Warring States Call

Chapter 664 One move to win

Chapter 664 One Move to Victory

Wu Yunzhao knocked Shan Xiongxin away in less than three rounds. In fact, according to Shan Xiongxin's strength, he is fully capable of fighting Wu Yunzhao for more than ten rounds. Now that he has played like this, he actually blames Shan Xiongxin for underestimating the enemy. .

Wu Yunzhao, who was able to control the enemy with one move, glanced at Shan Xiongxin disdainfully, with a sneer on his face: "I heard that there are many strong generals in Xiangying, but I can't see it today! Brothers retreat!

"The general is mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

"Withdraw... drive...!"

Wu Yunzhao took fifty riders, and all fifty riders were unscathed. Shan Xiongxin, who was beaten below, looked angry, his eyes were bloodshot and he said angrily: "Bastard, leave it to me!"

Shan Xiongxin took one step into two steps, strode up, rode his horse, and was about to step forward, Wu Yunzhao looked back, his eyes peeked at the shield below, and with a casual blow, the shield below was aimed at Shan Xiongxin's body. The direction hits and flies out.


Shan Xiongxin danced with the weapon in his hand, and with a big move, his whole arm was shaken, his blood was not smooth, and his chest, which was injured by Wu Yunzhao just now, hurt even more, and he almost fell off the horse.

Wu Yunzhao looked at the blue-faced man, and immediately said with contempt: "I am Wu Yunzhao from Nanyang, please remember my name!"

Wu Yunzhao then turned his head away, picked up the bow and arrow in his hand with his backhand, and lit the torch on it, looked around and shot it out. There was a sea of ​​fire all around, and the roasted people panicked, and the original people had been withdrawn by Sun Wu long ago. It's just an empty city.

"Wu Yunzhao... bastard... ah!" Shan Xiong's blood trembled in confidence, and he spit out a mouthful of old blood, and he was already lying on the bed when he woke up.

Fang Jielong and the others sat beside him, and looking back, they saw Xiang Yu's gloomy face, looking up at the sky, or at the ruined Zhongli City.

"Your Majesty has insulted his mission at the end, please punish him!" Shan Xiongxin didn't dare to be shy now, after all he was indeed defeated this time, and it was still for nothing. Three thousand elite soldiers were defeated like this.

Xiang Yu turned his head, looked at Shan Xiongxin, and sat on the seat casually, with the Overlord Sword standing in front of him, and said with a serious expression: "With your strength, there are many people in the world who can beat you to such a virtue!"

"I'm sorry, my lord!"

"I don't want to listen to these three words. These are the words of a coward. Tell me who is the one who beat you up like this!" In front of him, there was a hint of confusion in his eyes. Xiang Yu still didn't know why there was such a powerful general in Wu.

"His name is Wu Yunzhao! Nanyang Wu Yunzhao, I was careless and underestimated the enemy for a while, and I was shocked by him!" Shan Xiongxin said, his eyes were full of resignation. He is also a well-known general in the world. Today's battle is really great! It's a bit frustrating to lose.

Looking at Shan Xiongxin's appearance, Xiang Yu's expression didn't change much, and he was also lost in thought.

"Your Majesty, we killed 300 people in this battle, but we didn't see a single soldier in the area.

Xiang Yu raised his head, looked at the tent above his head, and smiled wryly: "Sun Wu! Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved!"

"My lord! Let's go...!" Fang Jie and the others were puzzled.

Xiang Yu turned his head, looked at Fang Hao Yuan behind, stroked his beard, and said half aloud: "Hao Yuan, what do you think!"

"Your Majesty! The talent of Sun Wu is a master of the art of war. The art of war written by him is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Bai Qi Wang Jian of Qin State... Li Mulian Po of Zhao State... Le Yi of Yan State, their art of war is the same. Please think twice about Sun Tzu's art of war as Sun Wu, Sun Wu is invincible!" Hao Yuan was also a little afraid of this famous general, judging from his actions, he showed the power of a famous general, and he didn't spend a single soldier A single death caused Xiang Yu to lose 300 men. Such an opponent is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even if a famous general like Bai Qi came here in person, he might not be able to get the slightest benefit from Sun Wu's hands, which shows how powerful Sun Wu is.

Xiang Yu stroked his beard, thinking about how to deal with the enemy.

"Your Majesty wants to build a minister, Guangling cannot be taken, but we can send General Longqie and Sun Wu to fight a war of attrition. When Sun Wu beats us, we will retreat. When Sun Wu retreats, we will press on step by step, so as to delay the time. Your Majesty can go south. Take Shouchun to stop Zhu Yuanzhang and the others.

"No!" Fan Zeng walked quickly, walked into the tent, first glanced at the bruised Shan Xiongxin, and then said to Xiang Yu: "If the king is really like this, I am afraid that he will be attacked by Sun Wu and Zhu Yuanzhang. We are facing enemies from both sides, so this plan will never work.”

"Mr. Fan, our General He Ruobi still has 3 troops in his hands. Even if the king is under attack from both sides, we can attack Zhu Yuanzhang from both sides. As long as we take Juyang and Shouchun, we will connect a few small cities together. The territory will no longer be restrained, so we must take the two cities of Shouchun and Juyang!" Hao Yuan also looked nervous, after all, the importance of this city is more important to him than anyone else, even without the two of them, Xiang Yu is very It is possible to face the danger of being cut off.

Fan Zeng also meant the importance of this place, stroked his beard for a while, and then said: "This matter is indeed very important, so the king wants to divide the army into two groups?"

Xiang Yu stared at the front for a while and said: "It's time for He Ruobi to be dispatched!"

Xiang Yu glanced at Shan Xiongxin, and then said: "You have a good rest, the others are ready to follow alone, and follow me to win Shouchun tomorrow!"

"Your Majesty should immediately order Xue Ju to lead 3 troops to attack Shouchun as the vanguard. Let them fight for a while, and then your Majesty will press down on the army! With Zhu Yuanzhang's shrewdness, they will surely be destroyed by then!" Fan Zeng This move was made in one fell swoop.

"Your Majesty! I am willing to lead the way, expand the territory for the King, and pay off the crime!" Shan Xiongxin strode forward, a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and he still clutched his chest from time to time, and it was very painful now. .

Xiang Yu glanced at Shan Xiongxin, and said half aloud: "You should take a good rest! You should be here for a few days, when the injury will heal, and when will you talk about it"

"Your Majesty...!" Shan Xiongxin seemed a little unwilling, and was about to say it again.

"Where is Heng Chu!" Xiang Yu also lost the patience of the past, and directly pointed out his confidant and favorite general.

"The last general is here." A general walked out behind Fang Jie. This guy wrapped himself up tightly and wore a bronze wolf mask on his face.

"You are the pioneer, send troops to Shouchun!"

(End of this chapter)

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