Chapter 634;

"Why didn't the general attack! And General Xiang Yan? Others!"

All the generals in the city questioned Chen Baxian down here. Some looked anxious, a little serious, and some were worried. Each of them had their own ulterior motives. Obviously, this defeat had shaken the morale of the army.

Chen Baxian stood in his position, looked at the restless general, and muttered to himself: "Xiang Yan! Your move is too big!"

"Everyone calm down. General Xiang Yan is seriously ill. I will take charge of the army temporarily. Everyone will take their positions to prevent the enemy from raiding!" Chen Baxian said with a serious expression.

"General! It's true that General Xiang Yan is seriously ill, but we can't sit here and wait for death. In the end, the general dares to ask the general to get another light cavalry, and then go down to attack the camp, and we will surely gain something!" You Ji looked dissatisfied, and wrapped him in a wallet to be honest. His body was eight feet long, his eyes were like lightning, his body looked strong, his skin was dark, his cheeks were as firm as if they had been cut by a knife, and his overall aura was unique in the entire hall. Chen Ba was stared at by Yang Youji first, as if he felt half stared at by a lonely wolf.

"General Yang Youji! Stay safe and don't be impatient. Now is not the time for war. The situation in the city is unstable now. We can't act too hastily!" Chen Baxian swallowed his saliva, and was speechless for a while.

Yang Youji stared at Chen Baxian, and snorted coldly: "You bastard, Chen Baxian, you are timid, and you imprisoned the old general Xiang Yan. Chu has been defeated, and I am ashamed to be with you!"

"Hmph! I'm not convinced either!"


The two generals behind Yang Youji came out, their expressions were aura, and they looked at Chen Baxian with anger in their eyes.

Chen Baxian also had a temper, looked at Yang Youji and said angrily: "Yang Youji, what crime should you deserve for the next crime!"

The other generals looked at the two generals and dared not speak for a while. These two men are big men, and they can't offend them. One is a confidant next to the king, and the other is named Beihou Bo. They can't offend them. Get up, can only stand aside.

Yang Youji stared at Chen Baxian, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are named deputy commander by the king. Let me tell you the truth, the only one who can order me is the general. You are a brat!"

"You bastard! Take it down!" Chen Baxian was furious, and was about to swing out the sword in his arms to kill Yang Youji, when the soldiers on both sides hurriedly stopped him.
"I see who dares!" Yang Youji took down the bow in his hand with a backhand, with an extremely arrogant expression.

All the generals around him had seen this guy before, so naturally they didn't dare to step forward to make a mistake.

Yang Youji saw that the generals around him were suppressed, and he held his weapon and thought about retreating outside, he let out a breath by the way, and muttered to himself: "I am really not suitable for this kind of thing."

Chen Baxian only felt that his face was shameless, but there was nothing he could do. Yang Youji still left, staring at the general below: "Everyone go back and prepare for me! Anyone who speaks falsely and goes to battle, behead!"


Although some generals disdain it, they don't want to offend Chen Baxian.

When everyone was leaving, Chen Baxian walked out of a black shadow behind him, looked at Chen Baxian with a noisy expression, and said, "Tsk tsk tsk! I didn't expect you to be able to hold back this Yang Youji! Or are you even a dog? Why not...!"

"call out!"

Chen Baxian's eyes were like lightning, and he pulled out the cold arrow in his arms with one hand. A cold light flashed, and the black shadow behind him fell to the ground in a moment of breathing. His eyes stared at Chen Baxian in disbelief, and he clutched his neck with blood flowing. He stared blankly at Chen Baxian.

Chen Baxian's face turned cold, he looked at the dark night, and said coldly: "What are you? Even if your brother came in person, he wouldn't dare to relax in front of this general! By the way, your brother will go down to accompany you in a short time. You, you won't be too lonely by yourself!"


Chen Ba ignored the shadow for now, took out the white cloth in his arms, wiped the blood in his hand, and threw the white cloth on his cheek after wiping.

"General... you...!" Two people broke into the big tent, looked at the corpse below, and said in a panic.

Chen Ba first slowly withdrew his sword, looked at the two of them with tiger eyes, and said calmly: "Someone wants to pluck the tiger's hair, and they don't even look at how many catties they have!"

"Isn't it too early, General?" The general who had just reacted later changed his face, and it was obvious that this matter exceeded his expectations.

Chen Ba first glanced at the dead body below: "Tell Song Yu, this guy can't ride on my head yet, this is just a warning, next time he will kill him!"

"General! It's not easy for us to scare the snake, otherwise how will we win Song Yu!"

Chen Baxian immediately said calmly: "You lead Song Yu outside the city and shoot him to death. Then you can tell the king that this guy defected to the enemy and treason, and was shot to death by Yang Youji's random arrows!"

"General! That Yang Youji treated you like this just now, aren't you doing him a favor?"

Chen Baxian immediately smiled and said: "This Song Yu is a celebrity around the king. If this guy dies, there is no guarantee that the king will not blame Yang Youji. Then he will kill two birds with one stone and wash away today's shame!"

"But will raising General Youji in this way...!"

"Don't worry, Yang Youji is one of the few fierce generals under the king, killing him is like cutting off his own arm, it's not easy for the king to kill him!" Chen Baxian sneered.

"General Miao, this not only removes a disaster for our army, but also punishes Yang Youji!"

"Go and do it!"

Inside the prefect's mansion, Xiang Yan pretended to cough, and looked at the chess game below, holding the chess piece in both hands, not knowing which move to make next, but opposite him was a man in black.

Xiang Yan looked at him: "Ahem... How about it! The news has spread"

Xiang Yan smiled, slowly dropped the chess piece in his hand, and then said with a smile: "With Sun Jian's character, he will definitely underestimate the enemy, and then the general's chance will come!"

"General! Why didn't you tell General Chen the news!" Heiye asked with a puzzled expression, and at the same time looked at the chessboard below, thinking about three, before making the move.

"We don't know how many Sun Jian's eyeliners there are in this city. It's best to do this thing as if it's real. Isn't that good?" Xiang Yan stroked her beard and stared at the expectant man below. Plate, finger must, down up.

The black shadow was about to go down, when Xiang Yan smiled and said, "Do you still have room to settle?"

Only then did Hei Ying recover, looked at the board, and found that it had become a dead chess piece, so he put down the pieces in his hand in embarrassment and said with emotion: "The general is really a master, the young general admires him!"

"What a tall man! I'm already a sick old man"

(End of this chapter)

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