Chapter 648
On the city wall, the big knife in Wang Jizhen's hand flew up and down, and he was wearing Yang Guang's armor. The soldiers around thought that Yang Guang was wearing the armor in person, and all of them showed surprised expressions. , brothers rush for me"

"Protect the young master!"

"Protect the young master!"


Wang Jizhen held a big knife in his hand, looked at the general at the side, the big knife stood behind him, and shouted: "Kill!"


The lieutenant general guarding the city looked at Wang Jizhen, a fluffy boy, and couldn't help being furious. He pulled out the sword in his arms and snorted coldly, "Where did you come from, come to this old man to beg for death, die for me!"


The sword in the deputy general's hand shone with a cold silver light, and there was a trace of cold rain in his eyes. The sword in his hand changed into several sword shadows and shrouded it, which was really powerful.

Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, the weapon in Wang Jizhen's hand lights up, the sword is dragged on the ground, sparks are splashed, and a pair of tiger eyes stared at the general.


With a flash of cold light, Wang Jizhen held the weapon in both hands, and slashed straight down with the big knife. Under the sunlight, it radiated a golden light.


When the big knife fell, Wang Jizhen maintained the posture of chopping down the knife, and the precious knife in his hand was dripping blood downwards, while the general in front of Wang Jizhen still maintained the posture of stabbing his sword, his eyes looked forward in disbelief, He held his sword tightly, and there was a bloodstain on his cheek.

Half a ring..."Crack!"

The corpse fell to the ground like a dead body, and the generals defending the city were so dead that they couldn't die.

Wang Jizhen took advantage of the situation and got up, dragged her big knife, and walked to the military flag beside her, staring at the front with tiger eyes, clasped her hands, her arms were calm and strong, and shouted: "Cut!"

Kacha... creak, with a sound, the entire military flag was split into two, and began to fall slowly, finally falling into the city.

Yang Guang gnawed on his sesame seed cakes in the back, looked at Gou Xi behind him with a smile and said, "Gou Xi looks like we won't be long, and I'm going to fill in another talent!"

Gou Xi stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "The young master is indeed a good method. Let Wang Jizhen put on the young master's armor to boost morale. It took three hours, but at that moment just now , It saved us two hours, the high is really high!"

"It was thanks to the general just now, otherwise I could have been so relaxed." Yang Guang pressed the weapon in his hand, and said half aloud: "Give me the general's order, today I am happy, so the soldiers drink and eat meat, no matter who it is, open it to me to drink."

"Thank you, young master... Thank you, young master!" The voices behind him followed one after another, and Yang Guang also stroked his beard. This was something he had considered for a long time. Most likely because of grievances, now take this opportunity to clean them up.

"Long live the young master... Long live the young master!"

Wu Kingdom Hall
"Report that the king is not good. The Tan Kingdom raised [-] troops and attacked us from north to south. The speed is extremely fast. Three counties of our army have fallen into their hands. Please order the king to send reinforcements!"

"What!" Fu Chai, king of Wu, who was drowsy on the morning sun, stood up, with anxiety flashing in his eyes, and after a while Fu Chai slowed down, wondering, "Where is Sun Wu, what is he doing?"

"Report! Xiang Guo mobilized 5 soldiers and horses to invade Guangling, our country. General Sun Wu led [-] horses to resist desperately. Please send troops to rescue quickly.

"Bastard!" Fu Chai patted his throne, with a trace of anxiety flashing in his eyes.

A civil official below, wearing a civil official uniform, with bright eyes shining, stood up seven feet tall and said: "Your Majesty, our country can currently mobilize 5 horses. If it is drawn from various places, there are also 8 horses available. Counting the imperial guards, as long as the king personally conquests, it will definitely boost our morale, I don't know if the king is willing!"

"Li Shanchang, what kind of strategy are you offering? Your Majesty's personal conquest. If your Majesty makes any mistake, will you and I take this responsibility?" On Li Shanchang's left, an old minister came out and pointed at Li Shanchang's big nose. Cursing, he has a triangular eye, and his beard falls in pieces below him. He is also in his 50s, and a pair of mung bean sprouts turn around from time to time, staring at Li Shanchang.

"Cai Jing, what are you saying about me? Han Yi from South Korea went on a personal expedition. He didn't come back in triumph that time. The king was also a hero when he was young. Or say it! According to your opinion, the king is not as good as that Han Yi..." Li Shanchang The words, every word, made Cai Jing speechless for a while, and stared at Li Shanchang with fear in his eyes.

"Your Majesty! You can't go to this battle. Our country has already started a war on two fronts. Food and grass are imminent. We must not start this third battle!" Cai Jing is still a little bit unwilling to give up. He and Zhu Yuanzhang are opposites. For Zhu Yuanzhang They are slandering everywhere. It can be said that the two sides have reached the point where they will never stop. Besides, this is not the way to go, and this is the first time Cai Jing has offered honest advice.

"Hmph! General Zhu Yuanzhang has already won Shouchun and won the food and grass of Daliang. We can also reduce the welcome of food and grass. Besides, this battle should be done sooner rather than later. Think twice!" Si's smile, but only he can see this smile.

Wu Wang Fu Chai had a heroic character, clapped his big hands and said: "Okay! Great! Just according to Li Shanchang's words, I will send [-] orphans to conquer by myself, and let the world see, this king is no better than him. Yichao!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Long live the king! Wu Guoqianchun is at its peak!"

When Cai Jing heard this, he shook his head helplessly, stood up slowly, patted the dust under his feet, and muttered to himself: "Unexpectedly, all the slanderous kings I usually see are listening to it. It’s a pity that the king won’t listen to you when you offer loyal advice.”

Li Shanchang stroked his beard, stepped back from the court and came to Cai Jing's side, muttering to himself: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero, if you want to live well, you'd better not mess around!"

"Li Shanchang, you!" Cai Jing pointed at Li Shanchang, with embarrassment flashing in his eyes. This guy threatened him, but he couldn't do anything about it. Now that Zhu Yuanzhang has more than half of the power in the court, those who resisted him are dead. It is to be relegated to the border without knowing whether he will live or die.

Li Shanchang patted Cai Jing on the shoulder and walked aside.

(End of this chapter)

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