Warring States Call

Chapter 649 Han Yi's Difficulties

Chapter 649 Han Yi's Difficulties

Now it's autumn, and the cold wind is blowing gradually. People are upset. Han Yi looked at the bamboo slips in front of him, threw it away for a while, stretched his waist, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and strode away.

The eunuch who was waiting on the side quickly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty is tired! Do you want to go and rest!"

Han Yi pressed on the railing, stared forward with tiger eyes, and said to the eunuch behind: "You all go down! I just want to be alone for a while."

After these few days of political papers, Han Yi deeply realized how poor the Warring States was. The people everywhere were barely clothed and hungry. In addition, Han Yi has been busy launching wars for the past few years. , The tax collection everywhere is unusually large. Except for the few tax-free places, there are almost complaints in other places. Fortunately, Han Yi stopped in time, otherwise even the bark would have been eaten by them.

Han Yi rubbed his temples helplessly: "Food...food, if this problem is not resolved for a day, the time for the expedition will be delayed!"

Disasters in various places are constantly being reported, and Han Yi is also constantly releasing grain. Yangdi...Qufu...Chang'an...Already in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the grain depots in Luoyang are constantly reporting, saying that they are running out of food, otherwise they will not be able to support the coming year The cost, and now it is gradually catching up with the winter, and a group of people will freeze to death and starve to death by then, Han Yi can't help frowning when he thinks of this.

Especially at the border, more than 3 rioters have appeared in the territory, and they all need to register and make policies to appease them: "Food... bastard... Where did the food come from!"

Han Yi was so angry that his feet gasped, and Han Yi suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "System! I don't know if I can summon crops like corn... sweet potatoes!"

As long as they get it out, they are not afraid that food and other issues will not be solved, and it is just in time for autumn, so if they are planted, there will be a lot of harvest.

"Ding, yes, corn and sweet potatoes are products of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, not personal carriers, so two special carriers are needed to carry them!"

"What you mean is that you want me to greet the two of you and send them here!" Han Yi stroked his chin, rolling his eyes up and down. Obviously this was a transfer deal.

"Ding, that's right, and the person summoned may not necessarily be from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The method of planting corn and sweet potatoes still needs to be studied by the host himself!"

"Damn it! So ruthless!" Han Yi's expression changed, but there was nothing he could do about it. For the sake of food and the people below, Han Yi could only bear it. If these two products were put in, the five years would definitely be able to be fully utilized. , and you can also devote your energy to soldiers and politics! "

"Ding, do you want the host!"

"Yes! Let's start" Han Yi said helplessly, reluctant to let the child not be able to trap the wolf. Fortunately, he has enough summoning points, otherwise he would not be able to support it.

"Ding, to summon corn and sweet potatoes, you need to consume 200 summoning points from the host!"

"Ding, consume two hundred points and summon two carriers!"

"Ding, Summoning No.1, Qimin Essentials Jia Sixie: Force 57 Commander 55 Intelligence 97 Politics 80, Implant Identity, Jia Fu's younger brother, went to a farm to study, got corn by chance, and planned to bring it back to study carefully. Biography of "Qi Min Yao Shu"

"Wow! This transaction is transferred. When the time comes to plant this thing, and then tell Jia Sixie the method, it won't be released by then, so I won't have to worry about it!"

"Ding, summon the second person, Xu Guangqi: Force 54 Commander 85 Intelligence 100 Politics 98! The current implantation status is a talent who has just passed the imperial examination. Offer advice to the king to solve the current problem!"

"No! I remember that this guy has a rare double-hundred ability value. How come this guy's politics has become 98 now!" Han Yi looked puzzled. It turned out that he was very excited when he heard Xu Guangqi's name. On the way, this guy was one of the few double hundred, but now it seems a bit unsatisfactory.

Ding, the system has adjusted Xu Guangqi's ability. If you can develop skills in scientific agriculture, the host can not worry! "

"Oh! So that's how it is!" Han Yi stroked the beard on his chin, and said half aloud: "Since I have summoned, I will summon enough today to complete all the people in the palace! The system will give me Summon a eunuch to come out!"

"Ding, the host summons the eunuch, currently consumes 400 points, the host has 2352 points left, currently consumes [-] points, summons the eunuch, and currently provides a list!"

"Ding, Zheng He, the No.1 Sanbao eunuch: Force 74, Commander 94, Intelligence 90, Politics 90!"

"Ding, the second person, the No. 1 Gao Lishi of the ancient sages: force 70, commander 80, intelligence 90, politics 90"

"Ding, the third person, Wei Zhongxian: Force 85 Commander 92 Intelligence 91 Politics 87"

"Ding, host please choose"

Han Yi looked at the brightening eyes in the sky, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Get rid of Wei Zhongxian, although I can hold this guy down, but it's easy to hide with an open gun and difficult to defend against a hidden arrow, so there's no need for it!"

"Ding, get rid of Wei Zhongxian, get the No. 1 Gao Lishi of the ancient sages for forgiveness of sins: force 70, commander 80, intelligence 90, politics 90, the current implantation identity is the little eunuch next to the host!"

"Oh!" Han Yi was surprised, but he still calmed down, wondering if Li Bai would let this guy take off his boots again.

"Come on!" Han Yi said boredly.

"Here!" I saw a little eunuch coming out from below, holding a plate in his hand, which was full of bamboo slips, and it seemed that it was newly delivered.

Han Yi looked around for a while, and found that this guy was wearing a black and red official uniform, seven feet long, and his skin was still feeling. He looked at Han Yi nervously, his eyes were full of panic, he didn't know what he had done The incident provoked Han Yi.

"What's your name!" Han Yi picked up a bamboo slip and asked while looking at it.

"Report to Your Majesty, the villain's surname is Gao, and his name is Lishi!"

"Oh!" Hearing this, Han Yi stopped what he was doing, and took a closer look. This guy looks ordinary, and his cheeks look a bit rounder. Looking at this guy, Han Yi looked He sighed in his heart: "This is the No. 1 Qiangu Xianhuan!"

"I don't know what your majesty ordered, but the servants are not good at serving you." Gao Lishi was cautious and could only ask tentatively.

Han Yi threw the bamboo slips aside casually, and then calmly said: "Gu will give you a chance, as long as you do it, from today onwards, you will follow Gu!"

"Your Majesty, please give me your orders!" Gao Lishi said seriously.

Han Yi rubbed his chin, and then calmly said: "Jia Fu's younger brother, Jia Sixie, and the new leader of the imperial examination, Xu Guangqi, are all in this city, and I only want you to bring them back at sunset, can you do it?" !"

(End of this chapter)

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