Chapter 665
Xue Ju held the Overlord Spear in his hand, folded his hands in front of his chest, stared at the front with disdain, and then said: "Who is guarding the city on the city wall?"

"General Qibao! He is a partial general under Zhu Yuanzhang. I heard that he is a man who conquered the north and south, and his name is Tang He!" Xiang Han behind him held a treasure gun in his hand, with a serious expression, and pressed the sword with his right hand. , holding a spear in his left hand, his eyes narrowed into a line, and he looked at the city ahead with a piercing spirit.

"How many people are there in the city!" Xue Ju looked at the city, took out a piece of meat pie in his arms, and opened his mouth to eat it. Regarding the city wall, Xue Ju's eyes were a little more plain.

"More than 1..."

"Oh!" Xue Ju turned around first, glanced at Xiang Zhuang behind him, then thought for a while, wrapped the meatloaf in his hand, put it in his arms, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and stretched out his hand to pull it out. Picking up the sword in his hand, staring at the front with his eyes, he smiled and said, "Follow me!"

"General, this is..." The soldiers behind all looked puzzled, obviously not understanding what Xue Ju meant.

"Soldiers, the king ordered me to wait for the opportunity. Now is the best opportunity. Everyone is ready! The opportunity to make contributions... is here!" Xue raised the Overlord Spear in his hand and raised it above his head, as if the gun had a A holy and majestic air.

"Kill...kill...kill!" The soldiers in the back also became restless one by one. They all wanted to make contributions and they were confident of winning this battle.

Xue Ju held the Overlord Spear in his hand, pointed forward, and said flatly: "Kill!"

"Charge..." Xiang Hum took the lead, slapping the horse with the spear in his hand, and the dust was flying under the horse's hooves, followed by rows of soldiers.

Holding the sword in his hand, Tang He stood under the city wall, the cheeks on his face twitched, and he muttered to himself, "It really is time to come! Shoot arrows within three hundred steps!"


"550 steps...!"

"480 steps...!"

"370 steps!"

"Three hundred steps...!"

"Fire arrows!"


The weapon in Xiang Han's hand blocked up and down, overturned several cold arrows, picked up the shield below him with his backhand, stood in front of him, and shouted: "Block them for me! Use the shield!"

When Xiang Zhuang saw it, he picked up his weapon backhandedly, slapped his horse on the horse, and shouted: "Within two hundred steps, suppress the enemy's archers!"


In the corner of the city, two veterans supported each other with shields. One of them was quite tall, holding a round knife and a shield in his hand, while the other held a spear in his hand. He looked thin and had a scar on his face. , Probing his head from time to time, looking at the cold arrow above.

"call out!"

As soon as the cold arrow flew, it flew along the soldier with the scar on his face, scratched his cheek, and looked very scary. The soldier who was slowly approaching with a shield behind him said, "I said, Lao Li, you fucking be careful!" Come on, don't be careless, the head fell to the ground!"

"Go, go!" The soldier named Lao Li also quickly lowered his head and hid below. The spear in his hand was almost useless, and he looked down helplessly: "This is so fucking powerful. I almost gave my life to him, Lao Zang, how are you doing!"

"Never mind him, let's go up first! I still have meritorious deeds! Go and charge up!" Lao Zang was also majestic, holding the shield in his hand and quickly moving forward! "

"Go away!"



"The soldiers and horses in the general's place are three times less than ours. When the king left, we only had a thousand pots of arrows in our hands, which is not enough!"

Tang He's complexion was flat, and he didn't appear to be flustered. He looked at Xiang Han who was charging above, grabbed the lieutenant's bow and arrow, picked up a cold arrow, stared at the front, and looked at Xiang Han who was acting recklessly. Immediately, he thought of something, looked back at the lieutenant behind, and snorted coldly, "Bring me the poisonous arrow!"


I saw the lieutenant quickly descended from the city, came with a bow and arrow with green fletchings, handed both hands to Tang He and said, "Language Arrow!"

Tang He nodded in satisfaction, then stretched his bow, staring at the front with tiger eyes, two o'clock and one line, and coldly snorted: "Medium!"

"call out!"

The longbow shot out from the string, and the target was Xiang Han.

Xiang Han, who was struggling hard, hit an arrow in the middle of Xiang Han's bone, and the texture was three points. Xiang Han looked at it and didn't care. Carrying the ladder below with one hand, he shouted: "Get up!"

A ladder several meters high was erected by Xiang Han, at this moment Xiang Han only felt that he was in a state of indecision, but he didn't think too much, he held the ladder and snorted coldly to the soldiers below: "Go! "


Tang He threw the bow and arrow in his hand to the lieutenant at the side, looked at Xiang Han, who was still hit by the arrow, with an embarrassed expression, and then asked in confusion: "Is this guy made of iron? He doesn't even know it hurts. This wolf poison arrow shouldn't be Is it going to happen right away?"

Wolf Poison Arrow, also known as Heartbroken Arrow, the most powerful of these is the Heartbroken Arrow. If you smear its juice on the arrow, it will kill you within three minutes. Tang He Nian looked back at the lieutenant with a questioning expression, and asked, "Is this Wolf's Poison Arrow?"

"General Qi, this is indeed a wolf's poison arrow, but the heartbroken grass has not been found in the past few days, so I replaced it with seven-step snake venom!" The lieutenant's expression changed, and he knelt down.

"Seven-step snake venom?" Tang He muttered to himself, then smiled and said, "Seven-step snake venom is enough, I hope you can persevere!"

"Rolling stones... Throw down all the thunder wood, don't let any one go!" Tang Hemian looked serious, and his colleague said: "Demolish the house for me,"

"General, there are still people here!"

"This city is lost, and the people don't belong to us anymore. Tell them that if we succeed in defending, I will build their house myself!" Tang He was also a ruthless person, and came directly to the white wolf with empty hands.

Under the city, Xiang Han was sweating profusely on his head, his face turned pale, his body gradually became uncontrollable, and he sat down on the bottom of the city wall, staring blankly at the front, and clutching the flesh in front of his chest with one hand. Leng Jian pulled it out, and watched the blood on it turn from red to black. Xiang Han knew that his life was not long, so he couldn't help but look up to the sky, caressing the city, and said with a wry smile: "Uncle... Grandpa, I'm here, King... Take care...!"

The arrows are like rain, and the general will not retreat in a deadly battle, so as to save the youth in the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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