Warring States Call

Chapter 656 Beast Corps

Chapter 656 Beast Corps
Ying City of Chu State
"The king is not good! The big thing is not good!"

Xiong Yi, who was walking back and forth in the court hall, changed his expression when he heard this, looked forward and said in confusion: "What happened again?"

The surrounding ministers were all lined up on both sides, staring at the front with puzzled eyes. The generals on both sides looked at this soldier, and Xiong Yi's face was even more ugly. Now that he has reached this position, he is not afraid anymore. fall.

"My lord! The entire army on the Eastern Front was wiped out, and General Xiang Yan was forced to draw his sword and commit suicide!"

"What!" Xiong Yi sat down on the ground when he heard the news, staring at the front with his eyes blank and pale.

"What's going on, don't tell me quickly." Compared with the flustered Xiong Yi, Huang Xie, who just rushed back, calmed down a lot, and his eyes were a little more anxious.

"General Xiang Yan first beheaded [-] people from the Yue Kingdom, and then killed Sun Jian, but Shouchun fell, and General Xiang Yan was attacked by the enemy, so he can stop them!"


The faces of the people around changed. They didn't expect that in order to deal with Xiang Yan, the Wu and Yue families actually started to cooperate. From this point of view, Xiang Yan's death is not too wronged.


All the ministers around started talking, while Huang Xie above was also silent. This situation...even he can't control it. There is no solution to this situation.

Some veterans stared down with embarrassing expressions, turning their eyes one by one, obviously thinking about what to do in the future, and some even more powerful ones had already started to make two-handed preparations.

"Back...back toward...!" Xiong Yi seemed out of breath when speaking now, his eyes were looking forward, he went down the stairs upside down, and slowly approached upwards.

"Report... the Southern Express!"


Xiong Yi, with blank eyes, stretched out his hand and said tremblingly, "Say!"

"The aliens from the southern barbarians send troops to the north, and the giant general cannot support him alone. Please send troops to rescue the king quickly!"

"What...!" Some old officials were so frightened that they couldn't breathe, and sat down on the ground.

Xiong Yi felt his chest go numb, his eyes stared up in embarrassment, and he covered his heart with his right hand: "You...you...you!"

"Pfft...!" Xiong Yi spat out a mouthful of old blood, the blood splashed on the spot, and there was a bloody smell all around.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Everyone became flustered, carrying Xiong Yi one by one, for fear that something might happen to him.

Liu Bang personally led an army of [-], and under his command were Yi Yin... Chen Ping... Fan Kuai and other generals.

Liu Bang stared at the giant in front of him with a smile in his eyes, and said with a smile, "General!"

And the Big Mac doesn't look very good now, the 2 horses in his hands have been surrounded by Liu Bang, and the food is gradually running out.

Liu Bang also adopted Chen Ping's mind-boggling strategy, sending big fish and meat to the Big Mac every day, which caused the status of the Big Mac in the barracks to plummet. Now looking at the impetuous military spirit, the Big Mac knows that now these If the soldiers don't give them food, they will tear themselves to pieces.

"Your Majesty!" Jumbo rode out of the camp on a horse, and met Liu Bang in the center of the formation.

Liu Bang rushed over under the protection of several generals, looked at the giant, and then smiled and said: "General! The meaning of loneliness, I think the general already knows it, so there is no need to say anything more!"

Ju Mac looked a little embarrassed, and said half aloud: "Your Majesty is kind enough to accept it again, but loyal ministers will not serve as second masters, my servant...!"

"Stop" Liu Bang took the lead to interrupt Jumbo, stroked his beard, and looked at Jumbo with a smile, with a hint of a smile in his eyes: "I know the loyalty of the general, but the state of Chu is dead. Well, a soldier was arrested a few days ago, if the general doesn't believe it, you can go and see it now!"

"This...!" Big Mac hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Liu Bang looked at the Big Mac's appearance, then waved his hand, and saw two soldiers below retreating from a Chu soldier, looking around in a panic, a little panicked.

As soon as Jumbo saw him, he hurriedly said, "What happened to Chu! What happened to the king!"

"Chu's [-] troops have been wiped out. General Chen Baxian's life and death are unknown. Chu has no food or soldiers to move. I am here to obey the king's order, so that you will fight to the death and never retreat!" Having said that, Xiong Yi has used all the means now, but there is no effect, so he can only sit and eat and wait to die.

Liu Bang saw that what he said was almost the same, he waved his hand to signal them to take him over, looked at the giant in front, stroked his beard and said: "How about it! General, do you want to think about it again!"

"Your Majesty's order, I have to leave...!" Jumbo was about to leave when Liu Bang took a step up: "Don't worry, general!"

Jumbo turned his head, not knowing what kind of medicine this Liu Bang wine gourd was going to buy.

"The state of Chu is dead, and the name of the general has not moved the world. It is a pity to die like this. General, surrender. Think about your family, your children, and the soldiers behind you!" Liu Bang Putting his hands together, a slight smile flashed in his eyes.

"Ding, Liu Bang activates based on the attributes of people, knows people and uses them well, and sees people's hearts. This skill lowers the enemy's psychological defense, and there is an 80.00% chance of gaining the enemy's generals!"

"Ding, the Big Mac is affected by Liu Bang's human attributes, and his defensive line has dropped!"

Looking at the hesitant Big Mac, Liu Bang stroked his beard, and there was a little smile in his eyes, which was much better than when the Big Mac resisted him just now.

"It's not impossible to make another surrender, but please agree to make two more demands!" Jumbo said with a serious expression.

Liu Bang smiled slightly and said, "But it's okay to say!"

"One, the king must not kill the soldiers under my command. When they are about to leave, the king must not stop them too much!" Jumbo said seriously.


"I will not participate in any battle against Chu, please forgive me!" Jumbo said this condition, and said nothing.

Liu Bang pinched his mustache with two fingers, and said half aloud: "In this case, I will not force you!"

"Thank you, King! Big Mac is grateful!" Big Mac was relieved.

Liu Bang's handwriting is not small, and this is also one of the most correct choices he made. Even if Xiang Yu saw the beast corps established by the giant, his scalp would tingle, because most of this corps were beasts, which were unusual. Lidi, this is also the sharpest weapon in Liu Bang's hands, and it has made great contributions to his future expansion of territory.

(End of this chapter)

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