Chapter 629

Liu Bang stroked his tiny beard, he no longer looked down on Yi Yin as he did just now, in his opinion, he was able to justifiably win the big cake of Chu State without being missed by others, which is enough to show that the middle-aged man in front of him Extraordinary.

"Go on!" Liu Bang was also interested, and quickly got up, shook his shoulders, patted his cheeks, and tried to make himself more awake.

Looking at Liu Bang's appearance, Chen Ping was no longer as muddled as before. Instead, he had an innate spirit of excellence. He sat on the stone slab frankly. At the same time, Chen Ping looked at Yi Yin with a hint of admiration in his eyes , I racked my brains and failed to convince Liu Bang, but was persuaded by Yi Yin's few words. I have to say that this guy's eloquence is really good! "

Yi Yin looked at Liu Bang's appearance, and then smiled and said: "There are kings' capitals among all countries. When the king first arrived here, he straddled the two places. Although he insisted on this place, the distance between the two places is too large, which is not conducive to the administration of the king. Order"

Liu Bang stroked his beard, and said for a while, "You're right, Gu Ye has been struggling, should he set up his capital in a mountain city or here!"

"If Your Majesty wants to guard an acre of land, it is natural to establish a capital in a mountain city, but if your Majesty has the heart to fight for world hegemony, it is best to establish a capital here. Where is the king's capital, the people will definitely follow, yes Your Majesty's development, there are only advantages and no disadvantages!" Yi Yin talked eloquently, took a bamboo pole by the way, and painted around on the ground, indicating what Liu Bang should do.

Liu Bang looked at the pattern drawn by Yi Yin, and said half-heartedly: "Have you ever thought about the problem you mentioned? The surroundings here are either empty plains, or endless mountains and rivers and scattered small towns. There is no place in Gu's heart." , after all, this is the right place!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Your Majesty occupies three gates. You can fight against enemies outside and you can maintain peace inside. From my perspective, there is a place surrounded by vast expanse, where dragons, tigers and clouds gather. If you settle here, you will definitely be able to make your majesty flourish. I don't know what your Majesty's intentions are!" Yi Yin glanced at Liu Bang with a smile, and it was obvious that the two of them were getting closer as they talked.

Chen Ping was also very knowledgeable, keeping his mouth shut, while Fan Kui stared wide-eyed, not knowing what the two of them were talking about.

Liu Bang's eyes are shining, and the spirit of dragon and tiger is extremely important to kings like them. Although it is just a mere obsession, it has a very good excuse for recruiting talents and obeying the destiny. , Liu Bang's eyes were shining brightly: "Where is this place, sir!"

"Cangwu!" Yi Yin paused every word.

"Cangwu...!" Liu Bang frowned first, and looked at Chen Ping, hoping he could give an answer.

"Cangwu is a small city, connected to various places and extending in all directions. The most important thing is that this place is on the mountain, like a city that fell out of thin air. The four places are unusually flat and wide. It can completely build a city that can accommodate more than 60 people! "Chen Ping looked at Yi Yin while talking, his heart was full of surprises, he didn't expect this Yi Yin to be so powerful, he observed for three whole days, collected geographical information from all sides, and wandered around in three places, and this Yi Yin As soon as he came, he gave the answer.

In fact, Chen Ping is not to be blamed for this, he is good at intrigue and trickery, while Yi Yin is good at assisting the state, and both of them have their own merits.

Liu Bang rolled his eyes back and forth, and said for a while: "Mr. is really a great talent. I am willing to worship Mr. as my prime minister. I don't know if Mr. is willing!"

Yi Yin then smiled and said: "I came here to seek blessings for the common people in the world, not for glory and wealth. If the king thinks of me, he will keep me by his side and be driven by the king."

Yi Yin was extremely tactful when he spoke and acted. Chen Ping on the side gave Yi Yin a thumbs up, ruthless... ruthless... This guy is so ruthless in his words and deeds.

Liu Bang glanced at Yi Yin, patted him on the shoulder with a hearty laugh, and said with a smile, "Well said! Well said! From now on, you are the prime minister of our country!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yi Yin bowed slowly thinking about Liu Bang, with a smile in his eyes.

Most of the people in Liu Bang's hands are military generals, and they are not very interested in the position of civil servants. Even if they are, there is only one Chen Ping.

"Your Majesty! This Cangwu City is a high-mountain route. If we don't have time and manpower, we won't be able to build it in a short time!" Chen Ping saw that the two had already confirmed the matter of the king's capital, and immediately raised various questions.

Liu Bang patted Yi Yin on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Prime Minister, what are your plans!"

Yi Yin smiled and said: "There are prisoners all over the place, and there are six or seven thousand pieces of them. The king still has more than 1 captured Chu soldiers. These are good labor forces. It is a pity to waste them." , Your Majesty takes the current Cangwu City as the main place, treats them as a royal palace, and is constantly expanding outwards to build a city wall. I am afraid that it will not be long before a resplendent royal capital can be built!"

Liu Bang stroked his beard, put his arms around Yi Yin and said, "I heard what you mean just now, can I send troops to the north to take down Chu?"

"Your Majesty is really good at one point. The Chu State is facing enemies from both sides. As long as Your Majesty is willing, it is not a problem to concentrate our forces to take down Chu State!" Yi Yin said with a smile.

"Oh! How do you say that!" Liu Bang looked at Yi Yin with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Chu's current main force is all transferred to the east to fight the north and Wuyue. The north is only a giant 2 horses. As long as the king is willing, he can concentrate his forces to kill the city of Ying, and within a month. But if you besiege the city and take down the Chu Kingdom, then once the Chu Kingdom is destroyed, won’t the king get what he wants?” Yi Yin’s words seemed to have something to say.

Liu Bang immediately seemed to be drooling, and Ha Lazi swallowed again and again. The scene was very funny. After a while, Liu Bang returned to his usual expression: "Send the lonely order, let Wei Rui lead [-] soldiers and horses, and send troops to the north. I will take Chu!"

"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, we need to take this matter slowly! When Chu State is inextricably beaten by Wu State and Yue State and suffers heavy losses, we will make a move, and our pressure will be less at that time!" Yi Yi Yin Yi said with a smile, Liu Bang is still in its infancy, and resources in all aspects must be used well, otherwise if they encounter any war in the future, they will suffer the most.

Liu Bang stroked his beard: "Gu still knows the priorities, tell Lu Wan to let him go to South Korea with Gu's order, and tell Emperor Zhou that Gu is willing to submit to him!"


"My lord is wise" Yi Yin immediately smiled, and it could be seen that Liu Bang's analysis was very thorough.

(End of this chapter)

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