Warring States Call

Chapter 667 Sneak Attack

Chapter 667 Sneak Attack
"Ding, currently No. 1 on the list, Tang Bohu, the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River: 87 in military strength, 70 in command, 97 in intelligence, 82 in politics, implanted in identity, the talent who is favored by Sun Quan, and taken under his command!"

"Ding, the current top-notch second person, Zhu Yunming, the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River: force 64, commander 65, intelligence 96, politics 82, implanted as a talent who was invited by Tang Bohu to join Sun Quan"

"Ding, the third person on the list, Wen Zhengming, the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River: force 62, commander 61, intelligence 95, politics 70, the current implantation status is the talent recommended by Tang Bohu to Sun Quan!"

"Ding, currently the fourth person on the list, Xu Zhenqing, the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River: force 61 commander 57 intelligence 96 politics 64 implanted identity Tang Bohu recommended to Sun Quan the talent!"

"The four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition to dancing and writing, these four people also wrote poems and songs. They must have played a certain role in the development of culture. It's just a suggestion!" Han Yi held the brush in his hand, resisted it on his chin, looked at the cloth in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

But at this moment, Fu Chai personally led the army to go out, and Yang Jian's vanguard Ma Yangguang was in Changling, hoarding a large number of soldiers and horses, and the battle was imminent.

Yang Guang looked at the map and pressed the sword in his hand, with embarrassment flashing in his eyes, he analyzed the situation and said: "Fucha has 5 troops in this battle, and we only have [-]. I don't know what you think, generals! "

"Fu Chai is arrogant, thinking that with these 5 people, he must be at ease. However, their troops have just arrived, and they must be exhausted. Although we have few people, we are all recharging our energy. The young master can send 1 people. A surprise attack on the enemy's camp will definitely lead to some gains!" Gou Xi analyzed the situation, with his hands in his sleeves, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

Yang Guang sat on the seat, holding a bamboo slip in both hands, knocking on the table from time to time, staring at the lamp in front of him with a pair of tiger eyes, and began to consider Gou Xi's plan. According to his sixth sense, this battle... …feasible.

"Young master! My father and son are willing to be the vanguard and find out for the general!" Wang Puchen and his son stood up immediately, pressed the sword in their hands, and went up to plead for orders.

Yang Guang narrowed his eyes, looked at the two of them, and said calmly, "I only have one thousand soldiers in my hands, and I'm giving you five thousand elite soldiers. How dare you go...?"

The bamboo slips in Yang Guang's hand also stopped moving, and he looked at the two with a smile. Yang Guang also knew the abilities of the two of them. They were tiger generals at that time, and they would not lose even in the face of Ma Shumou who was beside his father. , so in order to take down the two, it is also necessary for the two to make contributions and make sufficient plans for the future.

"As long as the young master gives the order, my father and son are willing even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire!" Wang Puchen's words can be said to be loyal, and at the same time, he also hinted at Yang Guang from the side, I decided to follow you, you let me go east Never dare to go west.

Yang Guang couldn't help being amused when he saw it. The Wangs and their sons knew the current affairs. Seeing the two kneeling down, Yang Guang hurriedly stepped forward to help them up, and said with great concern: "You two will soon be the heroes of our country, so what? such a gift"

Yang Guang looked at the two of them, and said immediately: "Someone come and take my war horse and give it to this little general!"

Wang Jizhen's complexion changed, and then she knelt down and said, "My minister, He Dehe, got the king's armor the day before yesterday already...!"

"It's okay...!" Yang Guang lifted him up, held the hands of the two, and said immediately: "You two generals, be careful when you go, I will set up a celebration banquet for you here!"

"Thank you, young master!"

Seeing the harmonious appearance of the monarch and his ministers, Ma Shumou behind him didn't know why he felt that Yang Guang was very different from the other princes. Those princes spent all day to show off their abilities in front of the general, hoping to replace him. Yang Yong's status is different, but Yang Guang is different. His means of winning people's hearts are not weak, and his means of knowing and employing people is not simple. This person is definitely not a pool.

Yang Guang turned his head, looked at Uncle Ma who was at the side and said, "General Ma!"

"Weichen is here..." Ma Shumou held the weapon in his hand and couldn't go up. He couldn't be arranged by Yang Jian, so he could only obey orders obediently.

"I'll give you five thousand soldiers and horses to meet you outside the city!" Yang Guang looked at his father's confidants. In fact, Yang Guang also understood his father's thoughts. To put it mildly, let Uncle Ma come over to protect his safety. It was also to monitor himself, and Yang Guang was also actively transmitting content to Uncle Ma.

This can be regarded as a game between father and son. If Yang Guang wants Yang Jian to be true to himself, he is more than a thousand times better than that mediocre elder brother, and even all of them combined are better than Yang Guang alone.

"The last general takes orders." Ma Shumou couldn't say anything, so he withdrew after getting the order.

The bamboo slip in Yang Guang's hand was thrown away immediately, and he stood with his hands behind his back. If he wins this battle, Yang Guang will be famous all over the world, and his father will also look at him with admiration. If he loses...it is impossible to lose!Yang Guang murmured to himself, then pressed the sword in his hand and left.

Under the city gate, Wang Puchen held a sword in his hand, and looked nervously at the soldiers below. They all wore the armor of Wu State, and each of them was full of spirits. Wang Puchen picked up the big sword in his hand Said: "Soldiers! The time has come for us to make achievements. Today, whoever kills one enemy will be rewarded with a catty of meat, whoever kills two enemies will be rewarded with wine, and whoever kills three will be promoted to a higher rank...!"


At this moment, the morale of the soldiers below is high, and each of them can't wait to rush to kill them now, killing them without leaving a piece of armor.

Seeing that the morale was almost gone, Wang Puchen glanced back at his son Wang Jizhen and nodded his head.

Wang Jizhen also understood what Wang Puchen meant, and said backhand: "Everyone listen to me, in the dark night, each of you has a piece of white cloth tied around your arm, so as not to kill the wrong person or hurt your own people by mistake, understand?"


"Okay! Let's go!" Wang Puchen took the lead, holding a big knife in his hand, and followed by a thousand light cavalry. They had all kinds of weapons in their hands. Everyone was holding a big spear, and immediately they were all bows and arrows.

When I was about to approach the enemy camp, I saw two small soldiers chatting one after another: "We fight every day, every year, when will this be the end!"

"It's been a long time. By the way, I heard that the king even brought his beautiful girl out for this battle. She looks so pretty, and everyone with that big butt is drooling."

"Pull it down, you guy saw a sow, you like it so much, but that beauty is really good-looking, you and I can't match it!"

"Not always!"

"Wait a minute!" A person in front of him heard the turmoil, and his expression changed.

"Who is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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