Warring States Call

Chapter 663 Silver Spear Wu Yunzhao

Chapter 663 Silver Spear Wu Yunzhao

"Report! Something is wrong!"

"Urgent report!"

Xiang Yu, who was getting ready to go, was reaching out to hold the weapon, and saw two scouts running quickly, with a trace of anxiety flashing in their eyes.

Xiang Yu saw that the hands that had just been stretched out were retracted helplessly, looked forward and said coldly: "What happened?"

"My lord! The big thing is not good. The 15 troops of Chu State have been wiped out. Old General Xiang Yan is forced to be helpless, draw his sword and kill himself!"

"What did you say!" Hearing this, Xiang Yu strode forward, lifted him up with one hand, and stared at the soldier below with red eyes. Eye.

The soldier who was caught by Xiang Yu panicked, his whole body was suspended in the air, his face was panicked, he looked at Xiang Yu with embarrassment and said, "Chu...Chu Country...!"

"It's not this sentence!" Xiang Yu was so furious that he almost burst into anger.

"Old General Xiang Yan drew his sword... and killed himself!" The soldier said with a panicked expression.

"Bastard!" Xiang Yu threw the soldier out, drew an arc in the air, and landed on the ground with unknown casualties.

When the general behind heard this, he didn't dare to breathe for fear of harming the fish in the pond.

Xiang Yu picked up the Overlord's Halberd in his hand and snorted coldly: "Everyone come with Gu! Gu will kill Sun Jian and Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"Kill! Count me in and avenge grandpa!"

"Yes! To avenge grandpa!"

"Revenge for the old master!"

The generals behind all shouted one by one, pressing the swords in their hands one by one, with a murderous look on their faces.

"Your Majesty...you must not!" Fan Zeng from behind lifted his clothes and ran over with his own small steps, blocking Xiang Yu's progress.

"Yafu! You can't stop me! Get out of the way!" Xiang Yu flashed the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand, his eyelids jumped in disbelief, obviously suppressing the anger in his heart, and now there is no objection to Xiang Yu's way out Suicide.

Fan Zeng knew that he would not be able to stop Xiang Yu this time, so he immediately said, "Your Majesty, don't be so anxious. You can go all the way south to fight Sun Wu, and then order General Xue Ju to lead the troops to detour from the side and attack Sun Wu's abdomen. , when the time comes, the king will definitely win in one fell swoop!"

"Whatever you want is fine! You can set off, and follow me out of the city to kill the old man Sun Wu!" Seeing Fan Zeng finished speaking, Xiang Yu took the weapon in his hand and mounted his horse.

The generals behind followed quickly one by one. Fan Zeng saw this and knew that no matter what he said this time, Xiang Yu would not listen.

Fan Zeng shook his head helplessly. Even he couldn't predict the battle situation this time, so he could only pray that Xiang Yu would not be impulsive.

outside the city
Xiang Yu held the Tianlong Breaking City Halberd in his hand, and rode the war horse Wuya under his crotch. His face was ashen and sinking, and he came to the front of the big formation. He looked at every soldier below and shouted: "Wait! Listen up, follow me to the city, No. 1 will be rewarded with a hundred taels, beheading the enemy will be promoted to three ranks, and those who retreat will be killed without mercy! Do you understand?"

"Kill...kill...kill!" The voices of tens of thousands of people shouted out, and the people who listened were filled with anger, shocking all directions.

"Very good!" Xiang Yu raised the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand, tilted his head, looked down at the front, and calmly said: "Kill!"

This killing word was like a blockbuster, and all the generals behind were red-eyed, and quickly rushed up on their horses.

On the Zhongli city wall, Sun Wu came to this city with an army of tens of thousands from Guangling. Sun Wu was wearing a suit of armor and threw a jujube into his mouth casually, savoring the sweetness on him. Seeing Xiang Yu's army coming in mighty force, Sun Wu spit out the jujube core, stretched out his waist, looked forward with tiger eyes, and said immediately: "Retreat!"

"Withdraw...!" The general standing behind Sun Wu was puzzled, thinking that he had heard it wrong, his eyes stared like round bells, as if he was asking Sun Wu for proof, this was not a joke.

"Withdraw troops! General...!" Wu Yunzhao's expression changed behind him. The enemy was tens of thousands of troops. It is not a small matter for them to retreat so easily. Once the king finds out, they will be in trouble.

Sun Wu stretched his waist, smiled casually and said, "Everyone can't take away his ambition, I have already arranged it, follow my order!"

"Decree!" Although the two had doubts in their hearts, they still resisted according to Sun Wu's method.

Sun Wu smiled immediately, he was waiting for an opportunity, when Xiang Yu went deep alone, then he could take care of the tiger.



"Boom!" Shan Xiongxin held a spiked spear in his hand and slammed into the city gate with one blow.

The unsupported city gate is just a thin slab, and it was knocked open by Shan Xiongxin within a few days.

"Kill...!" Shan Xiongxin held a treasure gun in his hand, and slashed wantonly on horseback, but found that there were no soldiers around, so he looked forward, and saw tens of thousands of people in front were retreating.

Shan Xiongxin then licked his lips, clenched the spear in his hand, looked ahead and smiled and said: "Brothers, the opportunity to make contributions has come, follow me to kill!"


Wu Yunzhao wore white cloud armor, rode a white horse and held a silver gun in his hand. He stared at Shan Xiongxin who had killed him, and said, "God sent you to go first, I will meet this guy!"

"Brother...!" A boy behind him was riding a black horse, holding a tiger-headed golden gun in his hand, and looked at Wu Yunzhao.

Wu Yun recalled his head, the silver gun in his hand was accompanied by the sound of cicadas, his eyes looked at his younger brother, and he said in puzzlement, "What's wrong!"

"It's nothing! Just pay attention to yourself, play casually, and don't make it too ugly." Wu Tianci carried his tiger-headed golden gun with a smile on his face. During the brief eye contact between the two, they could see each other. Confidence in dealing with it.

Wu Tianci is very confident in his elder brother, and Wu Yunzhao is very confident in his own strength.

Wu Yunzhao immediately turned his horse's head, flattered his spear, and shouted, "Follow me, brothers!"

"Drink... drive!" Fifty riders followed, each holding a silver gun.

The silver gun in Wu Yunzhao's hand was raised in front of his cheeks, and he charged forward. The friction sound in the air made the long gun in Wu Yunzhao's hand blare slightly. Wu Yunzhao immediately shouted, and the silver gun in his hand made three strikes Gun Ying greeted Shan Xiongxin.


The speed of the three shots was like a long arrow, and the shots fired. Shan Xiongxin saw it, his face was shocked, and the spike in his hand was aimed at Wu Yunzhao.

Wu Yunzhao immediately smiled, his cheeks changed slightly, the mace in Shan Xiongxin's hand slid across his cheeks, Wu Yunzhao's long spear changed, and practiced stabbing several parts of Shan Xiongxin, one shot with one hand, hitting Shan Xiongxin's abdomen , With one shot, Shan Xiongxin flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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