Warring States Call

Chapter 646 Yang Guang

Chapter 646 Yang Guang
Wu Guobei
Tan State territory
I saw tens of thousands of troops gathered here, the leader was wearing a golden armor, with a dragon belt on his waist, holding his own sword in his hand, staring at the front with piercing eyes, his beard fell like a needle, riding a black Purple war horses, wearing purple cloud boots, followed by rows of generals, all of them with thick backs, and the soldiers below were all wearing black armor, fighting below with a flat expression, waiting for the leader to give orders, this person It was Yang Jian.

"Young master! Do you want to send troops...!" Another person stood behind Yang Guang, holding the sword in his hand and carrying a big knife behind his back, looking at Yang Jian and said calmly.

Yang Guang pressed the weapon in his hand, staring straight ahead, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a wolf-like gaze, Yang Jian turned his head for a while, looked at Gou Xi behind, and said with a smile: "General Gou is not I know what you think!"

"General Dog...puchi...!"

The generals in the back couldn't hold back. They were all generals from the Tan Kingdom. When they looked at Gou Xi who had come to seek refuge, they couldn't do without some sarcasm. In addition, Gou Xi believed in Gou, and the homonym of Gou was dog. So naturally, soldiers They all like to call Gou Xi the Dog General to ridicule Gou Xi, but Gou Xi can only bear it, he has to bow his head under the eaves.

"The last general is here!" Gou Xi gritted his teeth and stood up, his eyes were embarrassed, and both ears were red.

Yang Guang frowned when he heard this, and looked back at the soldiers behind him, and snorted coldly: "Who is laughing out loud! Stand up!"

In fact, Yang Guang also found it interesting, but just now he roughly glanced at the hands of the soldiers holding weapons behind Gou Xi, holding them tightly, and staring at a general behind him with gritted teeth, obviously they have received a lot here. Gou Xi could bear the anger, but the eyes of the soldiers behind him couldn't fool him. If he didn't deal with it, it might not be long before there would be another chaos.

Gou Xi also glanced at Yang Jian in surprise, for some reason, she felt that the young man in front of her was not as simple as his appearance, but instead had a vague air of a king.

"Come out!" The sword in Yang Guang's hand was pulled out and hung on the ground, Humu turned his head and glanced at the general behind him, his expression was serious as if he was joking.

"It's a young general!" I saw a general standing up from behind, holding a long gun in his hand, and looked at Yang Guang with puzzled eyes. He really didn't understand what he did wrong to make such a big fuss .

Yang Guang got off his horse, came to him, looked down at him, and fixed his eyes tightly: "Tell me what you are laughing at!"

"I laugh at General Gou! His name is so distinctive!" This young general did not shy away from it, he was a bold person at first glance.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" The soldiers at the back started coaxing when nothing happened, and the whole army was in a commotion, except for the soldiers behind Gou Xi who remained silent.
"Presumptuous! The surname was established by the sages. It was bought by his ancestors with his own blood and sweat. It is something that needs to be defended and guarded with his life. Your surname is the same. While you are mocking others, have you ever thought about your own? Surname!" Yang Jian looked at the soldiers behind him with a serious expression.

"This...!" Then the general was ashamed of being told, his eyes wandered around, not knowing what he should do.

Yang Guang put away the sword stuck on the ground, looked back at the general, and snorted coldly, "Kowtow to admit your mistake!"

"Me! Admit my mistake to a surrendered general!" The major general was obviously a little bit dissatisfied, why!This guy is not worthy.

Yang Guang pulled out the sword he had just put away, and snorted coldly: "Did he hesitate to fight when our country was fighting the enemy, or did he surrender to the enemy when our country was fighting other people? Did they have it? "

"Dang!" The sword in Yang Guang's hand hit the ground, splashing a large amount of sand.

"But he is from Lu country...!" Then the general was still unconvinced, he raised his head and stared at Yang Jian.

"I don't care what they did before, but now he is a soldier of our country. The weapons in your hands are aimed at the enemy's chest, not your brother's! We don't care what he did before, no matter what they used to be Killing people and setting fires, they are still bandits doing all kinds of evil, but now they are my soldiers and generals, none of you can do it, including me!" Yang Guang stood up with the sword in his hand, his whole person's aura was natural, A kind of domineering aura of a king appeared, unusually mighty.

"Young master" Gou Xi has also been full of anger in recent years, he can only hold back, he has no other way, but in Yang Guang's words, he felt the warmth that he hadn't felt for a long time.

"Minister! Gou Xi swears allegiance to Tan Guo!"

"I will swear allegiance to the death...!"

The voices from behind came overwhelmingly, and the general in front of him was at a loss as to what to do.

Yang Guang pressed the sword in his hand, looked at him with a pair of tiger eyes: "Apologize!"

Then the general had no choice but to turn around and say to Gou Xi reluctantly, "I'm sorry!"

Gou Xi didn't say anything when he arrived, and bowed to him, then looked at Yang Jian.

Yang Guang didn't care, he snorted coldly with the sword in his hand: "Kill!"


Tens of thousands of troops gathered together and rushed towards the opposite side, apparently intending to take over the enemy's city.

Gou Xi found an opportunity to come behind Yang Jian, handed the water bottle in his hand to Yang Jian, and said, "Today's matter! Thank you, young master!"

Yang Guang stroked his beard, and glanced at the talented Gou Xi: "It's okay, it's okay! You don't have to be polite!"

"But forgive me! The young master will definitely arouse the general's suspicion!" Gou Xi said with a worried expression.

Yang Guang stretched out his sleeves, stroked his beard carefully, and said with emotion: "You and I don't care if you say anything about this matter, but you and I don't care if you say anything, Gou Xi, you know what I'm talking about!"

"The young master is too hasty to take that position!" Gou Xi looked at Yang Jian with something in his words, and from time to time picked up the steamed bun in his arms and began to chew it.

Yang Guang casually glanced at Gou Xi's steamed bun, snatched it, divided it into two and handed it to Gou Xi, squinting his eyes and smiling, "I have something to eat! Don't you have yours?" , Wealth and wealth are in danger!"

Gou Xi glanced at Yang Guang who was squinting his eyes, looked at the half steamed bun in his hand, and said with a smile, "This is mine!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Yang Guang couldn't help laughing when he saw it, this Gou Xi was right.

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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