Warring States Call

Chapter 640 The Eccentric Sun Jian

Chapter 640 The Eccentric Sun Jian

"No need...!" Sun Jian tried hard to keep himself awake, opened his tiger eyes to look at Sun Ce, and wanted to call himself and let him sit up.

"My lord... My lord!" The lieutenants on both sides followed Sun Jian's direction and helped him up. Sun Jian panted, looked down at Sun Ce, patted him on the shoulder, and said angrily, "Who told you... Come here, do you know that you...you come here! My tens of thousands of troops...do...do...what should I do!"

"Father... don't talk yet, I'll take you out right away." Facing Sun Jian's questioning, Sun Ce didn't care, and was about to carry Sun Jian on his shoulders and leave.

Sun Jian waved his hand, signaling to Sun Ce not to work in vain.


Sun Jian spat out another mouthful of black red, and Sun Ce became even more anxious when he saw it: "Father...Father! You!"

Sun Jian waved his hand to signal Sun Ce not to speak. Sun Jian's cheeks became paler and paler. He looked at Sun Ce and the people behind him, and calmly said, "What I'm going to say next... Poof... You all heard me clearly!"

"My lord... Father... My lord... Your Majesty!"

Sun Jian looked appraised, took a deep breath, and snorted coldly: "Ce'er, you are more than brave, but you are not smooth and steady in dealing with people, and you are too sexual...temperament! You can't... take care of the overall situation, and you are not as good as your brother. It's too far away!"

When Sun Jian said this, everyone was stunned for a moment. Sun Jian wanted to pass on the throne, and listening to Sun Ce's voice, it seemed that he didn't intend to pass on the throne to Sun Ce...

"Father, stop talking, I will definitely take you out!" Sun Ce didn't care about anything, but was very concerned about Sun Jian's danger. There were tears in his tiger's eyes. The hero is not without tears, but he has not yet reached the point of sadness That's all.

"You...you listen carefully! The men of the Sun family can only bleed, not get tired!" Sun Jian said in a deep voice, looking at the arrow wound on Sun Ce's arm from time to time, looking at his son with his messy hairstyle, Sun Jian was also extremely reluctant, but he couldn't bear it any longer.


"I want to pass the throne to Sun...Sun...Sun Quan!" Sun Jian almost couldn't breathe, so he insisted on saying this sentence. As soon as the words came out, the eyelids of the generals on both sides jumped, and even Sun Ce was shocked. He was extremely shocked. In terms of ability, Sun Ce was no better than his younger brother, but it happened that it was his second brother's turn to do everything. The words of establishing a superior but not a virtuous man did not exist in Sun Jian's eyes at all.

"Your Majesty...!" Gan Ning was about to step forward, but Sun Ce pressed him down, staring at him with tiger eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Be quiet!"

Sun Jian looked at Sun Ce with unwillingness and anger, but he was held back by Sun Ce. Sun Jian took a look at Sun Ce's appearance and resisted the pain in his body: "Ce'er, I want you to swear that I will help your brother in this life. ...No...don't have two minds, otherwise...!" Speaking of this, Sun Jian's eyes also flashed a trace of intolerance, and Sun Jian finally said from his mouth: "...Death has no place to die... !"


A flash of thunder gradually flashed in the sky, and the sky gradually became gloomy. The generals and soldiers around were all silent, some looked at them, hoping to bring them hope, and some were like Gan Ning, Sun Ce is not fair, the king is too partial.

The sky began to rain gradually.

"Say!" Sun Jian's breath became weaker this time, and he stared at Sun Ce, hoping that this kid would not stage a tragedy of fratricide after he left.

"Father, I...!" Sun Ce was obviously still a little bit unwilling, so he was really unwilling to let him give up like this!He is not reconciled to the fact that he has worked so hard for this throne, it's not fair...not fair, the world is so unfair, why some people can get everything they want easily, while those who work hard work so hard But he was not reconciled to fetching water from a bamboo basket in vain!Not reconciled!

"You want... to be your father! Don't you die with peace in your eyes?" Sun Jian looked down at Sun Ce and said with a deep body.

Sun Ce looked at his father's expression, and the last persistence in his heart disappeared. He knelt down slowly and stretched out his three fingers.

Gan Ning at the back saw it, and hurried up and said, "My lord, think twice!"

The ancients were particularly fond of swearing oaths by themselves. For some reason, there are a few people who broke their promises in history, and some of them ended well.

"I, Sun Ce, will help my younger brother Sun Quan in this life. I will never...no...don't have a second heart, otherwise... I will die without a place to die!" After Sun Ce finished speaking, his whole body was like a deflated balloon. They were sluggish, and they supported Sun Ce only for the sake of future glory and wealth. Now that this vow is made, it means that Sun Ce will never have the heart to fight for the throne in his life.

When Sun Jian saw that Sun Ce agreed, it was considered a matter of his mind, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Sun Ce was still kneeling on the ground, but the hand with the fingers turned into a fist. Sun Ce kowtowed down, and Sun Ce said in a deep voice, "I, Sun Ce, owe you this life. I will help Sun Quan well. If there is another life , I am no longer your son, and you are no longer my father, so you better stop seeing each other!"

Sun Ce stood up slowly. He remembered that when he was a child, his father urged him to practice swordsmanship, and gave his second brother any food in his hand, but Sun Jian always used the excuse of his elder brother to let his younger brother. My father really loves his younger brother. His elder brother is always neglected. No matter how hard he tries, he can't see it. What he has is only a reward for his second son.

Sun Quan devoted himself to the state of Wu for Sun Jian, but won the throne. In order to save his father, Sun Ce was wounded by arrows and was unable to continue. Now, it seems that under the words of his father, there is nothing left.

Sun Jian also seemed to be moved with compassion. Looking at the scars on Sun Ce's body, he felt guilty in his heart. Did he do something wrong? He is also a compatriot, so he is too ruthless to be biased.

Sun Jian sighed for a while, his eyes became darker and darker, looking at his son, he muttered to himself: "God bless him, please keep him safe and sound!"

Sun Ce stood with his back in front of Sun Jian, not looking at Sun Jian anymore, two lines of blood and tears fell from his eyes, the man's tears were not light, but not to the point of heartbreak.

"My lord... My lord!" Dong Xi saw that Sun Jian's hands were down, his fingers were blackened, and his heartbeat had disappeared...

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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