Chapter 662

Han Yi looked at the three of them with a smile, and there was a trace of brilliance in his eyes, but it was not so clear. Han Yi looked at the five people with both eyes, turned around, and walked to the chair: "The system will check for me. Take a look, their abilities!"

"Ding, No.1 Han Ding: Force 87, Commander 79, Intelligence 70, Politics 65!"

"Ding, the second person Han Ying: Force 91 Commander 80 Intelligence 65 Politics 64!!"

"Ding, the third person, Han Chang: Force 73, commander 71, intelligence 65, politics 78"

"Ding, special reminder, Han Chang's inferiority attribute activates, every time he recognizes himself, the attribute point will be increased by 1 in the aspect he recognizes, this skill can be used at 100 ability, unlimited use!"

"Damn...!" Han Yi's expression brightened instantly when he heard this. Although Han Chang's ability is not very good, but this attribute is really perverted. If you keep him by your side and train him well, you will be sure to cultivate a A person who is about to enter the picture!
"Ding, Han Ling, strength is 93, commander is 80, intelligence is 64!"

Han Yi rubbed his beard. Among these few people, Han Ling's value is considered very high. Obviously, the years of training for him have been of great help. As for whether Han Qi checks or not, it doesn't matter anymore. up.

Han Qian is also looking at these young men, Han Yi's murderous aura, even he has to be vigilant when he sees it, and it is not easy for these boys to reach this point in this weak year.

Han Yi waved his hand, sat down in his seat, rested his chin on his arm, and then said with a smile: "You are all the pillars of our country, some of you can be regarded as orphaned younger brothers, and some can also be regarded as orphaned nephews, now I am so lonely that I want to test you, or ask your opinion!"

"Your Majesty, it's okay to say, if I can do it, I will do my best!" Han Ding, who was a few years older than everyone else, took a step up.

"I'll wait no matter what!"

Han Yi looked at the little fellows, then stepped forward and said, "Do you know Shangyong!"

When Han Ling heard this, he thought for a moment, and said, "The land of the mediocre is the land that must be conquered by military strategists. It can intimidate the hinterland of Qin, and it can attack Chu in the south. If it is captured by others, it will inevitably threaten the Zhou land of our country , so this place must be taken, what does the king want!"

"You are right, but I only want this place, one is not to deal with Chu State going south, and the other is not to fight against Qin State, the leader of tigers and wolves. What I want is for you to hone!" The sword, opened the scabbard and wiped it.

"Oh!" Han Feizi was surprised now. He looked at Han Yi puzzled and said, "Your Majesty, you want this city neither for going south, nor for going north. What's the use of having him!"

Han Yi stood up the sword in his hand, made a large amount carefully, and then said with a smile: "I want this city in order to turn it into a hell on earth. I want you to guard Shangyong, where to train soldiers, as the saying goes It is said that a thousand troops are easy to get and a general is hard to find. To unify the world, it is not enough to rely solely on this generation of orphans. The world in the future will still be your era. It is only necessary to train you to become famous generals like Han Xin or Han Qinhu. Even if we can't expand our territories, we still have to defend the territories we have laid down!"

When Han Qian heard Han Yi's words, he immediately understood Han Yi's meaning. Now Han Yi's subordinates are all arrogant soldiers. With Han Yi around, they naturally dare not cause any trouble. What happened, and this generation will take them up, and these cultivated talents are also prepared for the future king, so this Shangyong has to be built, and there is no military general who can come out. One is simple, this is Han Yi's purpose, there is nothing more difficult than war! "

In terms of civil servants, there are Taixue College and Yingchuan College. The military commanders are either promoted by Han Yi, or promoted by relying on military merits. Han Yi's move just made up for their shortcomings.

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's appropriate to do this. Let's not say that our army has just recuperated and it's not easy to recover. The food and grass methods are enough. How can we afford such a large-scale construction!" Han Feizi looked serious, Although he usually manages legal matters, he is still clear about this kind of food and grass matters. Who can bear Han Yi's nonsense.

Han Yi immediately smiled, put the sword in his hand back into its original scabbard, and said: "Gu just got more than 50 stones, grain, and grass. Even if Gu goes out now, he can make up for his shortcomings. It's just that Gu doesn't want to! As for this In the land of the mediocre, Gu is also deliberate!"

"My lord, let's not talk about Shangyong for the time being, but if you think about it carefully, there is no 5 horses in this Shangyong city. If you want to defend it, it is tantamount to asking for death!" Han Feizi's eyes flashed a little bit. Afraid, looking at Han Yi anxiously, after all, this matter is too careless.

Han Yi crossed his hands, and then said: "I believe in them, I believe in people who are alone!"

"I got the Great King's Sword." Gao Lishi led the eunuchs behind him, and none of them held a sword in their hands.

Han Yi looked at the sword brought by Gao Lishi, and said immediately: "I will not force you, every soldier who can come out of the place, every one of them has a narrow escape, and when he comes out, he will be named a general, commanding [-] soldiers and horses! are you ready!"

"Your servant will not hesitate to die, the direction of the king's sword is the direction of our body!"

Han Qian took the lead and knelt down, and the little guys below all understood the meaning of returning Han Yi, and knelt down immediately.

Han Yi saw a smile in the eyes of several people, and said half aloud: "These swords are all worn by those princes who were killed by the lonely generals. The blades are sharp, even the swords in the lonely hands, It’s also not to fall into the wind, I gave them to you today, and I’m warning you, don’t be like them, and be a minister of subjugation!”

"Sir! Take orders!"

Seeing that things were almost done, Han Yi looked at Han Qian and said, "Gu transferred 3 horses to each battalion. When you arrived in Shangyong, you recruited your own troops. The food and grass that Gu gave you were only 8 people. How to use it is up to you, order and dispatch Zhang Liao...Xu Huang...Le Jin...Yu Jin...Zhang He and five people are stationed in Shangyong. If you guys don't understand anything, you can ask them. Although most of them are generals, The way to use soldiers has its own strengths, if you can learn it well, it will be more than enough for one side to be famous!"

"Thank you for your love, Your Majesty, I will definitely die!"

Han Yi thought about it for a while, and said with a pen: "You are from my family, and this soldier is called Hu Zhejun!"

(End of this chapter)

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