Xiang Yu sat on his throne frankly, eyes slightly closed.

"Xuan! The envoy of Chu will see you!"

"Xuan! The envoy of Chu will see you!"

"Xuan! The envoy of Chu will see you!"

Holding the cloth in his hand, Huang Xie strolled over, looking around from time to time with his eyes, and found that this place is not far from the Chu Palace, after all, this is also the palace of a country.

Huang Xie looked up, and saw Xiang Yu sitting on the top frankly, an invisible pressure oppressed Huang Xie, all the generals around were staring at Huang Xie, Huang Xie stood in this hall, like It is common to attract much attention, but it doesn't always feel so natural.

"Huang Xie met King Xiang!"

Xiang Yu slowly opened his eyes, stared at Huang Xie below, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Huang Xie, I haven't seen you for a long time, why do you look so lively today!"

Everyone was confused by Xiang Yu's sudden blow. The Xiang Yu they had seen was majestic and serious. When had they seen Xiang Yu like this.

On the contrary, Fan Zeng stroked his beard and smiled. As a king, he should not show his emotions and anger. Xiang Yu will do very well in this regard! "

It was also the first time for Huang Xie to see Xiang Yu like this. Looking at Xiang Yu who was uncharacteristically, Huang Xie also looked embarrassed and dazed.

"Your Majesty asked you something, why are you in a daze!" Xiang Zhuang reminded Huang Xie who looked at him in a daze.

After being reminded by Xiang Zhuang, Huang Xie came back to his senses, looked at Xiang Zhuang and said calmly: "King Xiang is really unexpected."

"Okay, okay, it's rare for you to come here today, I don't know if it's private or public!" Xiang Yu's words gradually became thought-provoking, obviously he had been prepared for a long time.

Huang Xie is not afraid now, looked at Xiang Yu, and then smiled and said: "It's both public and private, I don't know if Your Majesty would like it!"

"Oh! How do you say that!" Xiang Yu stroked his beard and smiled.

"I have a letter from General Xiang Yan's family here, I wonder if your majesty would like to read it!" Huang Xie took out a piece of cloth from his bosom and displayed it in front of everyone.

When Xiang Yu saw it, he suddenly lost his wisdom and muttered to himself: "Grandpa?"

When Hao Yuan saw it, he cried out inwardly, and quickly raised his head and said: "You bastard, you just take a piece of cloth and say it's the old general's family letter, are you fooling me by being my king?"

"It's all up to the king, I still have the old general's token here as proof! If you don't believe me, you can take a look!" Huang Xie was not in a hurry, he had to play chess step by step, and he had to eat every bite. This time, he was determined.

"Bring it!"


While talking, the little eunuch on the side took the cloth from Huang Xie's hand. Xiang Yu's face was anxious, and the more he looked at it, the more serious he looked, he laughed for a while and said, "I will agree to the matter of the king of Chu first. As for when to send troops, it will be up to me and him." Everyone discusses, and I'm giving you an answer!"

"Your Majesty, don't you need to read King Chu's order?" Huang Xie couldn't help being surprised when he saw Xiang Yu who readily agreed. Obviously, this guy agreed too boldly.

Xiang Yu looked at it and said: "You keep the order!" "

"No!" Huang Xie saw that Xiang Yu's dismissal order was issued so quickly, and there was no reason to stay, so he had no choice but to back down.

As soon as Huang Xie left, the ministers below exploded, and Hao Yuan took the lead: "Why did Your Majesty agree to them so quickly, we don't know what they want?"

"That's right! Your Majesty's doing this is too hasty." Cao GUI was puzzled.

Xiang Yu raised his head, stared at the glorious hall above, and said half aloud: "Grandpa ordered me to send troops. If I don't, I'm afraid I will only see him die in battle!"

"What...!" All the civil and military ministers, as if they were hit by a bolt from the blue sky, meant that the meaning was too obvious, and if they didn't come out, they would come out. Xiang Yan could be regarded as killing her own descendants for the sake of the state of Chu.

"Your Majesty, think twice about this matter!" Fan Zeng also stood up at this moment.

"The king of Chu asked me to stop the state of Wu at the cost of Shouchun. With Shouchun, we can reduce the mobilization of 3 soldiers and horses in the south. It can be said that with Shouchun, our offensive route to the south is more It has been greatly reduced, and there is no need to bring the infamy of anti-zong!" Xiang Yu put away the jade pendant in his hand and began to analyze the battle situation.

When everyone heard it, they also felt that what Xiang Yu said was reasonable. After all, the strategic position of Shouchun was very important, but the price was a bit high.

(End of this chapter)

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