Warring States Call

Chapter 639 Dong Xi

Chapter 639 Dong Xi

When a corpse was smashed open, the whole earth trembled, and all the soldiers around were smashed away. Sun Ce took the lead, and the white tiger gun in his hand was like a tiger knocking on a mountain. The surrounding soldiers all looked at Sun Ce with fearful eyes. Looking at Sun Ce, he shouted: "Sun Ce...he is Sun Ce... run away!"

Chen Ba first looked at the chaotic scene, pressed the sword in his hand, and said calmly: "The soldiers on both sides are scattered, and the archers are ready."


"Change!" The lieutenants on both sides held the order flags in their hands and swung them up and down, only to see that the whole ground changed, separating the left and right sides.

Sun Ce didn't care about it when he saw it, and urged his horse to kill the front. Gan Ning and Jiang who were behind looked at it and said, "Follow!"


Xiang Yan was sitting on the ground, holding a small knife, and holding a piece of fat in her hand, cutting and eating, lying on the ground, glanced at Sun Ce below from time to time, and murmured, "Sun Ce?" ? The old man has been waiting for you for a long time, and Sun Jian may not be able to hold on for long, maybe the two of you can meet again!"

Sun Jian rampaged in the formation, killing seven or eight partial generals in a row, with more than dozens of soldiers in his hands. At this moment, Sun Ce's eyes were red, staring at the front and shouting: "Mr. Xiang Yan, where did you hide my father?" place!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Xiang Yan took the mutton, stood up slowly, took a bite, patted her stomach, and said with emotion: "I haven't eaten so comfortably for a long time!"

When Sun Ce heard Xiang Yan's voice, he raised his head and looked up: "Xiang Yan, you old man! Where is my father!"

Xiang Yan stroked her beard, threw away the knife and the fat in her hand, and her demeanor became much more serious than before: "Sun Ce, you and Sun Jian are the arms that the king relied on, and the glory and wealth are inexhaustible , you...why are you treasonous!"

When Sun Ce was questioned face to face by Xiang Yan, the soldiers all around stopped their movements, and everyone focused on Sun Ce's expression.

Most of the soldiers on both sides were former Chu soldiers, and some of them didn't want to know each other. They looked at each other left and right, and said in surprise: "Xiaohu...!"


The soldiers who were fighting to the death turned out to change their faces when they saw each other.

Sun Ce looked at the military spirit floating around, his face changed, this Yan's heart attack strategy is really powerful, looked at Xiang Yu and snorted coldly: "Xiong Yi betrayed his faith and plotted to usurp the throne, my father can't bear to be with you...! "

"You child is confusing black and white. For the sake of the past, your father is on Fuhu Hill. If you have the ability, go for it!" Xiang Yan waved his hand, and he had already laid a net there. Come down, it depends on Sun Ce's fate.

"Old Xiang Yan, just wait for me! Today, my father's life is in the hands of everyone!" Sun Ce clasped his fists, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"It's my duty to wait!"


"Come on!"

Chen Ba first drew out the sword in his arms, and stood in the middle of the hill: "Shoot the arrow!"



"Get up!" Sun Ce waved the White Tiger Spear in his hand, and swept it up and down, killing several soldiers in an instant. He took a soldier's waist with one hand, stood on top of his head and smashed it down.


The soldier who was smashed down vomited blood, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Chen Baxian looked at the arrogant Sun Ce, and stretched out his right hand, and the soldiers behind picked up the bow behind them and handed it to Chen Baxian.

Chen Ba first picked up a cold arrow: "Hits!"

"call out!"

"Crack!" An arrow fell, and Sun Ce was shot off his horse. His eyes were fixed on the top. Gan Ning and Jiang Qin looked at it and said, "Quick! Protect the Lord!"

The battle below caused Dong Xi, who was arranging formations above, to see the chaotic battle, and Dong Xi showed a surprised expression: "The young master is here! The young master is here!"

Dong Xi took a look, raised the weapon in his hand and shouted: "Kill me! Take the lord back!"


The four soldiers connected their weapons and battle robes together to form a stretcher, and placed Sun Jian on the stretcher. The surrounding soldiers joined together and raised their round shields to block the cold arrows around them.

The sword in Dong Xi's hand opened and closed, and he slashed towards a general in front of him.

"Kill!" The general was not afraid, he held his spear in his backhand and stabbed Dong Xi in the chest, looking like an old hand.

Dong Xi's eyes were ruthless, and he didn't dodge it, he slashed out, and a head fell, and the general's spear also cut through Dong Xi's abdomen.

Dong Xi clutched his abdominal wound, grinned hoarsely in pain, and was about to kill ahead, when he turned around and stabbed the corpse again.

"call out……!"

A cold arrow was shot from behind and hit Dong Xi's shoulder. Dong Xi looked back and threw the spear in his hand backhand, hitting the target, and directly terrified the soldiers around him.

Feeling the pain in his body, Dong Xi twisted his neck, the blood on his face splashed everywhere, and hearing the sound of bones breaking around him, he shouted loudly: "Kill!"


The soldiers on both sides looked exhausted under the attack, Chen Ba first pressed the sword in his hand, and calmly said: "Withdraw!"


"Withdraw...let them be together! Let's catch them all!" Chen Ba first mounted his horse and muttered to himself, "The outcome of this battle has been decided!"

"Withdraw... woo!"

"Go! Go up the hill!" Sun Ce accidentally fell to the ground, and tried his best to get up, commanding the soldiers around him. It was obvious that Sun Ce was a little exhausted.

"Go! Let me go!" Gan Ning rushed up with the weapon in his hand, Jiang Qin supported Sun Ce, and the two soldiers joined forces all the way up the mountain, surrounded by a hundred thousand Chu troops below.

Sun Ce stepped forward quickly, and Sun Jian, who was dying at the bottom, was shocked, and strode forward: "Father! Father, are you okay!"

At this moment, Sun Jian's hair was disheveled, and his black hair had turned grey, his eyes were cloudy, his face was pale, and he trembled from time to time. It looked like he might not be alive soon.

"Father...Father!" Sun Ce worried.

Sun Jian opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw that it was Sun Ce: "Ce'er, is that you? Ce'er!"

"Father is me! Father, what are you doing quickly!" Sun Ce held Sun Jian's hand, only feeling abnormally cold.

"As a father, I'm afraid...he will die soon!" Sun Jian spat out the blood from his mouth as he said it.

"Father... father... where's the medical officer? Where's the person?" Sun Ce asked anxiously.

"My lord, the expedition is imminent, we didn't take them!" Gan Ning said helplessly behind.

(End of this chapter)

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