Chapter 650

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will definitely see you before sunset." Gao Lishi also seemed confident, and he was not in a hurry. He bowed to Han Yi, and even retreated normally, and he didn't look flustered. , but seemed very calm.

Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back. He also wanted to see what kind of abilities this guy has. Summoning is very simple, but it is also difficult. This Jia Sixie has only just arrived in Chang'an. I don't know if he has returned home now. Xu Guangqi arrived It is also easy to find.

Han Yi rubbed his swollen head, suddenly remembered something, and hurried to the palace.

There lived a beautiful woman in this hall, her eyelashes were very narrow and long, her eyes looked at the child she was carrying with a loving and bitter expression, trying to tease him, but the irritability in her eyes couldn't be removed no matter what.

This person is Xuejiao, who is still holding her own child in her arms, that is, Han Ming, and now Han Ming is still a baby in the swaddle, with a pink mouth gnawing on his little hand, and a pair of big eyes staring at his mother , I don't know why he did this.


The maid next to her was about to shout, but Han Yi waved her hand to signal her to keep quiet, and her tiger eyes turned towards the palace. Although it was noon, the surroundings looked cold, as if there was no trace of temperature here. On the side, he carefully looked at Xuejiao below.

One of the women stood under the pillar, her back should be facing Han Yi, so she didn't see Han Yi's way, and Li Xuejiao was far away, and then she murmured to herself: "The king is cruel enough, my own The child doesn't even see...!"

When Han Yi came in, he heard the maid calling, he couldn't help but looked up and down, this guy was so unfair, it was rare, he saw too many people who were humble and cautious in this palace Yes, this court lady is also a special case.

An eunuch standing next to the court lady saw a shadow in front of the door, and then turned around. Seeing that it was Han Yi, he was frightened and knelt down in the tunnel: "See your majesty!"

As soon as the eunuch shouted, everyone opened their eyes and put them on Han Yi's body. Xuejiao seemed to hear the sound of nature, she turned her head quickly, and stared at Han Yi with a look of surprise on her face. Han Yi looked so Many people stared at it, as if they were looking at cherished animals.

And the court lady who was speaking ill of Han Yi just now turned pale with fright, and knelt down with a trace of panic flashing in her eyes. Yi heard it.

Han Yi didn't think much about it, and quickly went up to help Xuejiao who was below: "I heard that you are not in good health these days, Gu Te has a look!"

"Please worry about your majesty's concern, this servant is fine!" Xuejiao is now very happy, as if she is looking forward to the stars and the moon to bring Han Yi over, and Han Yi immediately glanced at her son, who was born pink and tender , Seeing that Han Yi was also overjoyed, he had an urge to pick him up, but halfway through his hand, Han Yi took it back.

Xuejiao looked at Han Yi's actions, and asked with a puzzled expression, "What does your majesty mean? This is your own son. Does your majesty still care about Qingming's intentions?"

Seeing Xuejiao questioning himself, Han Yi looked at her cheek with aura, couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but he still held back, how could he despise his son, it's just that the power behind Xuejiao is weak, and there is When I was there, they lived a little more comfortably, but once I set out to fight against them, they would have a sad life. It is easy to hide from the open and hard to defend. If Han Yi behaves too much, then it will be flattery.

Han Yi flicked his sleeves, looked at Xuejiao and said flatly: "He is my son, but I am also the king of this country, you have to understand!"

"But Your Majesty! Master Xu Fuguo has said that Ming'er is innocent, it's...!" Xuejiao was exhausted as she spoke.

Han Yi looked at Xuejiao who was clutching his heart, and took the tiger jade from his bosom in a short while, saying: "Gu does everything for your own good, this tiger jade is for him, I hope he can be safe in the future!"

"But Your Majesty...!" Xuejiao's eyes were gradually filled with tears.

Han Yi stared at Xuejiao and snorted coldly: "Gu doesn't need to tell you what he does. What he can do in the future depends on his own ability. Gu can only do this!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Enough!" Han Yi looked down at Han Ming and Xue Jiao, gritted his teeth for a while and said, "If you didn't turn the tide alone and abolish all the old ministers, I'm afraid you won't even be able to save Han Ming's life. What do you still want?" How about Gu!"

"My lord! Why are you like this...!" Xuejiao's tears gradually dried up a lot, obviously a little heartbroken.

"Hmph!" Han Yi waved his hand, left the exit, and walked in the bamboo pavilion. Han Yi stopped, looked back at the palace, and said half aloud: "Dianwei!"

"My lord!" Dian Wei, who had been following Han Yi, came out, fisted with both hands, and looked at Han Yi respectfully.

Han Yi then said flatly: "Tell Li Ru to tell Tianjiying to protect Han Ming secretly. Remember! Except for Gu's own son, if anyone is unfavorable to Han Ming's mother and child, you don't need to ask Gu, just kill him!"

"The general understands." Now Dian Wei can also see that Han Yi's anger is coming up. In fact, it is not Han Yi's fault. Han Yi's change back then caused Han Yi to lose a child. Even he is hard to guard against, let alone this helpless mother and son.

"Your Majesty...!" I saw Gao Lishi walking in three steps and two steps in the distance, his face was still very calm, and there were two people behind him.

Han Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the two people behind Gao Lishi. One was wearing a disheveled dress, with a goatee on his chin and a cloth bag in his hair. He was seven feet long. It couldn't be concealed, but the other person was dressed upright. It was obviously Xu Guangqi. After high school, he was favored by some wealthy tycoons to improve his life.

Xu Guangqi has sword eyebrows and star eyes, but he is also dignified, smiling from time to time, he is just a laughing doll, not to mention the other person, Jia Sixie.

"It's a good thing the king's slave is not disgraceful!" Gao Lishi immediately said flatly.

Han Yi glanced at Gao Lishi and nodded silently. This guy is not easy. As for how he found the two, Han Yi didn't want to ask. Looking at Gao Lishi, Han Yi said plainly: "From today on, Just stay by Gu's side, and all the eunuchs in the palace, large and small, will be handed over to you to lead, I hope you will not disappoint Gu!"

"Thank you king!"

(End of this chapter)

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