Chapter 666
Xue Ju held the long spear in his hand, stared at the front and snorted coldly: "Everyone rush to me, but anyone who retreats will be killed without mercy."


Xiang Zhuang bent to take the arrow, his tiger eyes stared at Tang He above, he licked his scarlet lips, his arms were calm and strong, his star eyes stared ahead, and he snorted coldly: "Zhong!"

"Om... Whoops!"

Tang He, who had just shot Xiang Han, would naturally also pay attention to other people's things. When he heard it, he immediately understood that someone was shooting an arrow, and pulled the lieutenant at the side to lower his head.

"call out…………!"

The long arrow pierced the wind and hit Tang He's refuge. Seeing Tang He's scalp tingling, he sighed secretly: "This Yu clan is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!"

"Quickly suppress the archers on the city wall!" Xiang Zhuang snorted coldly, as the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you, now is not the time to bypass them.

The instant counterattack caused heavy losses to the soldiers on the city wall. Tang He leaned on the city wall and said with a serious face, "How many arrow pots do we have?"

"General Qi, it's less than three hundred! Will the king send reinforcements over?" The soldier looked serious, obviously this battle was really too difficult.

Tang He took the lieutenant general and went down to the city, with a helpless expression on his face, he said: "I'm afraid there will be no more reinforcements. My lord went all the way south and took down a third of the people of Chu State. There are no fewer than tens of thousands of soldiers and horses guarding them. It is unwise to send reinforcements after a birthday!"

"General! Are we just sitting here waiting to die? With our 3 soldiers and horses against the [-] locals, our chances of winning are really not high!" They were all unexpected.

Tang He pressed the sword in his hand, slapped the table with his big hands, frowned, and said half aloud: "Abandon the city!"

"But the general...!"

"Fu Li! Where is He Lan!" Tang He waved his big hand, acting decisively, not as hesitant as before.

"The last general is here!" I saw two tiger generals walking out from below, wearing bronze clothes, strong backs, seven feet long, and walking out.

Tang He pressed the weapons in his hands, and said half aloud: "You two bring soldiers and horses. The cavalry will pack the grain for me, and the soldiers should not leave me empty-handed. You can move as much grain and grass as you can. If you can't move the grain and grass , Burn them all for me!"

"De Ling" two tiger generals, De Ling general, held the sword in their hands and ran out, it can be said that every second counts.

"Shi Shang, Ma Heng, you two lead your troops to stand on top of me. As long as the weapons in Shouchun can cause lethality to the enemy, you can use them. If you can't use them, burn them all. You can't take advantage of them. !” Tang He said seriously.


"Chen Ji, take the lead and lead the retreat first, and the other generals will follow me here to resist, and you all go south to Huangcheng!" Tang He made arrangements, and at the same time secretly prayed that he would not be robbed and killed when he went, or else they would be killed. It's all dangerous.


Xue Ju took the lead and climbed up the city wall first. At this moment, two generals, Shi Shang and Ma Heng, came over, holding the weapons in their hands, and immediately saw Xue Ju. They looked at him and nodded at each other. Nodding, facing Xue Ju is to kill him.

Xue Ju was full of murderous looks, and looked extraordinarily dignified. Looking at the two men who were rushing towards him, he twitched his arms and muttered to himself: "Can we still capsize in this small gutter!"

"Kill!" Ma Heng held a saber in his hand, slashing horizontally, as if he wanted to cut Xue Ju in half, and the spear in Shi Shang's hand was like a dragon.

Xue Ju immediately smiled, grabbed a soldier, his eyes gradually became bloodthirsty, and he threw them directly at the two of them.

The two of them had fought for half their lives, and they had never seen Xue Ju's style of fighting. As soon as the two of them raised the weapons in their hands, they went to assassinate, and the soldier was also stabbed to death.

The two had just fought, and a huge force pressed them down. The two of them were gradually out of breath. The weapon in their hands also successfully pierced the corpse, and the head of the weapon was exposed on the corpse.

Xue Ju strode forward in the morning, holding the Overlord Spear tightly with both hands, and hit the weapon below, directly smashing the weapons of the two people.

Xue Ju was pulling the corpse away, and the two were grinning hoarsely in pain. Xue Ju didn't have time to think about it, and directly grabbed the collar of the two, came to the edge of the city wall, and grabbed the two of them with one hand.

Shi Shang held Xue Ju's hands with both hands. At this moment, his whole body was floating in the air, and the ground below was the city, and his whole body became unwell. If he fell from this place, he wouldn't even know how he died. Whether he was thrown to death or stabbed to death by a sword is still unknown.

Xue Ju licked his scarlet lips, looked at Shi Shang and said, "Go first!"


Xue Ju had already fully understood Shi Shang's fear, and threw him down, smashing his body to pieces. At this moment, Ma Heng saw Shi Shang, who was dead without a place to bury him, and immediately sneered: "Let's go together!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Heng held Xue Ju's arm with both hands, put his legs against the city wall, and snorted coldly: "Come down!"

Xue Ju's face was startled, his whole body was inclined, and he began to fall down slowly.

Ma Heng immediately smiled and said, "I'll be waiting for you below!"

Xue Ju's body gradually turned downward. At the critical moment, Xue Ju held the Overlord Spear in his hand horizontally against the corners of the walls on both sides, so he didn't fall down, but his whole body was floating in midair, which was extremely dangerous.

Xue Ju breathed out, climbed onto the city with both arms, let out a sigh of relief, stared at the big Zhu character banner above, threw his hand, grabbed the machete below, and slashed down. Cut it off the flag, and the battle flag fell generously, and finally fell to the ground.

Tang He, who had just boarded the city wall, saw that the situation was not right, and left the city wall and shouted: "Retreat...quickly withdraw...!"

"Withdraw... woo...!"

As the saying goes, the army was defeated like a mountain, but fortunately Tang He arranged a shot in advance, otherwise they would have suffered heavy losses this time.


Yiqi Qianchen ran towards Huangcheng.

"Ding, the current Xianghan died in battle, with a basic force of 99, and his force value exceeds 95. The system will provide a list of off-the-charts, but because of the demise of the Chu State, the system will reduce one person and four off the list. Host, please listen carefully."

"Xiang Han died in the battle, this feather is really unlucky, it's only been a few days, and two relatives have died in a row!" Han Yi stroked his beard, it was almost midnight, Han Yi shook his hand, He said with emotion, "Four people are quite a price, and I don't know who will get it."

"Ding, the current explosion is starting, the host please listen carefully"

(End of this chapter)

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