Chapter 657

The two armies of Wu State and Yue State, after destroying Xiang Yan, each began to encroach on the territory of the two places. Zhu Yuanzhang marched all the way west and took Xiyang, Baiju, and Huangcheng. Only when he took Juyang was he cut off. In the two places of Xiang State, Zhu Yuanzhang will be retaliated by Xiang Yu at that time, so he did not move.

However, Sun Ce gave up going west after taking down Echeng because of his limited force, and the territory he occupied did not need to be less than Zhu Yuanzhang's, but Zhu Yuanzhang occupied a more populous city, and Sun Ce's population was smaller than Zhu Yuanzhang's. It's not a star and a half.

And after Liu Bang subdued the Big Mac, with Fan Kuai as his general, he went on a rampage all the way and took down Wucheng. Liu Bang was close to Ying again. After half a month, Liu Bang was killed. At this moment, the weather was getting colder and the leaves were withered and yellow. .

Liu Bang was riding a war horse, rubbing his hands from time to time to keep warm, and the tiger's eyes were looking forward: "I'll go! This city is much bigger than the mountain city, isn't it brothers...!"

"Yes!" The generals behind all booed one by one, with smiles in their eyes.

Liu Bang looked forward, then smiled and said: "Siege the city"



Every time the city gate hits, people's hearts will collapse, and Liu Bang will be more excited.

Xiong Yi held a sword in one hand and fine wine in the other, looking forward with both eyes, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, staring at the front with his tiger eyes for a while and said: "Father, am I wrong?"

"Your Majesty...!" Huang Xie straightened his clothes and took a look at the sunset with Xiong Yi.

Xiong Yi smiled helplessly: "You and I have worked hard to plan for many years, but we lost here!"

Huang Xie then calmly said: "My lord, you shouldn't have listened to those three women and drove Qu Yuan away!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Xiong Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard it, staring at the front with his eyes, and said half aloud: "Today, I can count as saving my hand!"

Huang Xie glanced at the sword in Xiong Yi's hand, and saw that they were still dripping blood downwards, looking very scary.

In order not to humiliate his wife, Xiong Yi killed them all, leaving the three women alone.

Huang Xie looked puzzled and said, "What is your Majesty's intention?"

"Leave them to harm this Liu Bang," Xiong Yi said with a smile.

"Your Majesty...!" I saw a person walking out from behind, holding a beautiful woman in his hand and a child in his arms.

Xiong Yi turned his head to look at his only flesh and blood, and there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes. He threw down the sword in his hand, stretched out his big rough hand, stroked his cheek, and looked at this beautiful woman. She looked at Xiong Yi with teary eyes.

Xiong Yi's face became tangled, and he said half aloud: "It's Gu's fault! You have hurt your mother and child!"

"Your Majesty, don't say anything, my concubines will not regret being able to serve you!"

A trace of unbearableness flashed in Xiong Yi's eyes, as if thinking of something, he tore off the white cloth behind him, gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, and began to write. Seeing that the writing was almost done, Xiong Yi handed the book in his hand to Huang Xie, Seriously: "Please!"

"My lord, what do you mean!" Huang Xie asked with a puzzled expression.

"This is my handwriting. Xiang Yu's name is not right. You take my handwriting and the king's seal and give it to Xiang Yu, saying that the throne of King Chu will be his in the future. Please protect the child's wealth and wealth. No worries about food and clothing!" This is the only thing Neng Yi can do for his children.

"But Your Majesty... this...!" Huang Xie said worriedly.

"Although Xiang Yu is ambitious, he is an upright person. You just need to give him this, and he will definitely keep her mother and child safe, please!"

"But the minister..."

"You are full of knowledge, and you will definitely shine under Xiang Yu's command. Then I will entrust you to take care of the orphaned child!"


"Huang Xie! This is Gu's last order for you!"

"This...! This humble minister takes orders!" Huang Xie said helplessly.

"Come on!"


"Your Majesty...!" The beautiful woman looked reluctant, but Xiong Yi was no longer looking at him, but looked at the sunset with both eyes, and muttered to himself: "Father! I'm going to find you"


The long sword entered his throat, blood splashed on the white board, Xiong Yi knelt on the ground, facing the setting sun, all around here.


The city gate was knocked open, and Liu Bang was riding a war horse, looking around with a smile on his face, with joy in his eyes, and said half aloud, "This country of Chu has been wiped out alone! Hahahahaha!"

"In the altar of the great king, the body of the king of Chu was found!" Fan Kui came yelling loudly, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"Oh! Let's go! I want to see what he looks like!" Liu Bang was curious, with a smile in his eyes.

Looking at the corpses kneeling down in the tunnel below, Liu Bang stood in front of him with the sword in his hand, and muttered to himself: "They are heroes and dogs, so just bury their corpses casually!"

"Your Majesty, don't do it!" Yi Yin who was behind quickly took a step up and stopped Liu Bang.

"Oh! Sir, why is this!" Liu Bang asked with a puzzled expression.

"Your Majesty should bury him generously, so as to demonstrate His benevolence and righteousness, it will be easier to subdue the hearts of the Chu people in the future!"

"Oh!" Liu Bang glanced at Xiong Yi's corpse below, he didn't expect that a dead person could help him, Liu Bang didn't say anything, he waved his hand casually, looked forward and said: "Bury according to his method! "


"That Yi Yin, come here!" Liu Bang smiled wickedly, looked at Yi Yin at the side, and began to hook his shoulders.

Seeing Liu Bang's appearance, Yi Yin couldn't help shaking his head, then smiled and said: "These three people have already prepared for the king, but I want to warn the king, these three people can only be lingering, not working with you , this Xiong Yi is a lesson for the past, the king still hopes to cherish it!"

"Oh!" Upon hearing this, Liu Bang saw Xiong Yi's miserable appearance, shook his head for a while, and strode away with great disdain.

As soon as Liu Bang entered, he saw three beauties with white hair all over his body. Liu Bang was not polite, like a tiger pouncing on his bed, he started to attack them on the bed.

The three of them didn't resist at all, after all, they served everyone the same, they were for the supreme power, and their opponents in the future would definitely not be weak.

"Ding, the state of Chu is destroyed, and there will be one less person temporarily!"

"Well! No, what is temporary!" Han Yi was not happy when he heard it.

"Ding, Xiong Yi passed the throne to Xiang Yu before he died. If Xiang Yu conquers Chu and becomes king of Chu, the system will still be restored!"


(End of this chapter)

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