Warring States Call

Chapter 633 Gan Ning

Chapter 633 Gan Ning
The wind blew dust on the battlefield, and there was a sense of oppression in the four places. Sun Jian commanded an army of [-], merged with Sun Ce, and lined up in this large formation.

At this moment, Sun Jian was wearing a fan hat, holding his ancient ingot knife in his hand, riding a white horse, wearing a red belt around his waist, and wearing a red armor. Follow tens of thousands of troops.

"Here is Sun Ce! Where is Old General Xiang!" Sun Jian raised his voice while holding his sword.

Xiang Yan stroked her beard, pretended to cough a few times, and looked at Chen Baxian to signal for him to answer for her!
"I'm Chen Baxian, Sun Ce, you traitorous minister, you dare to call the old general by his name, get off your horse and be bound, I will spare your life!" Chen Baxian yelled for a while.

"You are Chen Baxian, the general of Chu State for the past two years!" A trace of disdain flashed in Sun Jian's eyes.

"Since you know my name, why don't you surrender quickly!" Chen Baxian also knew that Sun Jian was entertaining himself, but if he didn't fight back, he would really not be reconciled.

"Hahahahahaha!" Sun Jian laughed suddenly, pointing to Chen Baxian in front of him: "When I was a general in Chu State, you probably didn't know where to play with mud?
"You bastard...!" The unknown fire in Chen Baxian's heart rose first.

Xiang Yan looked at the excited Chen Baxian, and then patted him on the shoulder: "You did a good job, send troops! Remember the previous plan!"


Xiang Yan got up immediately, and drove the carriage towards Shucheng. Chen Baxian's expression became calm, he stared forward and snorted coldly: "Kill me!"

"Rush!" Xiong Yang's heart had long been mixed with anger, and it all broke out at this moment.


Sun Ce's face was calm, and he looked at the people behind him. Gan Ning and Zhou Tai reacted instantly, picked up the big knife in their hands, stared at the front and snorted coldly: "Brothers, kill me!"


"Charge in the three-prong formation!" Xiong Yang greeted immediately behind.

"Kill!" Gan Ning didn't care about him, he rushed forward and slashed, breaking the enemy's position at the very beginning.

Zhou Tong who was behind was also not to be outdone, he swung his big knife and slashed. In less than a quarter of an hour, the formation that looked good at first collapsed at this moment, and it seemed that it was about to be unable to hold on.

Sun Ce looked at Sun Jian who was behind him: "Father, why didn't Xiang Yan show up, and the enemy's combat power is vastly different from the original one!"

Sun Jian stroked his beard, took a look around, and said calmly: "I don't know either, let's find out their truth first!"

"Break it for me!" Gan Ning raised and lowered the big saber in his hand, within ten rounds, there was already a mountain of bones behind him.

Xiong Yang stared at the front, his face changed, and he snorted coldly: "You guys give it to me!"

I saw five generals coming out from behind Xiong Yang, each of them armed with armor, with masks on their faces, their tiger eyes staring ahead, seeing Xiong Yang gave an order, they urged their horses to kill.

"Die to me!" Gan Ning was not afraid, he opened and closed the big saber in his hand, threw out five saber flowers with his backhand, took down the long spear below, and swung the spear with one hand to kill him.

The military officer at the farthest side looked at him, his face couldn't help being startled, he was about to dodge when he saw Gan Ning rushing towards him, and the big knife stabbed him in the abdomen.

Gan Ning dragged his stone and ran for several steps. The four generals behind saw him furiously and said, "Bastard, keep the head!"

Gan Ning looked at it, flicked the horse's hoof, looked at the few people behind, and said with a sneer, "If you want it, I'll give it back to you!"

Gan Ning lifted the corpse with one hand and threw it towards the rear.

The people behind were shocked when they saw it, they opened their hands, and were about to catch it, when a throwing knife was thrown, and his head was cut off directly.

The three people behind saw that they were about to fight back, and saw that Gan Ning had already set up the bow and arrow in his hand, and shot three arrows with his backhand, one of them died on the spot, and the two behind each suffered wounds of different degrees, staring at the front with embarrassing expressions .

Xiong Yang's expression changed in an instant, he picked up the big knife in his hand, and shouted: "Withdraw...Quickly withdraw!"

"I want to go! It's not that simple!" Gan Ning was about to pursue, when he suddenly felt a wind sound in his ears, his face changed involuntarily, and he was attached to the horse, and he saw Chen Baxian maintaining his archery posture.

"Boy! You're getting impatient, kill me!" Seeing that Chen Baxian dared to provoke him, Gan Ning was furious.

Chen Baxian was not in the mood to entangle with him, picked up the weapon in his hand, and said coldly: "Withdraw!"

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" Xiong Yang could hardly hold on any longer, but now seeing that Chen Baxian ordered the retreat, he couldn't help being overjoyed, got on his horse, and didn't intend to stay here too much.

"Pass down the order, so that Gan Ning will not be pursued by the poor and the poor, and don't go deep alone," Sun Ce said calmly.


"Woo... woo...!"

When Gan Ning heard this, he cursed secretly: "Damn it!"

Xiang Yan forgot to take a look in the distance, and couldn't help stroking her beard. By the way, she took a few sips of her wine gourd, and said calmly: "Is this your strength? It's nothing more than that. If this is your true strength, then it can only stop here!"


Report to the general, we killed more than 1000 enemies in this battle, and our casualties were no more than [-]! " I saw that Jiang Qin had counted them and reported them.

When Gan Ning heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips and said, "My lord! Why beat the drums and retreat, if you don't retreat, I can still kill two of them?"

Sun Ce looked at the rampant Gan Ning, but he couldn't help but frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sun Jian also held a skeptical look: "This is not Xiang Yan's style of fighting. Xiang Yan's fighting style is to go forward, like to overwhelm others, and focus on fierceness. Why today...!
"The only thing that makes sense is that it's not Xiang Yan who is leading the army. We didn't see Xiang Yan on the battlefield today. Could it be that this guy is just a cover?" Sun Jian stroked his beard with a puzzled expression on his face. .

"This matter is not difficult. As long as the general sends someone to scold Xiang Yan tomorrow, with Xiang Yan's stubborn personality, he will definitely be furious. Then we will know whether he is there or not!" Cheng Pu reminded later.

"Well, if this is a solution!" Sun Jian stroked his beard and sighed, then looked forward and said to Gan Ning, and said with a smile: "This time General Gan Ning has made great achievements, and it is said that everyone will be rewarded with a catty of wine and meat. One catty, but all soldiers who have expanded the territory of our country must be rewarded properly!"

When Gan Ning heard that there was wine and meat, he was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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