Warring States Call

Chapter 632 Yang Guang

Chapter 632 Yang Guang
"My lord, why are you so excited!" Below was a middle-aged man with a goatee, an official hat on his head, and a bamboo slip in his hand. Like a lonely green bamboo, it stands between the sky and the earth without making a sound. Under the light of the lamp, its bronze skin looks like a child's mirror. This guy is Gao Ying, Yang Jian's most important counselor.

And Yang Jian stood with his hands behind his back, with a bamboo rattan tied on his head, tied up his hair, and held a bamboo slip in his hand. He was seven feet long and had an unusually strong physique. Behind him, the smile in his eyes only increased: "We have all underestimated Zhu Yuanzhang's ambition. For the throne of Wu Kingdom, this guy has worked so hard!"

"Father, Zhu Yuanzhang agreed to our conditions!" At this moment, Yang Jian's second son, Yang Guang, stood up, with a calm expression, his big hand holding his sword, his eyes like lightning, wearing chain mail, and his appearance looked abnormally young. He didn't even have a beard, he was eight feet long, and he was a head taller than Yang Jian at a stand. Among all the brothers, this child was considered outstanding.

There are still a few people behind, all of whom are the sons of Yang Jian. The eldest son Yang Yong puts his hands in his pockets and is indifferent to the affairs of the court. In my own hands, everyone is desperately working hard, not knowing what they are planning.

Yang Jian immediately smiled and said, "This Zhu Yuanzhang agreed to my request, this guy is really amazing!"

"Father again vows to be a pioneer and expand the territory for our country!" A man standing behind Yang Guang stood up, with his hands in front of him, about the same height as Yang Guang, with a black forehead on his head, which read Wearing a Yang character, holding a helmet in his hand, and wearing a black armor, he has a burly figure, and his eyes are mostly rebellious.

"The end will be willing to go!"

"I am coming too!"

"Count me in!"

I saw Yang Jian's sons all striding forward, with a trace of fighting spirit in their eyes.

Yang Jian couldn't help being amused. Shouldn't he be happy that his son is good at fighting?Looking at his own children, Yang Jian looked at Gao Ying: "Sir, I don't know how many soldiers we can mobilize!"

"Your Majesty, we have a total of 3 soldiers and horses. Counting the 11 troops that Gou Xi took refuge in, we have 3 troops. If we remove the [-] troops defending the Yellow Nest, the number of troops we can mobilize is [-]!"

"Eighty thousand? Today's Wu Kingdom doesn't need many soldiers, since that's the case..." Yang Jian thought over and over again, and then made his own decision.

"Where is Yonger!" Yang Jian looked at the drowsy Yang Yong below, and suddenly became angry. This guy knows how to eat, drink and have fun when he has nothing to do. When he is asked to work, he is lazy.

"Here!" Yang Yong stood up quickly when he heard Yang Jian calling him, looking at Yang Jian with a puzzled expression.

"You and Mr. Gao Ying guard here, you must be safe!" Yang Jian said with a serious face.

"With sons and ministers in the direction of father, he must be safe," Yang Yong said calmly.

Yang Jian looked at his eldest son, and said silently in his heart: "It is because of you that I am not at ease!"

Yang Jian looked at Gao Ying who was at the side, and said immediately, "This matter will trouble you, sir! I will let you worry a lot, my son."

"My lord, regardless of the direction, there will be nothing wrong with me and my son here!" Gao Ying glanced at Yang Guang with a smile to ease his embarrassment.

The three people's gazes fell into Yang Guang's eyes, but Yang Guang didn't say anything, just kept smiling.

"In addition, I will send a general order to send Gou Xi and his troops as the vanguard to conquer the city and plunder the territory for our country!" Yang Jian's eyes showed a serious and joyful look. It is obvious that the opportunity on the battlefield must not be missed, and it will never come again. ah.

"Father! I would like to help General Gou Xi!" Yang Jian stood up immediately, and he did not want to let go of this opportunity.

Yang Guang also knew of Gou Xi's talent, but because this guy was a surrender, he was not reused by Yang Jian, and his brothers considered themselves noble, and they didn't want to be with them. This was a good opportunity for Yang Guang. , if he is subdued, it will be of great help to the future career of king and hegemony!
Yang Jian looked at his second son, a trace of puzzlement flashed in his eyes, and he said after a while: "You have to think about it, this is not a matter of eating, drinking and having fun."

"Sharing father's worries is the son's duty, father just leave it to me!" Yang Guang said righteously, some of the younger brothers in the back sighed, some were very disdainful, and most of them were indifferent.

"Do you know that the battlefield is no joke, where there is the sound of bones being cut, blood flowing like a river, and bones all over the sky!"

"A man should carry a three-foot sword. If we can't share our father's worries, what's the use of us playing and practicing martial arts all day long?" Yang Guang said that Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reasoned. Staring at Yang Guang in horror, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yang Jian looked at his second son, and said with relief for a while: "I am very pleased that you can think so, so the front line is extremely dangerous, what is Uncle Ma planning!"

"The last general is here" I saw a tiger general walking out from behind Yang Jian, wearing a mask, holding a sword in his hand, eight feet long, dressed in black armor, with a thick back and waist, only his eyes can be vaguely seen, and his eyes are looking at the front like lightning .

"You can serve as Yang Guang's bodyguard for the time being, to protect his safety!" Yang Jian, the father, was heartbroken for his son.

"The end will be ordered!"

"Thank you father for fulfilling everything." Yang Guang couldn't help being overjoyed, and silently pondered what to do next.

"Yang Jun, Yang Xiu, and Yang Liang, you three lead [-] troops to guard the north. Remember that you have my generals. You three must not send troops." Yang Jian looked serious, obviously a little worried about the boy.


"Father, don't worry!"

"Leave it to me!
Looking at the three confident sons, Yang Jian nodded his head and looked down, then said, "Yan Xing, Hu Luguang, you two command 4 horses each, and follow Gu!"

"Deling!" At this moment, I saw two burly men coming out, but they each have their own advantages. His expression was unusually cold and ruthless.

The other person was wearing chain mail, with a white robe behind him, with a calm expression, as if everything was under his control, and he was extremely unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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