Warring States Call

Chapter 645 Sun Wu

Chapter 645 Sun Wu
Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the battle report in his hand and said with a smile: "What's wrong! Did something happen!"

Below is an old general, not flustered, but looked at Zhu Yuanzhang very calmly, and said: "Nothing happened to us, but our army fought with Chu soldiers and suffered heavy losses. I don't know when General Zhu will send troops! "

"Oh!" Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised at first, and looked the middle-aged man up and down, only to see that his head was wrapped in a piece of red cloth with a sword straddling his waist, and he was wearing bronze armor. He was seven and a half feet long. If there is any anxiety, there is a result of being angry, and he is still very calm under the gaze of everyone.

Zhu Yuanzhang walked back and forth here with the bamboo slips in his hand for a long time, and was really thinking about what to do in his eyes.

"General Zhu, please make a decision quickly. I have to go back to report. I hope the general will not waste the time of both of us. The speed of the army is so precious!" The middle-aged man pressed the sword in his hand, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Oh!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at this man, his face changed even more, and he smiled halfway: "Don't worry, general, otherwise we will send troops. I don't know the name of the general. It will be good for you and me to respond in the future!"

"Zu Mao!" Zu Mao replied flatly, picked up the weapon in his hand, looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and clasped his fists and said, "The general is righteous, with the general here, we must have divine help, and then we will wait for the good news of the general! "

"Don't worry, general, it's hard to chase after the general once said!" Zhu Yuanzhang didn't show off, he said what he meant.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang agreed, Zu Mao left.

"Why did my lord agree to them? Seeing them fight with snipe and clam, it's enough for the fisherman to make a profit!" A man walked out from behind, wearing a black cloth belt on his head, wearing straw whip and iron armor, with a puzzled expression, and his feet were flying boots. Walk up quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced back at this guy, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Tang He and now we have to establish a good relationship with Yue Guo and the others, besides, the little Shouchun can't satisfy my appetite!"

"My lord, you...!" Tang He looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in puzzlement, seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's confident appearance, and couldn't help but said in a short voice: "In that case, please give me an order, my lord!"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled, and said half aloud: "Pass down my general order, let Xu Da and Ji Bu be the vanguards to open the way, each order 2 horses, and attack the city for me! You lead 3 horses to defend Shouchun, and I personally lead the army Meet Xiang Yan for a while"

"Decree!" Tang He received the order and was about to go down when Zhu Yuanzhang held Tang He's shoulder and said, "If you can't keep it, you should abandon the city and run away. Remember that the lives of you and the soldiers are the most important thing." !"

"My subordinate understands!"

State of Wu...Guangling

Now it was dark and windy at night, and the sky was gradually raining lightly, looking extremely sad. Soldiers were wearing armor and holding weapons in their hands, staring at the front with covetous eyes.

On the other side, there is a man holding a sword in his arms, seven feet long, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, holding a bun in his hand, eating every bite, with rows of beards on the corners of his mouth, like a leather cow. Wearing chain mail and wearing black patterned boots, the aura on his body is natural, standing up like a green pine in the rain, and in the dark night, it is also a beautiful scenery.

"General! Why haven't we sent troops yet? The soldiers have been training hard for many years, and they all want to make contributions. General, why are you doing this?" A young man walked out from under the city wall, holding a silver gun in his hand, his eyes were cracked Sun Huoguang, wearing a flying cloud ear helmet and a pixiu exquisite armor, is eight feet long and has a strong back and waist. Looking at his cheeks, his lips are red and his teeth are white. The fierce tiger that has not come out of the cage has always been honing its tiger claws. When the day it breaks out of the cage, it will be the time for him to kill.

"Nephew Yun Zhaoxian, don't worry, first tell the old man about the changes in the past few days!" Sun Wu said while gnawing, stuffing the buns in his hands into his two cheeks, making them bulge, like Half swollen from the beating, he looked like a child.

Wu Yunzhao looked at this guy helplessly, smiled wryly and said, "Uncle, let's send troops! We have been waiting here for too long! The soldiers are all holding their breath, uncle...!"

Sun Wu stroked his mustache and said with a smile: "Nephew, don't worry, these are just Xiang Guo's vanguard soldiers. Although there are only [-] of them, they are Xiang Guo's elite soldiers and horses. We want to win He, it's not that easy!"

"But general! We've been here for three or four days. The speed of your soldiers is so precious. We have 5 troops. I'm afraid they will do something. Heavy rain, let's take this for a while first, as long as the 3 horses are swallowed, Xiang Yu will not be able to prove it!" Wu Yunzhao waved his big hand and directly expressed his opinion.

Sun Wu opened his wine gourd, raised his head and took a big sip, feeling the raindrops on his cheeks, feeling his coldness, and asked half aloud: "Is this water cold?"

"General...this...!" Wu Yun summoned Sun Wu and joked with him again, what time is this, this guy can still think of this.

Sun Wu then smiled and said: "Ask the soldiers to grind the croton into powder and sprinkle it at the water source of Xiangying, so that we can take them down without a single soldier!"

"Why bother the general, just have a big fight with them!" Wu Yunzhao said with a puzzled expression.

Sun Wu smiled: "There are often no victors in wars. Either you hurt the enemy one thousand or you lose eight hundred. Wars can often be resolved without a single soldier. This is the real art of war. Yun Zhao remembers this sentence, no A soldier who wins in battle is king!"

"This...!" Wu Yunzhao himself fell into deep thought, understanding Sun Wu's words, with puzzlement in his eyes.

Sun Wu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Of course, it's okay to teach them a lesson. When the croton seeds they take have a stomach ache, you can go and see the world." How powerful is the famous general!"

"Decree!" Wu Yunzhao was overjoyed immediately. He practiced cold spear for eighteen years in order to become famous all over the world. If he defeated a famous general like Long Qie, it would be a very interesting thing.

Sun Wu also knew Wu Yunzhao's temper, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, looked forward and said, "Be patient!"

(End of this chapter)

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