Warring States Call

Chapter 655 Chapter 661: Who is in charge of ups and downs

Chapter 655 Chapter 660 One
"This attribute is not simple!" Han Yi touched his chin, slowly put down the things in his hands, slowly got off the table, walked forward, and looked at the gradually setting sun.

"Ding, currently Xiang Yu's four-dimensional transformation force 108 commander 99 intelligence 81 politics 77!"

"Hiss, Han Yi took a deep breath. In this situation, Xiang Yu is probably not a match for ordinary people. If he doesn't set up an ambush on all sides, he may not be his opponent.

"Ding, No. 1 on the current list, Dong Zhongshu: Force 65, Commander 75, Intelligence 97, Politics 97. The implanted identity is Yan Guo, a talent Liu Yu just acquired!"

"Ding, currently the second person on the list, Xiao Mahe: Force 99, Commander 93, Intelligence 80, Politics 75, the implanted identity is a newly recruited talent by Yang Jian!

"Ding, currently the third person on the list, Northern Qi Lu Lingxuan: force 65, commander 80, intelligence 93, politics 90, the current implantation identity is Lu Wenlong's younger sister, and she wants to marry Liu Yu!"

"Ding, the fourth person on the list is currently: Xiao Mei Niang: Force 54 Commander 64 Intelligence 95 Politics 90 Charm 99 The current implanted identity is Xiao Mahe's daughter. She wants to marry Yang Jian and become a successor!"

"Ding, the current fifth person on the list: the sage scholar Xiao Rang: force 70, commander 75, intelligence 85, politics 70, the current implanted identity is the son of Xiao Mahe, the younger brother of Xiao Mei Niang!"

"Ding, the current sixth person on the list is the sixteen outstanding heroes of the descendants of the Tang Dynasty. The sixth is Zhang Guiba: force 100, commander 95, intelligence 90, politics 64. The implantation identity is the new general recruited by Huang Chao!"

"Ding, the current seventh person on the list, Zhao Gou of the Southern Song Dynasty: force 78, commander 90, intelligence 95, politics 93, the current implantation identity is Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother, Zhao Yong's clan brother!"

"Oh! Even Zhao Gou has come out. It seems that Zhao Gou has been restless in recent years!" Han Yi picked up the white cloth on the table and wiped it casually.

"Ding, the last person on the list, Yang Dagon: Force 100 Commander 94 Intelligence 74 Politics 70 Implanted Identity is Yang Jian's younger brother, Yang Guang's uncle!"

"The current explosion is over!"

Han Yi nodded his head flatly, this time Yang Jian can be said to have gained a lot, at this time Gao Lishi just came back, followed by an eunuch, holding a jug of fine wine, walking slowly.

"Your Majesty, the fine wine you want!" Gao Lishi showed up.

Han Yi nodded, and then said: "Put him up."


"My lord...!" Gao Lishi behind Han Yi hesitated to speak.

Han Yi glanced at Gao Lishi, then said, "What's the matter!"

"General Pang Wanchun came back from Zhoudi. He didn't see the king in Yangdi last time, so he came here specially this time!" Gao Lishi looked at Han Yi's back and reminded.

"Oh!" Han Yi was startled at first, he almost forgot, now the whole Zhoudi is full of surrendered generals, such as Lanyu, who commanded Zhoudi's soldiers and horses, sent Su Dingfang there a few days ago, and Zhang Liao... Zhang Hey...wait for the good general of the five sons, Pang Wanchun was a reassurance that he put in, and now he suddenly ran back, maybe something happened.

Weighing left and right, Han Yi said slowly: "Let him in!"


Then I saw a man walking in from outside the palace, wearing a black fish double-headed armor, a belt with double snake rings, jade boots on his feet, a tiger's back and a waist, seven feet in length, beard falling like needles, eyes like lightning, and skin It's much darker, and it walks a lot faster. Looking at this look, Han Yi, this guy is actually a lot stronger.

"My subject, Pang Wanchun, has met the king!" When Pang Wanchun saw Han Yi, he knelt down overwhelmingly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Back then, Han Yi was only a sixteen or fifteen-year-old boy, but now he is much taller than him.

Han Yi immediately smiled and said, "I haven't seen Wan Chun for so many years, and I'm quite haggard!"

"Please worry about your majesty, I'm fine!" Pang Wanchun seemed a little embarrassed, and patted the back of his head.

"You must have rushed here and didn't eat. I have a jug of fine wine here, and you and I will drink it together!" Han Yi was not very happy when he saw the first general he summoned, so he pulled him down and sat down. stand up.

"Thank you king!"

Gao Lishi on the side also understood, looked at the little eunuch behind and said, "Go! Add a food tripod!"


"What happened to Zhou Di recently!" Han Yi looked at Pang Wanchun and asked.

"General Qi, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that I have something to do, that's why I came here!" Pang Wanchun's face gradually became distressed.

Han Yi saw that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Di, so if this guy came here, it would be considered AWOL, but Han Yi didn't care too much. He looked at Pang Wanchun and asked in confusion, "What is it?"

"My lord, I have a younger sister in my family, who is sixteen years old! Now I am in my boudoir, and I came here today for this purpose!" Pang Wanchun picked up a piece of cloth, wiped his hands first, and then looked at Han Yi, There is a little more expectation in the eyes!
Han Yi frowned, this guy really did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, seeing what he meant, he didn't intend to let himself go, Han Yi rubbed his brows, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and for a while Said: "Wan Chun, you are new here, you should take a good rest, leave your sister's affairs to Gu, Gu will help you find a qualified brother-in-law!"

"It's not that the king misunderstood Weichen's meaning. The Weichen wanted to marry his sister to the king. I don't know what the king wants!" mean.

Han Yi looked at Pang Wanchun, picked up the wine bottle and smiled wryly, "Wanchun, look at the lonely harem, you feel lonely...!"

"Your Majesty... Your Minister...!"

"That's all!" Han Yi waved his hand, looked at Pang Wanchun for a while and said, "I will bring this up in the future, so I will think about it!" Han Yi said, signaling Pang Wanchun not to worry.

When Pang Wanchun saw Han Yi's appearance, he couldn't say anything, so he could only respond. Han Yi looked at Gao Lishi, who was beside him, and said, "Wan Chun has just arrived, and he must be extremely exhausted. I'm passing an order to reward ten silks." , ten beauties, Wanchun, you should take a good rest these few days!"

"Sir! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Pang Wanchun drank and walked back drunk. Han Yi looked at the mess on the table, and for a while Han Yi was puzzled: "Tell Li Ru, let him pay attention to the surrounding area and the borders of various places in the past few days." movement!"


As the night gradually approached, Han Yi looked at the moon high in the sky from time to time. The stars were shining brightly, which looked particularly beautiful in the black sky.

Han Yi looked at the sky and said with a smile: "Who is in charge of ups and downs!"

"Your Majesty is getting cold, let's rest early," Gao Lishi reminded behind.

(End of this chapter)

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