Warring States Call

Chapter 628 Yi Yin

Chapter 628 Yi Yin
Since Liu Bang pacified the three passes in the north, he is not leaving the pass, but developing his own territory with peace of mind.

At this moment, I saw Liu Bang wearing a black python dragon robe, holding a gourd of fine wine in his hand, stepping on the stone with one foot, bumping his thigh, with an unusually arrogant expression, and there were a few beauties behind him, entangled somewhere.

Chen Ping also changed into his court uniform at the moment, looked at Liu Bang who was indulging in his emotions inside, and quickly shouted: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty...!"

Liu Bang is also drunk now, and the surrounding area is wild, there is no echo, so naturally he can't hear it so clearly, a pair of eyes stared at the front with blurred eyes, looked at Chen Ping, and said with a smile: "You boy, what Know how to split body, one... two... three!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... I have a great talent here who I want to recommend to your Majesty, so please wake up soon!" Chen Ping looked anxious. If this guy really fell asleep at this time, it might be someone behind him. Also broke up unhappy.

"Come... come... come... drink...!" Liu Bang still went his own way, and the wine in his hand only increased.

When Chen Ping saw it, his face was really anxious. He snatched the wine gourd from Liu Bang's hand, looked at the beauties, and scolded: "Leave quickly!"

"No!" The beauties didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly got up to leave.

"Hey...don't leave! Let's continue drinking...come on! Come drink!" Seeing these beauties wanting to leave, Liu Bang immediately seemed extremely reluctant.

"Hey...!" Seeing Liu Bang's appearance, Chen Ping sighed helplessly, and looked at the person behind him.

His face was black, his clothes were spotless, his hands were folded behind him, he was born with a kind of arrogance and talent, his head was replaced by a hairpin, he was seven feet long, with a goatee under his lips, his eyes were slightly Closed, as if observing the surroundings with a pair of ears.

Chen Ping walked towards the man, and said slightly apologetically, "Brother Yi Yin, you and I came at the wrong time today, why don't you and I go back and sing songs over wine, and come back to meet the king tomorrow!"

Yi Yin slowly opened his eyes, looked at Liu Bang, who seemed drunk but not drunk, and couldn't help smiling: "It's okay, I'll talk to the king first!"

Yi Yin lifted his clothes and was about to walk forward, Fan Kui immediately stretched out his hand and showed the dog-butcher knife in his hand, and said with a heavy body, "Idle people, please don't get close to the king!"

"This is the talent I recommended to the king, Fan Kui, you should hurry up and get out of the way!" Chen Ping panicked when he saw Fan Kui's obstruction, if this guy really drove Yi Yin away, you really regret it up.

"It was precisely because of your recommendation that I didn't take the initiative to kick him out! I'm not going to leave quickly!" Fan Kui still went his own way.

"Fan Kuai...you...!" Chen Ping was shocked by Fan Kui, and his whole body began to tremble immediately.

"Brother Chen, don't be angry." Yi Yin still looked calm, looked at Fan Kui, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are willing to believe that I can wake up the king with just a few words and no need to do anything! "

Fan Kui glanced back at Liu Bang who was sleeping like a dead pig, and said coldly: "Why should I trust you..."

"How about this! You tie my hands up, so that you won't be afraid of hurting the king! What do you think!" Yi Yin's eyes were full of confidence, apparently he didn't care about Fan Kui's words, and his eyes were far away.

Fan Kuai turned his tiger eyes back and forth, felt that his proposal was very good for a while, and then smiled and said, "Just follow your wishes!"

"Fan Kuai can't...!" Chen Ping was about to stop him, but Yi Yin patted Chen Ping with a smile, and said with a smile, "It's okay!"

At this moment, Fan Kuai was about to tie up Yi Yin with a rope, and Chen Ping quickly ran towards Liu Bang, helping Liu Bang from time to time: "My lord, wake up... wake up... Your lord...!"

"What are you doing! Don't bother me..." Liu Bang pushed Chen Ping tirelessly. Chen Ping looked at Liu Bang who was in a daze, his eyes were full of anxiety, this guy really couldn't wake up.

"Let's go!" Fan Kui patted Yi Yin and walked up.

Within ten steps, the crowd arrived at Liu Bang's soldiers, and Fan Kui roared like thunder: "Whether you succeed or not, it's up to you!"

Yi Yin smiled, stepped forward and came to Liu Bang's side, and said with a smile: "There is a beautiful woman in front of the king, who gave birth to a beautiful woman who is beautiful and fragrant...!"

"Hmm... where is... where is the beauty!" Liu Bangqiang raised his eyelids, looked around from time to time, and saw Yi Yin as soon as he opened his eyes: "Where is the beauty? Where is the beauty!"

"...This...!" Fan Kui looked at Liu Bang who was gradually waking up, and began to falter, not knowing what to say.

"What is this... Hurry up and untie it!" Chen Ping was furious all of a sudden.

Fan Kui also smiled wryly, picked up his dog-butcher knife, raised the knife and dropped it, the rope snapped immediately, and Yi Yin was not injured at all.

Liu Bangqiang cheered up, looked at Yi Yin and snorted coldly: "Who are you!"

"Cao Min, Yi Yin has met the King!"

"What... what! Where's the beauty?" Liu Bang asked impatiently.

"Your Majesty, this person is a great sage in this place. I specially recommend him to you, and please calm down your anger!" Chen Ping said hastily.

I don't care what he does...! "

"Your Majesty, calm down. I know that there are three beauties in one place, all of whom are overwhelmed by the country. I don't know if Your Majesty is interested!" Seeing Liu Bang playing with his temper, Yi Yin hurriedly said wisely.

"Oh! Come quickly." Liu Bang immediately became interested when he heard it, and the original three-point drunkenness disappeared.

"There are three beauties in the Chu Palace, named Zhang Lushui, Jin Shanggong... and Zheng Lanzhen. The three of them are stunning beauties. I don't know if the king is interested or not!" Yi Yin said with a smile.

"Oh... Chu Palace, boy, are you looking for death?" Liu Bang had murderous intent in his eyes, and now this guy was provoking him.

Yi Yin smiled and said: "Chu is already a land of subjugation, it is the territory that God will give to the king, if the king doesn't want it, isn't it a pity, and there are three beauties, don't you want the king?" ?”

"Oh..." Liu Bang was startled first, and looked at Yi Yin: "What you mean is that you already have a way to win Chu!"

"Not bad!" Yi Yin said confidently.

"Just tell me!"

"The first thing is that the king wants to express his intention to be a minister to the emperor of Zhou, otherwise all countries will attack him together!" Yi Yin said calmly.


"Although the countries in the Central Plains are divided, they are still one country in name. If the king does not submit to Zhou Tianzi, all countries will attack him!" Yi Yin stared at Liu Bang, every word was like the edge of a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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